
Year 2 Daily Learning Plan Term 4, Week 1

Daily Announcements:

  • Please submit your writing task to Seesaw today

To complete today's activities, you will need:


pencils and pens

playing cards (picture cards removed)

paper or whiteboard


at least 20 plastic cups (brain break)


clear contact

small flowers and leaves

thread or string



I can practise the formation of letters with a downward stroke

It's time to practise our handwriting skills.

Watch our Clever Pickles video and then join in the activity.

It's your turn to practise your letter formation on the handwriting lines or the handwriting lines with cats.

Be mindful of your starting point when writing the letter /j/.

Once you have written the long date, practise writing your upper and lower case letters. Remember to also practise writing the words with the letter /j/ in them. Turn these interesting words into an interesting alliteration sentence.

Finish off with a row of the lower case letter /j/ and transform them into jiggling jellyfish!



I can login, access and complete Cars and Stars Placement Test

Login to Cars and Stars and complete the placement test you started yesterday.

Remember, take your time.

This video shows you how to navigate through the Cars and Stars student portal.


I can understand point of view

This week we have talked about point of view.

We have also practised listening to how people share their point of view by providing reasons for their opinion.

Think of an animal you love. Why do you love them so much?

Today your task is to list all the reasons why you love this animal so much.

Write a sentence using 2 or 3 of these reasons to explain your point of view.

Writing T4 W1 Friday .mp4


Draw a diagram of your chosen animal.

Remember to include labels and technical language to share your information.

Education Live (optional)

Let's watch Education Live!

This will start at 10am each day. Don't worry if you miss it, you'll be able to re-watch it at anytime.

Click HERE to watch Education Live.


TENS Game - Card Piles

Pick your level.

Play for 5 - 10 minutes before your maths task.

You will need:

  • Deck of cards (remove picture cards)

  • Counters (lego, marbles, dried pasta, etc.)

  • Whiteboard and marker (or paper and a pencil)

  • A partner to play the game with you

1 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use 2 piles of cards, 1 red and 1 black with numbers 1 to 5.

Take 1 card from each pile and use the visuals on the card to determine the total of the two cards.

2 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use 2 piles of cards, 1 red and 1 black with numbers 1 to 10.

Turn 1 card from each pile and write the number on top of the card on a whiteboard.

Try to visualise the pattern on the cards to add them together.

Turn cards back to check answer. Write number sentence to match.

3 Star TENS

Use two piles of cards. 1 black and 1 red.

Turn 2 cards over and identify the larger number. Count back to the number on the smaller card to find the answer.

Your partner checks and repeats. Write the number sentence to match.

4 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use one deck of cards and counters. Play in pairs. Each person takes a card from the top of pile and doubles the number.

The player with the highest double gets a counter.

Record the doubles on a whiteboard. Repeat and after 10 minutes the player with the most counters is the winner.

5 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use one deck and split cards into 2 piles. Each player takes a card from their pile and places it face up on the table at the same time. Players then add the two cards together and double the total.

Call out the answer as soon as you know it. The player who calls out the answer first explains their strategy and takes a counter. The winner is the player with the most counters.

I can use chance vocabulary to explain the likelihood of an event happening

Watch the video to learn more about the vocabulary we use when talking about 'chance'.

Chance 2 T4 W1.mp4

Answer the following questions in your workbook.

You need to decide the likelihood of each event occurring and explain your thinking.

Remember to use your chance vocabulary in your answers.


Use the spinner pictured to answer some trickier chance questions.

Brain Break

Movin' On Up

Watch Mrs Khakh carefully. You decide, will she be movin' up to the next level?

BB Friday.mp4

You will need:

  • at least 20 plastic cups (mark one so it is different)

Place the different cup on the top of your stack and move the cups from the bottom until you get to your special cup.

Another option is to place the cup on the bottom of your stack and move the cups from the top until you get to your special cup.

Either way, you have a minute to win it!

Creative Arts

I can create a 'Spring Suncatcher'

Have fun making a SPRING suncatcher.

You will need:

  • 1 paper plate

  • Scissors, pencil, coloured pencils or textas

  • Clear contact book covering

  • Small flowers and leaves from your garden

  • Glitter (optional)

  • 20 cm length if string or ribbon.

Watch the video which shows how to create a suncatcher.

  1. Collect your materials and flowers and leaves from your garden.

  2. Trace a small circle in the middle of your plate and 2 times onto the paper side of the clear contact.

  3. Cut out the circle on the plate. Decorate the outside of your plate.

  4. Cut both contact circles bigger than the circle outline.

  5. Peel off 1 contact circle and place it over the hole on the back of your plate.

  6. Stick your flowers and leaves onto the sticky surface.

  7. Peel off and place the other piece of contact over your flowers.

  8. Thread a string through your hole and hang your sun catcher.

Home Reading

Please make sure you have read a book today, you can find some on PM Online , SPELD or read one you have at home.

You can record your reading on your home reading log and earn some star awards when we get back to school.

Remember to send ONE recording of your reading to your teacher this week. (You only need to record a couple of pages, not the whole book)

Reading Logs Template.pdf

Well done for finishing another great day of learning!

Remember to say thank you to anyone who helped you.

Now is a great time to go outside and be active!