2021 Q1 - Comfort My People
The book of Isaiah stands at the peak of the OT as the literary genius of the prophets of Israel. Isaiah has more chapters compared to other prophetic book and looks farther into the future than any other Old testament book. This amazing book includes Isaiah's unique prophecies regarding the Universal Dairy, Modern Assyrian Confederacy, Establishment of God's Eternal Kingdom, especially Immanuel and the suffering Servant.
Isaiah, the son of Amoz, was one of the most prominent citizens of Jerusalem, having access to both the royal and priestly leadership of the nation of Judah. His Hebrew name, "Yesha'-Yahu, means "Yahweh is Salvation" . The significance of his name is revealed in his prophetic ministry, because he came on the scene of Judah's history at a time when it was of the utmost importance for the people of God to realize the salvation was of the Lord, and not merely by human efforts. He found himself standing against the threat of Assyria's rising imperialism and the emergence of universalism ( a type of the future - our time) which began to turn the chosen people of God from the Lord.
Historical Setting. Isaiah's long life spanned the rule of several kings. Born during the reign of Uzziah, isaiah was called to his prophetic ministry in the year of the king's death (740 B.C) 20 years before the dispersion of the 10 tribes. Uzziah was succeeded by Jotham (752-736 B.C.). He was followed by King Ahaz (736-729 B.C.) and finally by Hezekiah (729-699 B.C.). With the accession of Hezekiah to the throne, a new day dawned for Judah. Pursuing a policy of reforms, the new king repaired and cleansed the temple and returned to emphasizing the Mosaic law in determining national ethics. Isaiah became a prime figure during these years as Hezekiah's chief advisor. How long the prophet lived beyond his association with Hezekiah is unknown. Possibly he lived until 681 B.C., when Sennacherib died.