
Year 2 Daily Learning Plan Term 4, Week 1

Daily Announcements:

  • Library Zoom with Mrs Bridie at 12:15pm

  • ONLY 1/2M - Lunch time class Zoom with your Teacher at 1:00pm

  • Please submit your writing task to Seesaw today

To complete today's activities, you will need:


pencils and pens

playing cards (picture cards removed)

paper or whiteboard


coat hangers (brain break)


I can recognise that a phoneme (sound) can be represented by many graphemes

Watch Miss Fedczyna to learn how to complete this activity.

Phonics Week 1 Wednesday.mp4

Choose 10 of your words from yesterday.

  • Say the word out loud.

  • Count the phonemes.

  • Write the word again using a different colour for each phoneme (digraphs are one colour for both letters).

For example:

fork > f or k

fall > f a ll

sore > s ore


I can retain or research information to complete a cloze passage

Complete the Give Bees A Chance activity assigned to you in Seesaw.


Write down 10 facts you learnt about bees from watching this video.


I can understand point of view

When someone has an opinion on a topic, we call that their Point of View.

Often two people’s point of view on a topic might not be the same and that is ok.

Watch Ms Mahon to understand a little bit more.

Tuesday explanation 1.mp4

Watch and listen to the book ‘Give Bees a Chance’ written by Bethany Barton again.

In this book the two characters are discussing bees. Edgar’s point of view is that bees are wonderful. His friend, the bear doesn’t have the same point of view!

Your job is to list all the reasons why bees are wonderful. You can list Edgar’s reasons, as well as add in some of your own.

Use 2 or 3 of these reasons to write a full sentence explaining why Edgar loves bees so much.

Tuesday Example 2.mp4


Draw a diagram of a bee.

Include labels and any technical language you can to share your information.

Education Live (optional)

Let's watch Education Live!

This will start at 10am each day. Don't worry if you miss it, you'll be able to re-watch it at anytime.

Click HERE to watch Education Live.


TENS Game - Card Piles

Pick your level.

Play for 5 - 10 minutes before your maths task.

You will need:

  • Deck of cards (remove picture cards)

  • Counters (lego, marbles, dried pasta, etc.)

  • Whiteboard and marker (or paper and a pencil)

  • A partner to play the game with you

1 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use 2 piles of cards, 1 red and 1 black with numbers 1 to 5.

Take 1 card from each pile and use the visuals on the card to determine the total of the two cards.

2 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use 2 piles of cards, 1 red and 1 black with numbers 1 to 10.

Turn 1 card from each pile and write the number on top of the card on a whiteboard.

Try to visualise the pattern on the cards to add them together.

Turn the cards back to check your answer. Write the number sentence to match.

3 Star TENS

Use two piles of cards. 1 black and 1 red.

Turn 2 cards over and identify the larger number. Count back to the number on the smaller card to find the answer.

Your partner checks and repeats. Write the number sentence to match.

4 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use one deck of cards and counters. Play in pairs. Each person takes a card from the top of the pile and doubles the number.

The player with the highest double gets a counter.

Record the doubles on whiteboard. Repeat and after 10 minutes the player with the most counters is the winner.

5 Star TENS Challenge.MOV

Use one deck and split cards into 2 piles. Each player takes a card from their pile and places it face up on the table at the same time. Players then add the two cards together and double the total.

Call out the answer as soon as you know it. The player who calls out the answer first explains their strategy and takes a counter. The winner is the player with the most counters.

I can compare the value of numbers and arrange them in ascending and descending order

Watch Miss Pearce to understand today's task.

T4 W1 L2.mp4

Task 1: In the first column you will need to fill in the blanks using 'more than' and 'less than'.

In the second column you will complete the sentence by filling in the number at the end of the line.

Task 2: Roll a dice 3 times or flip 3 cards.

Make 10 three digit numbers and then write them in ascending or descending order.

Library Zoom

Join Mrs Bridie on Zoom for a library lesson at 12:15pm.

Link will be posted on Seesaw.

Lunchtime Zoom 1/2M only

Join your class on Zoom for lunchtime catch up at 1:00pm.

Link will be posted on Seesaw.

Brain Break

Hang Over

Will Mrs Khakh get hung up watching the clock in this challenge?

BB Wednesday.mp4

You will need:

  • coat hangers

Coat hangers are excellent to hang out clothes but what about hanging onto one another?

Good luck as you have a minute to win it!


I can make a plan to design a new park

This lesson is part 1 of 2 lessons to design a park.

You have been asked to design a new park.

Using the information from yesterday's lesson about parks think about a type of park that you would like to plan.

Watch these videos to give you some ideas.

Booran Reserve playground in Glen Huntly could be best in Melbourne _ Herald Sun - Google Chrome 2021-09-14 12-21-17_Trim.mp4
Things to see and do - The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden - Centennial Parklands - Google Chrome 2021-09-14 13-02-29.mp4

Watch Mrs Samuels' video before you start.

Think about:

  • Who will use the park? Is it used by children or also older people?

  • What will people use the park for?

  • Where is your park?

Geography Park Plan Wed WK 1.MP4

Make a list of natural and built features for your park design on the worksheet or in your book.

*Tomorrow you will use this list to draw a map of your park.

Park plan.pdf

Home Reading

Please make sure you have read a book today, you can find some on PM Online , SPELD or read one you have at home.

You can record your reading on your home reading log and earn some star awards when we get back to school.

Remember to send ONE recording of your reading to your teacher this week. (You only need to record a couple of pages, not the whole book)

Reading Logs Template.pdf

Well done for finishing another great day of learning!

Remember to say thank you to anyone who helped you.

Now is a great time to go outside and be active!