9. The Church and Education

(November 21-27, 2020)


Last week we have discussed about the connection of worship and education. This week we are introduce into how God originated Human relationship to God. He originated it with an ethnic group - the ancient people of Israel. In the church history, it extended to other people and races.

Inspiration says, The people claiming to believe the truth will not be condemned because they had not the light, but because they had great light and did not bring their hearts to the test of God's great moral standard of righteousness. The people who claim to believe the truth must be elevated by living it out. Real Bible religion must leaven the life, refine and ennoble the character, making it more and more like the divine model. Then will the home be vocal with prayer, with thanksgiving and praise to God. Angels will minister in the home and accompany the worshiper to the house of prayer. {2SM 377.3}

This week's lesson will consider the following:

A. Seeing as Jesus Does
B. Living as Jesus Taught Us to
C. Caring as jesus Did
D. Seeking the Truth which is Jesus
E. Sharing Jesus

Memory Verse:

“Nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, when we might have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us” (1 Thessalonians 2:6-8, NKJV).

Prayer Thought:

Let the churches who claim to believe the truth, who are advocating the law of God, keep that law and depart from all iniquity. Let the individual members of the church resist the temptations to practice evils and indulge in sin. Let the church commence the work of purification before God by repentance, humiliation, deep heart searching, for we are in the antitypical day of atonement --solemn hour fraught with eternal results. {2SM 378.1}

Let those who teach the truth present it as it is in Jesus. Under the subduing, sanctifying, refining influence of the truth of God they are as clean vessels. Let them be leavened with Bible religion, and what an influence would go forth from them to the world! Let the individual members of the church be pure, steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the love of Jesus, and they will then be a light to the world. Let the men standing as watchmen and as shepherds of the flock proclaim the solemn truth, sound the notes of warning to all people, nations, and tongues. Let them be living representatives of the truth they advocate, and honor God's law by strict and holy compliance with its requirements, walking before the Lord in purity, in holiness, and a power will attend the proclamation of the truth that will reflect light everywhere. {2SM 378.2}

A. Seeing as Jesus Does

“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion.” (Luke 10:33)

  1. Jesus Sees People's Unbelief

Jesus groaned within himself at the unbelief of those who had professed faith in him. They thought his tears were because of his love for Lazarus, and that he who had done such mighty works had been unable to save Lazarus from death. Burdened by the blind infidelity of those who should have had faith in him, Jesus approached the grave, and in tones of authority commanded that the stone should be rolled away. Human hands were, on their part, required to do all that it was possible for them to do, and then divine power would finish the work. {3Red 105.2}

  1. Jesus Joy in Seeing Sinners' Converted

Let us, everyone, learn of Jesus. Take His yoke. Love Him because He first loved you, and we shall have a most precious victory by and by. He will open the gates of the city of God and bid us come in. He will welcome us and give us a heavenly benediction. To all who have tested their obedience that they will obey the law of God, He says, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." What is that joy? The joy of seeing sinners converted. They will be brought to Jesus Christ and this is His joy. We have been partakers with Jesus Christ. "Laborers together with God." And thus we see that we can indeed be partakers of His glory, which shall be given to every faithful child of God. {1SAT 248.3}

  1. The Robe of His Righteousness

Let us take the robe of His righteousness woven in the loom of heaven. There is not a thread of humanity in that robe. It is the robe of Christ's righteousness. Let us put it on right here. We want life. We want to give the example of what Christ is and what we may be. Oh, that we might manifest God to a fallen world. We may be purified so that we may wear the robe of Christ's righteousness, and the crown of immortality. God grant that this may be our lot; for Jesus loves us with a love that is infinite. He does not want that one of us should perish, but that everyone may have that life that measures with the life of God. God grant that we may secure that blessed inheritance--Ms. 12, 1894. (MR 900.11)

Understanding How Jesus Sees the Need of Humanity:

  • Jesus sees the needs in the people around us, and He encourages us to help them.

  • The church has been blessed with great doctrinal truths that help us to better understand the promises and will of God. However, just knowing those truths is not enough to treat others kindly and without any prejudice.

  • Seeing as Jesus does involves fixing our eyes on the Cross and not on ourselves. This perspective will help us to see the value that God sees in every human being.

B. Living as Jesus Taught Us to

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

  1. We Need to Cooperate with Christ

To him who has felt the sanctifying power of the grace of Christ in his own heart, the truth is a living principle, and he can speak with an assurance that carries conviction to the heart of the unbeliever. He teaches as Christ taught, of whom his hearers said, "Never man spake like this man." John, in the assurance of a living experience, said: "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ." Christ, through his Spirit, is working to draw men to himself; and we, the human agents, are to co-operate with Christ; it is his power that gives efficiency to our labors. {RH, January 6, 1891 par. 10}

  1. We Believe in Him as the Captain of our Salvation

The Lord Jesus is our efficiency in all things; His Spirit is to be our inspiration; and as we place ourselves in His hands to be channels of light, our means of doing good will never be exhausted; for the resources of the power of Jesus Christ are to be at our command. We may draw upon His fullness, and receive of that grace which has no limit. The Captain of our salvation at every step would teach us that almighty power is at the demand of living faith. He says, “Without me ye can do nothing”; but again declares that “greater works than these shall [ye] do; because I go unto my Father.” {BLJ 344.4}

  1. We are Good Soldiers of Jesus Christ

It is a solemn thing to die, but it is a far more solemn thing to live, and to form a character that will qualify us to enter the school in the heavenly courts above. We are living in an enemy's land, and we may expect difficulty and conflict. The youth will have to be able to endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. It is not best that their path should be made perfectly smooth and easy, that they should be supplied with money, and not taught to feel the necessity of practicing self-denial and economy. {FE 300.2}

Let's take note the following:

  • We live in a world that has been obscured by sin, moral decline, and spiritual darkness. The mission of the church is to bring light and hope to every corner of the world.

  • How should the members of the body of Christ be in order to reflect God’s kindness like an effective light (see Matthew 5:3-12)?

C. Caring as Jesus Did

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” (John 13:34)

  1. Commission of Caring for the Flock of Christ

Jesus, before the assembled disciples, brought out the depth of Peter's penitence, and showed how thoroughly humbled was the once boasting disciple. He was now entrusted with the important commission of caring for the flock of Christ. Though every other qualification might be unexceptionable, yet without the love of Christ he could not be a faithful shepherd over the Christian flock. Knowledge, eloquence, benevolence, gratitude, and zeal are all aids in the good work, but without an inflowing of the love of Jesus in the heart, the work of the Christian minister is a failure. {3SP 230.2}

  1. Knowing the Mission of Jesus

This knowledge in his experience he committed to Timothy, that it might be committed by him to others. He desired that Timothy should heartily believe, and carefully meditate upon the sufferings, the crucifixion, and the resurrection, of Christ, and find in the mission of Jesus sufficient support under all trials in the Christian life, that he might be able to endure all for Christ's sake. For if the Master of the house had to suffer trial and persecution, shall not they of his household? Is the servant above his Lord? When Timothy should suffer trouble as an evil-doer because he testified of the mission, the sufferings, the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension of Christ, he was to remember that Paul, his father in the gospel, had been a partaker with Christ in his sufferings, because he was a believer in him, and a doer of his words. Timothy was not to be surprised if he received the same treatment as had his father in the gospel. {RH, September 11, 1888 par. 3}

  1. Mission and Life of Jesus Christ

The burden of our message should be the mission and life of Jesus Christ. Let there be a dwelling upon the humiliation, self-denial, meekness, and lowliness of Christ, that proud and selfish hearts may see the difference between themselves and the Pattern, and may be humbled. Show to your hearers Jesus in his condescension to save fallen man. Show them that He who was their surety had to take human nature, and carry it through the darkness and the fearfulness of the malediction of his Father, because of man's transgression of his law; for the Saviour was found in fashion as a man. Describe, if human language can, the humiliation of the Son of God, and think not that you have reached the climax, when you see him exchanging the throne of light and glory which he had with the Father, for humanity. {RH, September 11, 1888 par. 10}

  • The mission of Jesus–which is outlined in Luke 4:18-19)–consisted of caring for the poor, helping the heartbroken, healing the sick, and liberating the captives from sin.

  • We are called to follow His example and to love each other. We are also called to put that love into practice, caring for others and providing for their physical and spiritual needs to the best of our ability.

  • We are disciples of the Teacher, and we should constantly show the same empathy He showed, always working for their salvation.

D. Seeking the Truth which is Jesus

“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.” (Psalm 25:5)

  1. God Has Messengers of Truth

God has given His messengers the truth to proclaim. Then the churches are to voice the truth from the lips of the messengers, and use their talents in every way possible to make the ministry a power to communicate truth by their catching the first rays of light, and diffusing the same. Here is our great sin. We are years behind. The ministers have been seeking the hidden treasures, and have been opening up the casket, and letting the jewels of truth shine forth, but not one one-hundredth part has been done or is being done by members of the church, that God requires of them. They will, in that great day, be self-convicted, and self-condemned, for their slothfulness. May the Lord lead them to self-penitence, and to now see themselves and exclaim, "Lord, I am that fruitless fig tree." May the Lord forgive His people who are not doing the work in His vineyard that He has given them to do. {PH007 10.3}

  1. Thus Saith the Lord as Foundation of Truth

Many among those who were listening to Christ were not seeking for evidence of the truth of His teaching. Of this they had had altogether too much. What they desired was not evidence, but an excuse to evade truths of eternal importance, which had for their foundation a "Thus saith the Lord." They did not wish to obey; for obedience involved a cross. So today many refuse to put their will on the side of God's will. They refuse to conform their lives to the great standard of righteousness. They have educated and trained their God-given intellect to make of none effect the law of Jehovah, treating it as a code of moral embarrassment, a yoke of bondage.{RH, May 28, 1901 par. 5}

Let's Consider the Following Thoughts:

  • God created us with an innate sense of curiosity, and an insatiable desire for learning more. “The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.” (Ecclesiastes 1:8; 3:11)

  • We seek answers to the most transcendental questions.

  • There’s no better source of information to answer these questions than He who is the absolute truth (John 14:6).

  • Christian education involves leading people to the truth by looking for answers in the Bible, the book that contains the truth that Jesus shared.

E. Sharing Jesus

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

  1. Partakers of His Suffering and SHaring His Sympathies

However trying their labor, the true workers do not regard it as drudgery. They are ready to spend and to be spent; but it is a cheerful work, done with a glad heart. Joy in God is expressed through Jesus Christ. Their joy is the joy set before Christ--"to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work." John 4:34. They are in co-operation with the Lord of glory. This thought sweetens all toil, it braces the will, it nerves the spirit for whatever may befall. Working with unselfish heart, ennobled by being partakers of Christ's sufferings, sharing His sympathies, and co-operating with Him in His labor, they help to swell the tide of His joy and bring honor and praise to His exalted name. {COL 402.5}

  1. Wholehearted Devotion to Christ Cause

Young men are to enter the ministry as co-workers with Jesus, sharing His life of self-denial and sacrifice, voicing the words of the Master, "I sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified." [John 17:19.] If they will yield themselves to God, He will use them in helping to carry out His plan for the salvation of souls. Let the young man who has entered the ministry look his calling fairly in the face, and determine to devote his time, his strength, his influence, to the work, well aware of the conditions under which he serves the Redeemer. {GW 104.1}

Notice the following:

  • The first Christians gathered in small groups at home.

  • Christians shared their faith, grew together in the truth, and put the Gospel into practice in those groups. Those were open groups, and they were eager to share the truth with whoever was willing to accept it.

  • The purpose of every church is to share Jesus, no matter its size. Every church is an educational center where everyone can learn and teach about Jesus.

From the Pen of Inspiration:

“Let little companies meet together

to study the Scriptures. You will lose nothing by this, but will gain much. Angels of God will be in your gathering, and as you feed upon the Bread of Life, you will receive spiritual sinew and muscle. You will be feeding, as it were, upon the leaves of the tree of life. By this means only can you maintain your integrity.” {This Day With God, January 3)