Reaching 2,000 AP is no small feat, however how you receive this AP will determine the quality of your reward. This special feat carries the same grading system found in our SPC and Shows system, the better the effort the higher the reward, and earning Gold has Gold level rewards to boot.

You can continue to earn AP passed the 2k mark, however you will not earn more bonuses for 4k and so on.

NOTICE : We allow for one resubmission as long as the old ruling was rejected and none of the benefits were used.




Earn a minimum of 500 AP via


You can earn more than 500 AP that way. 

In fact all of 2K can be achieved through official events only if desired.


Earn a minimum of 1 000 AP via: 


You can earn more than 1 K AP that way. 

In fact all of 2K can be achieved through official events only if desired.


500 AP left (If you will do 500 k for events and 1000 AP of misc\bulk art). Idea is for the art to be devoted to the cat’s story development or them taking part in non-competitive activities of the group (that ideally are also woven into the cat’s story.
These arts can be of:


500 AP left (If you will do 1k for events and 500AP of misc\bulk art). Idea is for the art to be devoted to the cat’s story development or them taking part in non-competitive activities of the group (that ideally are also woven into the cat’s story.
These arts can be of:

Please Note:

*’Miscellaneous’ art is considered to be any art that is not clearly lore relevant to the cat in question such as Page Dolls, Sketches, Character Sheets,*

Free explorations without a story\setting behind them*, plushies and physical art, art for shows that do not qualify for the Show AP bonus(aka shows that are nor hosted\nor sponsored\nor approved by the group), and any other art that is for AP gain only. “The art of my cat looking pretty basically”.

* Do not mix that with Reference Sheet of your shedu that gives you 10 AP bonus and that a cat can have only one at a time.

Bulk’ art is any art that involves multiple other ARPG/Group characters solely for the AP bonus and/or includes more than 5 active cats solely for AP bonus (meaning there is no lore\story reason for them to be all in one place. The piece with more than 5 cats should clearly show the interaction between cats, a plot and a reason for them to be there. This is for the admin to decide. So be mindful about this option).
Easy ways to determine if the art is bulk or not:


If the cat will reach the 2 000 AP milestone, they will receive special rewards. However, 2 000 AP is not a final destination. You can gain as many more AP for the particular cat as you like.

Bonuses for the Following Sub-Species:

All 3 Tiers Earn a 200 AP Milestone Trait of Choice:

A) Heart

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each flat race to cat itself

B) Surefoot

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each steeplechase or street race/rooftop race to cat itself

C) Sweet soul

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each halter/liberty show to cat itself

D) Natural born jumper

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each show jumping event to cat itself

E) Devil of agility

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each street race or agility event to cat itself

F) Dancer

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each dressage event to cat itself

IMPORTANT! You can not choose any trait that your cat already has.




* Accessory options for Gold Tier Platinum token, MUST be chosen during tack creation :

Bonuses for the Following Sub-Species:

All 3 Tiers Earn a 200 AP Milestone Trait of Choice:

A) Heart

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each flat race to cat itself

B) Surefoot

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each steeplechase or street race/rooftop race to cat itself

C) Sweet soul

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each halter/liberty show to cat itself

D) Natural born jumper

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each show jumping event to cat itself

E) Devil of agility

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each street race or agility event to cat itself

F) Dancer

gives extra bonus points to offspring

+ 10 scoring points in each dressage event to cat itself

IMPORTANT! You can not choose the trait that your cat already has.





Q: What exactly does the 500 ‘self made’ ap have to be? It does not say?

A: The 500\250 AP you are required to do yourself for Gold tier can be anything.  Any art that fit the listed requirements in the 1K AP (500 AP for silver tier).