The Ramses Line

Ramses, This cat was a speed demon, smashing his Sire, Spartak, ’s records and theses records still stand to date. Rameses was and still is the fastest recorded cat with a top speed of 313km/h. He was the first black cat - a recessive colour that is predominantly seen in his line. All of his offspring had shown great racing potential as well as a fancy dark coat.

But you pay a price for this speed, these cats are known for their temperament issues- giving them the nickname of hell-cats or demon-cats. Some say it’s a flaw, others believe it’s an asset. Most recorded cases of severe injuries or fatal attacks have been caused by a cat of this line. They also lack the stamina for extended races. This branch has declined in recent years and almost none appear on the Racing Circuit. Although there is talk of some cubs... 

Base Information

[404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+3 Speed, +2 Agility

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- [404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

- [404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Ramses Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

For example, parents are (simple genes for easy example) ; 

ee/AA/TT/BB/CrCr/ChCh/nW + Pattern

ee/AA/TT/BB/nCr/nCh/nW + Pattern

And cub is

ee/AA/TT/BB/nCR/nCh + Pattern

Cub's geno is shorter and is  legit for the bonus since it could have CHCH yet got nCh, has no nW at all etc)

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :