The Primal Familia

This Female based lineage hailed from the elegantly sweet India 29AS. This stunning girl has made her debut as the start of her familia, butis also known in her own right with a career in the "Asian Shedu Cat Festival" and on the streets alike.

Base Information

Scientists have found that female shedu cats who are related back to India 29AS tend to excel in their fluid movements and their surefootedness making them ideal companions among compotators, exhibitionists and enthusiasts of the Familia alike.

Bonus to Stats of 'Pure' Asian Blooded Females with this Familia ;
+1 Movement, +2 Surefoot

Notable Traits :
- Known for having the first Teal Confession, originating from India herself.
- Majority of those with this familia, whom are Pure of blood, are "Tiangou" in Body Type