The Rad Red Line

The origins of this line comes from its line founder, Rad Red. This line is one of the youngest lines - along with the Caligula Line dating from the late 1990’s. Rad Red was acquired by the Elsevier Family after being confiscated as a streetbred - genetic testing couldn’t place a common ancestor and Rad Red was stuck in registration limbo until further tests were completed.

Upon completion this seemingly ordinary cat was thrown into the stardom as the first documented Chocolate Tan and carrier of Piebald - these two discoveries were used in the petition for Rad Red to found an OESR Line. To this day Chocolate Tan, Piebald and Heavy builds are highly sought after in this Line. 

Base Information

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Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+3 Movement

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

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Rad Red himself is a very lazy cat. A complete couch potato. You will need a lot of treats to get this cat on his paws. Reddie is very friendly with people and cats and any other living being. He is very hard to work in indoor arenas as his laziness gets over him. He is not aggressive and not really stubborn, but it won't stop him from trolling newbies. He would lay down under the saddle with them on his back, will refuse to be lead by them or will make "scary faces" if they will try to motivate him with whip. But as soon as trainer would show up, Reddie will immediately put himself together and will act as hard working normal cat. That is till the moment trainer would turn their attention to someone else.

But, of course, there is the way to find approach to this lazy boy. Firm determination and a lot of reward for his smallest effort will go long way. He loves to be groomed and prized. Cuddles and lots of petting and cheering works best for him.

If you will happen to work with him on a trail be aware of his horrible habit to roll in mud, rub and scrub against every tree and occasionally jumping in water. He is a real diver and will really dive under water, so be prepared for such fits!

Rad Red Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :