
Year 1 Daily Learning Plan Term 4, Week 2

Daily Announcements:

  • Please submit your writing task to Seesaw today

To complete today's activities, you will need:

large mixing bowl

flour, salt, oil, cream of tartar, food colouring

hot water



I can recognise that a phoneme (sound) can be represented by different graphemes

Watch the instructional video for a reminder about how to play Boggle.

Phonics Week 2 Tuesday (2).mp4

Looking at the Boggle grid, have a go at making as many words as you can.

You will need a 3 minute timer or someone to count for you.


I can express my own point of view

Read along with I’m Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton to refresh your memory.

It sure looks like Mrs Stephens loves spiders now. I wonder if they feel the same about her? Watch to find out.

trying to love humans intro.mp4

Help Mrs Stephens prove to the spiders that people are awesome by coming up with 5 things that make humans special.

Choose one of your ideas to illustrate the same way that the book illustrates spider superpowers.


Create your own comic panel of 'I'm Trying to Love humans', where a person is trying to convince a spider to love people. Use the ideas that you listed

You can print out a template or simply draw your own boxes with a ruler.



I can explain a point of view

Today we are learning about giving reasons to support our point of view when we are against or disagree with a topic.

Watch Ms Mahon to understand a little bit more about explaining your point of view.

Tuesday writing.mp4

Watch and listen to the story I’m Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton again to help with your task.

Your job is to list all the reasons against spiders. This means you disagree that spiders are likeable.

You can list the storyteller's reasons as well as add in some of your own.

Choose 2 or 3 of these opinions and write a sentence for each idea, explaining your reasons.

Remember to write in full sentences and include ‘because’ to link your opinions and reasons.


Design and draw your own spider's web.

Explain your design, why have you used the shapes you have?

What would you expect to catch in your web?

Education Live (optional)

Let's watch Education Live!

This will start at 10am each day. Don't worry if you miss it, you'll be able to re-watch it at anytime.

Click HERE to watch Education Live.


TENS Game - Number Board

Pick your level.

Play for 10 minutes before your maths task.

You will need:

Number Board for TENS game.pdf
Level 1 TENS Challenge.MOV

Roll a die on the top of the number board. Say the friend of ten for the number that the die lands on. 

Level 2 TENS Challenge.MOV

Roll a die on the top of a number board. Say the number before and after the number that the die lands on.

Level 3 TENS Challenge.MOV

Roll a die on top of a number board. Add the number shown on the die to the number that the die lands on. 

Level 4 TENS Challenge.MOV

 Roll a die on top of a number board. Double the number shown on the die. Add to the number that the die lands on. 

Level 5 TENS Challenge.MOV

Roll a die on top of a number board. Double the number shown on the die. Double the number on the board that the die lands on. Add together.

I can subtract two-digit numbers using the jump strategy

Watch Miss Hamid explain the jump strategy for subtraction.

Jump Strategy Tuesday.mp4

You will need:

  1. Underline the bigger number.

  2. Jump to the left using big 10 jumps as you subtract each ten.

  3. Jump to the left using small 1 jumps for the ones.

  4. Circle the number you land on.

  5. Check your answer.

Jump Strategy Tuesday.pdf

Something Easier

I can subtract 'teen' numbers to two-digit numbers using the jump strategy.

You will need:

Jump Strategy Tuesday Something Easier.mp4


I can subtract two-digit numbers using the jump strategy on a blank number line.

You will need:

Jump Strategy Tuesday Challenge.mp4

Brain Break

Fencing Goats

Take a break from school work for the moment and help our farmer put these 3 grumpy goats in separate pens.

BB Tuesday.mp4

Have a look at the answer here.

BB Tuesday answer.mp4


I can investigate the ingredients for a mixture and make predictions

Watch this video. Mrs Samuels will combine some ingredients to make a mixture.

What is she going to make?

Can you guess?

Think about and answer the questions as you watch.

Science mixtures.MP4

Have a look at the SECRET RECIPE!


Home Reading

Please make sure you have read a book today, you can find some on PM Online , SPELD or read one you have at home.

You can record your reading on your home reading log and earn some star awards when we get back to school.

Remember to send ONE recording of your reading to your teacher this week. (You only need to record a couple of pages, not the whole book)

Reading Logs Template.pdf

Well done for finishing another great day of learning!

Remember to say thank you to anyone who helped you.

Now is a great time to go outside and be active!