Feral Shedu Cat Imports

Following rules and regulations apply to ferals rolled from the Capella sale and going forward.

Feral cats are in-game shedu imports that always come with a backstory prompt and most often with health conditions.

Often these cats are being caught, found in the wild, or are rescued from unfortunate places in life with irresponsible or cruel previous owners. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule from time to time.

How to get feral cats: 

You can order one during special sales or find one during explorations. 


Special Design Rules:

Feral shedu imports with visual health conditions both permanent and temporary allow for certain lineart edits that normally are not on the table. The main rule is: If it is listed in cat's health condition, you can depict it:

So basically anything and everything stated in the prompts can be depicted.
But, please, do not go way too graphic.

Do not go gore. If unsure about your idea - ask admins in the discord server or note the group.

Two States of the Feral Cat’s Appearance:

With temporary conditions:

If you do a design with temporary prompts conditions depicted, you should:

Healed version from the start:


The info provided will always contain your normal cub info (ID (will always start with letter “F” - for feral), Build, Geno, Pheno, Stats etc) and 3 additional categories:

Your feral shedu import information will be posted for you in this LOG: [link]

Feral-Specific Info Categories

For example a cat that has PTSD from fire should not get a job as a firefighter sidekick cat. 

Recurring arthritis during cold weather due to trauma “RP-prompt” - Your cat still can take part in shows but you should reconsider the idea of taking them into snowy areas to compete. Etc.

BUT! If the feral get the old age condition, you can  request the cat’s age to be changed officially in the game if you’d like. That will consolidate cat’s age in-game.
If the prompt does not state the actual age - you can choose at which age you want your cat to start the game at. Cat is considered senior at age 12 and up.

If the cat has the actual age stated - that's the only age you can request the cat to be.
Remember, you can not cancel the aging request. Once done you won’t be able to make the cat young again.

If you would like to get the special age consolidated  request it with your design submission.

The only exception to this is the “pregnancy” condition.

This is the only temporary prompt that has a “deadline”. The breeding should be requested for a roll within a year from the date of the closest breeding season available.

Example of the pregnancy prompt written:

* The cat can have an RNG roll for cubs in any of upcoming seasons during 2024 (till December of 2025)*. This opportunity will expire at the end of the year.

This "breeding" will take up one of your personal breeding slots from the season.

To use this opportunity, link this feral comment instead of proper breeding info.

Write: Surrogate\ feral dam.

The cubs will be rolled from RNG sire and your (or surrogate) dam.

Fab feb items or any other breeding items, except for Queen Care can not be applied here.

Good luck!

3 RP-prompt

Healing Prompts:

depicting treatments/healing process/handlers dealing with particular health issue of the cat in question.



Link to the cat that is being healed:

List conditions that you are going to treat:

Post all art/lit entries:

The cat that bonus unbound AP should go to: