
Year 2 Daily Learning Plan Week 10

Daily Announcements:

  • Please submit your writing task to Seesaw today

To complete today's activities, you will need:


pencils and pens

  • bottle of soft drink

  • mentos


playing cards

paper or whiteboard

cookies (brain break)

coloured paper


natural materials

glue (optional)


I can practise the formation of letters that start from the top

It's time to practise our handwriting skills.

Watch video and then join in the activity.

It's your turn to practise your letter formation on the handwriting lines or the handwriting lines with cats.

Be mindful of your end point when writing the letter /k/.

Once you have written the long date, practised writing the letter, you might like to brainstorm interesting words with the letter /k/. Turn these interesting words into a few silly alliteration sentences.

You also might like to write a row of capital /k/ and transform them into kites.



I can use my understanding of needs and wants to design and draw a treehouse

This is the treehouse from the story we have been looking at this week, Bat vs Poss. It has lovely decorations and even a swing!

Design your own treehouse that you would like to live in.

You can add anything you want to make your house fun, maybe a swing or a slide but don't forget the things that you will need, like bathrooms and a bed.

Show and explain your treehouse to a person in your family.

Watch this video to see the amazing treehouse Mrs Bonnici designed!

Friday Treehouse example.mp4


Write a letter to Squabbles or Meek and ask them to visit your new treehouse.

Explain your treehouse to them in the letter and tell them why they should visit.


I can understand the language of procedures

For the last day of term it’s time to get messy!

Watch the clip of the exploding Coke experiment.

You are going to write a procedure for the exploding Coke drink experiment.

Remember to include;

  • a title

  • list of materials

  • verb and an adverb in each step

Check with an adult first.

Use your procedure to attempt the experiment yourself.

If you don’t have Coke another fizzy drink should work.

Remember to follow your own instructions exactly!

Education Live (optional)

Let's watch Education Live!

This will start at 10am each day. Don't worry if you miss it, you'll be able to re-watch it at anytime.

Click HERE to watch Education Live.


TENS Game - Flip Subtraction

Pick your level.

Play for 10 minutes before your maths task.

You will need:

  • Deck of cards (remove picture cards)

  • Whiteboard and marker (or paper and a pencil)

With a partner, play a game of memory. Place all the cards facing down. Each player has a turn at flipping over 2 cards at a time to try find a match of the same number.

Flip 2 playing cards and subtract from the largest number. Hide the smaller card and solve the subtraction.

Flip 2 cards over and subtract from the largest number and write the number sentence on a whiteboard to record.

Flip 3 cards and show on a whiteboard how you would subtract 2 numbers from the largest. Think about doubles and friends of 10 knowledge.

 Flip 3 cards, using 2 cards to make a 2-digit number and one card to subtract. Show 2 different subtractions you can make using those 3 numbers eg: 6, 7, 2 

  • 67 - 2 

  • 26 - 7 

I can measure, compare and record area using informal units

Watch the video.

Area Friday Week 10.mp4
  1. Measure the area of 3 objects using the SAME unit of measurement.

  2. Record the area of the objects using words. Using your measurements, order your objects from smallest to largest.

  3. Write 2 sentences making comparisons between the areas of your objects.

Some words you could use are: smaller, larger, same, equal, bigger, area, compare.


Can you work out the area of this object? Use your knowledge of multiplication and arrays to explain your answer.

Brain Break

Chocolate Unicorn

Will Mrs Khakh be successful under a stack of pressure?.

Friday Choc unicorn.mp4

You will need:

  • round cookies

Stack at least 5 to 7 cookies on your forehead to resemble a unicorn horn.

If you are competing against someone see who can stack the most.

Otherwise you have a minute to win it!

Visual Arts

I can make artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things

Art with Mrs. Bowes

Pete Cromer inspired artwork- "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo"

Today you are going to complete an artwork inspired by the Australian artist Pete Cromer.

You will learn to design your own cockatoo out of bark, sticks and leaves.

Resources needed for the lesson:

  • leaves, sticks, bark, gum nuts and various things from nature, be creative.

  • coloured/white A4 paper

  • glue- optional

  • scissors

Pete Cromer - Australian Artist

Our artwork design- Just an idea, yours could look completely different.

Major Mitchell's cockatoo by Pete Cromer

A student's paper collage work based on Pete Cromer's work, which we will base our design on.

Watch this PowerPoint slideshow to learn a bit about Pete Cromer and his artwork.

Pete Cromer.pptx

Watch Mrs Bowes' video and follow along.

Stage 1 Art lesson Week 9 Pete Cromer bush art.mp4

Home Reading

Please make sure you have read a book today, you can find some on PM Online , SPELD or read one you have at home.

You can record your reading on your home reading log and earn some star awards when we get back to school.

Remember to send ONE recording of your reading to your teacher this week. (You only need to record a couple of pages, not the whole book)

Reading Logs Template.pdf

Well done for finishing another great day of learning!

Remember to say thank you to anyone who helped you.

Now is a great time to go outside and be active!