4. Worthy is the Lamb Jan 19-25

A. The vision of the throne. Revelation 4:1-3, 5, 9-11 

❖ The rainbow around the throne is a reminder of God’s promises and protection (Genesis 9:9-17). We can come close to the throne of grace confidently (Hebrews 4:16). 

❖ The Father receives a triple praise and His sustaining and creative power is acknowledged (v. 11). 

❖ In this vision, the Father is praised for His power to govern the universe that He has created. 

B. The 4 living creatures. Revelation 4:4 

❖ The aspect of these creatures and the fact they’re 4 links them to Earth. 

Lion: Wild animals. 

Calf: Domestic animals. 

Man: Mankind. 

Eagle: Flying animals. 

❖ They aren’t men, they’re called “cherubim” (Ezekiel 10:2) 

❖ They represent the angels that work in favor of mankind (Matthew 18:10) 

C. The 24 elders. Revelation 4:6-8 

❖ They are not elders because of their age but because of their position. They represent a group of people. 

White robes: Righteousness. 

Crowns of gold: Royalty or victory. 

— They could be the first fruits that resurrected with Jesus and live in Heaven, representing the mankind (Matthew 27:52-53) 

— They could represent the people of God in the old and the new covenant: 12 patriarchs and 12 apostles (Matthew 19:28) 

— They could be representatives from the created worlds that didn’t fall to sin, acting as the 24 priest orders before God (Revelation 5:8) 

D. The sealed book. Revelation 5:1-4 

❖ John was going to see the future, “things which must take place after this” (4:1). That knowledge is sealed (veiled, hidden) for everyone except He who is worthy to unveil it. 

❖ Only Jesus can open that book, because He is the Lion (He has overcome) and the Lamb (He has died to save us). 

❖ The content of the book is related to the history of our salvation. 

E. The Lamb is worthy. Revelation 5:5-14 

❖ The Lamb (Jesus) is worthy because He was sacrificed. Because of that sacrifice, He’s been given all power and authority (Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:20-22)

❖ The great heavenly choir sings a septuple praise, proclaiming that Jesus is worthy. 

❖ At the cross, Jesus overcame and recovered what Adam had lost in Eden. He introduces us to the Father and intercedes for us (Hebrews 7:25)