13. Let Brotherly Love Continue

Sabbath afternoon

Prayer Thought

Paul exhorts the Hebrews: "Let brotherly love continue." Do not flatter yourselves that there is a time when this exhortation will not be needed; when brotherly love may cease. He continues: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Please read Matthew 25:31 and onward. Read it, brethren, the next time you take the Bible at your morning or evening family devotions. The good works performed by those who are to be welcomed to the kingdom were done to Christ in the person of His suffering people. Those who had done these good works did not see that they had done anything for Christ. They had done no more than their duty to suffering humanity. Those on the left hand could not see that they had abused Christ in neglecting the wants of His people. But they had neglected to do for Jesus in the person of His saints, and for this neglect they were to go away into everlasting punishment. And one definite point of their neglect is thus stated: "I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in." {1T 679.2}

Memory Text

Let brotherly love continue” {Heb. 13:1}

This week's SS Lesson will affirm the victory of Christ’s advocacy by calling us His brothers – His example that we may do as much as He had done {Heb. 2:11}. As God's people experience joy in serving Him they will also be actuated to care for those whom Christ's have died and be a channel of blessings to those who have gone astray and drawn them back to God's fold.

Outline of the Study

Sunday: Caring for God’s People - Brotherly Love {Hebrews 13:1-3, 15-16

Heb. 13:1, 2, 3; 2:10-18; 10:32-34; 11:25; Gen. 18:2-15; Rom. 12:13; 1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:8; 1Pet. 4:9

Monday: Immorality and Covetousness {Hebrews 13:4-6}

Lk. 16:10-18; 1Cor. 5:1, 9-11; 6:9, 10; 2Cor. 9:8; Phil. 4:11, 12; Eph. 5:3-5; Col. 3:5; Mat. 19:9; 1Tim 1:9, 10; 6:10; Rev. 21:8; 22:15; Gen. 28:15; Deut. 31:6, 8; Josh. 1:5; 1Chron. 28:20; Ps. 118:6

Tuesday: The Leaders {Hebrews 13:7, 17-18}

1Pet. 5:1-4; 1Cor. 3:10-15; Heb. 13:20

Wednesday: Beware of Diverse and Strange Teachings - The Heresies {Hebrews 13:8-10}

Acts 15:7, 19-20; Heb. 2:1; 4:16; 6:19, 20; 8:4, 5, 10-12; 10:1-8; Jn. 6:47-58

Thursday: Go to Jesus Outside the Camp - The Path to Follow {Hebrews 13:11-14}

Mk. 8:34; Mat. 10:38; Lk. 14:27; Gal. 2:20; Lev. 4:12; 13:46; 24:10-16, 23; 1Kings 21:13; Acts 7:58; Num. 5:3; Deut. 23:14; Jn. 19:17-20; Heb. 12:2; Mk. 14:63, 64; Lev. 24:11, 16; Heb. 11:16; Exo. 33:7; 32, 33

Friday: Further study and Meditation

Sunday: Caring for God’s People - Brotherly Love {Hebrews 13:1-3, 15-16

Heb. 13:1, 2, 3; 2:10-18; 10:32-34; 11:25; Gen. 18:2-15; Rom. 12:13; 1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:8; 1Pet. 4:9

“Let brotherly love continue.” (Hebrews 13:1)

Caring for the Sheep in the Desert

When Moses was feeding his flock in the pastures of Midian, the Lord was preparing him for a position of great responsibility; he was to be a laborer together with God. Educated in the court of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, he was imperfectly qualified to take his place as the leader of a suffering, tempted people, to help them in their oppression, sympathize with their sufferings, and conduct them through a rough and dangerous desert to the land of promise. The Lord in his providence took Moses from the king's court, and gave him the humble work of a shepherd, that, while caring for the sheep in the desert, he might be trained for the trials and hardships and perils of the wilderness, and qualified for the office of a shepherd of his own flock, for a church whose God was the Lord. {ST, August 24, 1891 par. 4}

Caring for the Flock Includes Laying Out Work for Them.

"Watchman, what of the night?" Are the watchmen to whom comes this cry able to give the trumpet a certain sound? Are the shepherds faithfully caring for the flock as those who must give an account? Are the ministers of God watching for souls, realizing that those under their care are the purchase of the blood of Christ? A great work is to be done in the world, and what efforts are we putting forth that it may be accomplished? The people have listened to too much sermonizing; but have they been instructed as to how to labor for those for whom Christ died? Has there been a line of work devised and laid out before the people in such a way that each one saw the necessity of taking part in the work?--6T 431. {PaM 150.2}

Caring the Lord's People

The minister should educate the various families and strengthen the church to care for its own sick and poor. He should set at work the God-given faculties of the people, and if one church is overtaxed in this line, other churches should come to its assistance. Let the church members exercise tact and ingenuity in caring for these, the Lord's people. Let them deny themselves luxuries and needless ornaments, that they may make the suffering needy ones comfortable. In doing this they practice the instruction given in the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah, and the blessing there pronounced will be theirs. {6T 272.3}

Consider the following

How can brotherly love be put into practice? Paul shared three practical examples:

By being hospitable (v. 2): This involves sharing what we have with others. Not only with people we know, but also with strangers. Paul reminded us that Abraham and Lot entertained angels.

By remembering the prisoners and the mistreated (v. 3): Identifying ourselves with them, praying for them, and offering physical and emotional support.

By doing good and helping one another (v. 16): Loving one another involves treating others the way we want to be treated.

Mutual kindness and forbearance will make home a paradise and attract holy angels into the family circle; but they will flee from a house where there are unpleasant words, fretfulness, and strife. {ML 200.5}

The Golden Rule

The most valuable rules for social and family intercourse are to be found in the Bible. . . . Our Saviour's sermon on the mount contains instruction of priceless worth to old and young. It should be often read in the family circle, and its precious teachings exemplified in the daily life. The golden rule, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,". . . should be made the law of the family. Those who cherish the spirit of Christ will manifest politeness at home. . . . They will be constantly seeking to make all around them happy, forgetting self in their kind attention to others. {ML 200.6}

Christian courtesy is the golden clasp which unites the members of the family in bonds of love, becoming closer and stronger every day. {ML 200.7}

Monday: Immorality and Covetousness {Hebrews 13:4-6}

Lk. 16:10-18; 1Cor. 5:1, 9-11; 6:9, 10; 2Cor. 9:8; Phil. 4:11, 12; Eph. 5:3-5; Col. 3:5; Mat. 19:9; 1Tim 1:9, 10; 6:10; Rev. 21:8; 22:15; Gen. 28:15; Deut. 31:6, 8; Josh. 1:5; 1Chron. 28:20; Ps. 118:6

“Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled […] Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have.” (Hebrews 13:4-5)

The Work of Overcoming

Let us make an application of the words of Christ to our own individual cases. Are we poor, and blind, and wretched, and miserable? Then let us seek the gold and white raiment that He offers. The work of overcoming is not restricted to the age of the martyrs. The conflict is for us in these days of subtle temptation to worldliness, to self-security, to indulgence of pride, covetousness, false doctrines, and immorality of life. {OHC 353.3}

Greatest Calamity if not Unlearned Everything

They are the elements of confusion, and immoralities exist among them to a fearful extent. It would be the greatest calamity to have many of their number embrace the truth. They would have to unlearn everything and learn anew, or they would cause us great trouble. There are occasions where their glaring misrepresentations will have to be met. When this is the case, it should be done promptly and briefly, and we should then pass on to our work. The plan of Christ's teaching should be ours. He was plain and simple, striking directly at the root of the matter, and the minds of all were met. {3T 37.2}

Lessons from Covetousness

Are not similar sins still committed, in the face of warnings as solemn and explicit? We are as directly forbidden to indulge covetousness as was Achan to appropriate the spoils of Jericho. God has declared it to be idolatry. We are warned, "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24. "Take heed, and beware of covetousness." Luke 12:15. "Let it not be once named among you." Ephesians 5:3. We have before us the fearful doom of Achan, of Judas, of Ananias and Sapphira. Back of all these we have that of Lucifer, the "son of the morning," who, coveting a higher state, forfeited forever the brightness and bliss of heaven. And yet, notwithstanding all these warnings, covetousness abounds. {PP 496.4}

Consider the Following

There are two serious issues that threaten brotherly love: immorality and covetousness [“which is idolatry” (Colossians 3:5)].

Extramarital sex breaks mutual trust and destroys family relationships. Our society may accept relationship types that are condemned by the Bible, but we must remember that “fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (Hebrews 13:4)

Covetousness also breaks mutual trust, because misers only seek their own good and do not care for others. They break the “golden rule” (Matthew 7:12).

Tuesday: The Leaders {Hebrews 13:7, 17-18}

1Pet. 5:1-4; 1Cor. 3:10-15; Heb. 13:20

“Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.” (Hebrews 13:7)

Application of Wisdom to Human Affairs

Every plan and purpose of life should be subjected to this unerring test [the Word of God]. The Word of inspiration is the wisdom of God applied to human affairs. However advantageous a certain course may appear to finite judgment, if denounced by that Word it will be only evil in its results. {BLJ 211.2}

Setting An Example to Follow

The Son of God has set an example for all His followers. They are not to court praise from others, not to seek for themselves ease or wealth, but to emulate His life of purity and self-denial at whatever cost. . . . They will not manifest a disregard for the rights of others. God’s law commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves, to suffer no evil to be instituted against them which we can hinder. But the rule which Christ has given extends still further. Said the world’s Redeemer, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” Nothing short of this can reach the standard of Christianity.—Signs of the Times, Feb. 2, 1882. {BLJ 211.5}

Good Shepherd - Winning Invitations to Return

The impressive parable of the Good Shepherd represents the responsibility of every minister and every Christian who has accepted a position as teacher of children and youth, or as a teacher of old or young, in opening to them the Scriptures. If one strays from the fold, he is not followed with harsh words, but with winning invitations to return. {BEcho, December 9, 1901 par. 7}

Those in official positions, in their association with others, should make it as easy as possible for those under their charge to take heed to the direction of God's word, to obey those that have the rule over them. It is always right to remember that all minds are not constituted alike, and it is like a death struggle for some to surrender their wills in submission to those who are placed over them. {BEcho, December 9, 1901 par. 8}

Forget Not the Bible Warnings

To those, therefore, who accept Christ as their King, He is a Saviour, while to those who refuse to have Him rule over them (Luke 19:14), He is a destroyer. Hence, accordingly, the curses, or judgments, fall (as the trumpets reveal) upon those who reject the teachings and the authority of the Bible, and who as a result do not have the seal. {TN5: 72.1} These solemn facts gravely admonish us not to forget the Bible's warning that our treatment of It will bring one of two results -- death or life. {TN5: 72.2}

Rule Over Them with Love not with Force

Do not make them lose respect for you or for your religion. They do not need so much of the doctrines at first as they do the simple lessons of life religiously imprinted daily upon their minds. Make them love your religion by understanding it, seeing its truth and beauty. Never try to force them to take it; they will only hate it. {9SC1-12: 18.1.1 }

If your course leads them to rule over you instead of you over them, or if you rule over them with force instead of with love, it will eternally ruin them and, yes, you, too. Then when God asks, "Where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?" you will be speechless. {9SC1-12: 18.1.2}

Consider the Following

Paul encouraged us to imitate the leaders that share the Word of God with us. Not only to imitate them, but also to obey them (v. 17a).

Joy emanates from the care and faithfulness of the leaders in combination with the emulation and obedience of the congregation (v. 17b).

This joy reflects both the joy of the pastors as they’re accepted by the congregation, and their joy of bringing their congregation before God.

Wednesday: Beware of Diverse and Strange Teachings - The Heresies {Hebrews 13:8-10}

Acts 15:7, 19-20; Heb. 2:1; 4:16; 6:19, 20; 8:4, 5, 10-12; 10:1-8; Jn. 6:47-58

“Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.” (Hebrews 13:9)

Torch of False Prophecy

While exalting the "sure word of prophecy" as a safe guide in times of peril, the apostle solemnly warned the church against the torch of false prophecy, which would be uplifted by "false teachers," who would privily bring in "damnable heresies, even denying the Lord." These false teachers, arising in the church and accounted true by many of their brethren in the faith, the apostle compared to "wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever." "The latter end is worse with them," he declared, "than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them." {AA 535.1}

Beware of False Doctrine

We shall meet with false doctrines of every kind, and unless we are acquainted with what Christ has said, and are following His instruction, we shall be led astray. One of the most dangerous of these doctrines is that of false sanctification. There are those who claim to be holy, and yet are breaking God's commandments. Their assertion that they are sinless is false and should not be received. . . . Another doctrine that will be presented is that all that we have to do is to believe in Christ--to believe that He has forgiven our sins, and that after we are forgiven, it is impossible for us to sin. This is a snare of Satan. It is true that we must believe in Christ. He is our only hope of salvation. But it is also true that we must work out our individual salvation daily in faith, not boastingly but with fear and trembling. We are to use every power of our being in His service, and after we have done our utmost, we are still to regard ourselves as unprofitable servants. Divine power will unite with our efforts, and as we cling to God with the hand of faith, Christ will impart to us His wisdom and His righteousness. Thus, by His grace, we shall be enabled to build upon the sure foundation.--Manuscript 27, 1886. {Ev 595.3}

Consider the Following

The Hebrews tended to seek God’s kingdom through rituals involving eating and drinking in certain moments or in a special way (Mark 7:3; Romans 14:17).

Paul mentioned the altar and the Tabernacle. It seems that they still believed in salvation by those rites (Hebrews 13:10).

The only way to be saved is by God’s grace through the sacrifice of Jesus. Anything we try to add to God’s grace is just “foods which do not profit” and are contrary to the Gospel.

Thursday: Go to Jesus Outside the Camp - The Path to Follow {Hebrews 13:11-14}

Mk. 8:34; Mat. 10:38; Lk. 14:27; Gal. 2:20; Lev. 4:12; 13:46; 24:10-16, 23; 1Kings 21:13; Acts 7:58; Num. 5:3; Deut. 23:14; Jn. 19:17-20; Heb. 12:2; Mk. 14:63, 64; Lev. 24:11, 16; Heb. 11:16; Exo. 33:7; 32, 33

“Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach.” (Heb.13:13)

He Suffered Without the Camp {Gal. 3:13}

As Adam and Eve were banished from Eden for transgressing the law of God, so Christ was to suffer without the boundaries of the holy place. He died outside the camp, where felons and murderers were executed. There He trod the winepress alone, bearing the penalty that should have fallen on the sinner. How deep and full of significance are the words, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us." He went forth without the camp, thus showing that He gave His life not only for the Jewish nation, but for the whole world (YI June 28, 1900). {7BC 934.21}

Christ Died for All Mankind

Christ suffered without the gates of Jerusalem, for Calvary was outside the city walls. This was to show that He died, not for the Hebrews alone, but for all mankind. He proclaims to a fallen world that He is their Redeemer, and urges them to accept the salvation He offers (SW Sept. 4, 1906). {7BC 934.22}

Workers Together with God

There are many, many souls that the Lord Jesus desires to save. And he asks for our co-operation in this work. These souls cost him an infinite price. Let the questions come home to us, "Are we willing to be workers together with God? Are we willing to go to those outside the faith, and plant in their hearts the seeds of truth?" {RH, June 17, 1902 par. 13}

Consider the Following

Everything filthy, immoral, or despicable had to be thrown out of the camp. For example, the leftovers of some sacrifices (Hebrews 13:11); organic waste (Deuteronomy 23:13); lepers and the defiled (Numbers 5:2-3); blasphemers (Leviticus 24:14).

Being thrown out of the camp was shameful. Jesus took that shame on Him by being crucified outside the camp (Hebrews 13:12).

Paul reminded us that the path to God is a path of suffering and shame, as Jesus said in Matthew 16:24. By walking this path we turn our backs on a corrupted camp and walk towards a “continuing city” (Hebrews 13:14).

Friday: Further study and Meditation

"Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; not slothful in business, fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality." Romans 12:9-13. {BEcho, January 14, 1901 par. 4}

"The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." Romans 13:12-14. {BEcho, January 14, 1901 par. 5}

Question to Ponder

  1. What role could God's people do to fulfill their prophetic mandate?

  2. In what ways could the church be freed from the danger of spiritual and sexual impurity?

  3. Where does grace come from and how it is to be obtained?

  4. How do we go with Jesus outside the camp?

  5. In what ways does our life of faith will be acceptable or not?

  6. How does brotherly love continue be realized amidst conflict and challenges?

  7. Is unity an evidence of brotherly love that continues to flourish?

From the Pen of Inspiration

“The union between Christ and His people is to be living, true, and unfailing, resembling the union that exists between the Father and the Son. This union is the fruit of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. All true children of God will reveal to the world their union with Christ and with their brethren. Those in whose hearts Christ abides will bear the fruit of brotherly love. They will realize that as members of God's family they are pledged to cultivate, cherish, and perpetuate Christian love and fellowship, in spirit, words, and action.” E. G. W. (Sons and Daughters of God, October 13)

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