7. Sharing the Word - August 8-14, 2020

This week's lesson give us principles to share the word of truth. Witnessing is sharing and speaking about Jesus as the way, the truth and the life {John 14:6}. We have two questions: A. What does the Bible say about itself, 1. It's qualities, 2. It's creating power, B. What can we do with it? 1. Making the most of its benefits, 2. Believing in its promises, 3. Sharing it.

Memory Verse:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it. {Isaiah 55:11}

Prayer Thought:

The Bible is the most comprehensive and the most instructive history that men possess. It came fresh from the Fountain of eternal truth, and a divine Hand has preserved its purity through the ages. Its bright rays shine into the far distant past, where human research seeks vainly to penetrate. In God's Word alone we find an authentic account of Creation. Here we behold the power that laid the foundation of the earth, and that stretched out the heavens. Here only can we find a history of our own race, unsullied by human prejudice or human pride. {ST, April 11, 1906 par. 5}

A. What does the Bible say about itself?

Without Bible history, geology can prove nothing. Relics found in the earth do give evidence of a state of things differing in many respects from the present. But the time of their existence, and how long a period these things have been in the earth, are only to be understood by Bible history. . . . When men leave the Word of God in regard to the history of Creation, and seek to account for God's creative works upon natural principles, they are upon a boundless ocean of uncertainty. Just how God accomplished the work of Creation in six literal days He has never revealed to mortals. His creative works are just as incomprehensible as His existence (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, pp. 90-93). {LHU 52.7}

The work of Christ was tested and brought forth prominently. The plan of redemption, which means everything to a lost and ruined world, was to be proclaimed, and the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus was brought into vital contact with the heart of the world, in order to draw the world to its divine Author, the Truth, the Word, and the Life. Christ declared, "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me." {16MR 94.3}

  1. Its qualities.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

  • Christ, the Author of truth, was fully able to separate truth from the companionship of error, and to place it where it would shine in its original brightness. {ST, April 2, 1896 par. 6}

  • Immeasurably superior in value to the productions of any human author are the Bible writings, even when thus considered; but of infinitely wider scope, of infinitely greater value, are they when viewed in their relation to the grand, central thought. Viewed in the light of this thought, every topic has a new significance. In it the most simply-stated truths are involved--principles that are as high as heaven, and that compass eternity. {ST, April 11, 1906 par. 4}

  • "The excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it." "The words that I speak unto you," said Jesus, "they are spirit, and they are life." "This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." {ST, April 11, 1906 par. 6}

The Bible is compared to various symbols that show its qualities.

(1) Psalm 119:105. Light. The dark minds are lighted up.

(2) Jeremiah 23:29. Fire. It consumes the slag of our sin.

(3) Jeremiah 23:29. Hammer. It breaks our tough hearts.

(4) Luke 8:11. Seed. It plants life in us that brings fruit for the Kingdom of God.

(5) Matthew 4:4. Bread. It satisfies the hunger of our soul and nourishes our spirit.

(6) Micah 6:9. Rod. The rod draws us closer to Him - the Shepherd of our souls (John 10:11)

When God causes His people to thus pass under the rod, He will then bring them into the bond of "the covenant which He made with Abraham, and of His oath unto Isaac; and hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant, saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance." 1 Chron. 16:16-18.

The promises which they failed to realize, the Lord reassures that He will now let His people have them.

Here we are plainly told that only the elect will He bring "into the bond of the covenant." Them only will He bring into the land of Israel. The sinners (tares, bad fish or goats) that are now among God's people shall be taken out and be no more.

"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net, saith the Lord, "that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 13:47-50. The separation, the Judgment for the Living, you note, brings the end of the world. {2TG 1.8}

When we study the Word, our lives are transformed by His goodness, charmed by His love, amazed at His grace, and satisfied in His presence.

  1. Its creating power.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)

The creative energy that called the world into existence is in the Word of God. This Word imparts power; it begets life. Every command is a promise; accepted by the will, received into the soul, it brings with it the life of the Infinite One. It transforms the nature and recreates the soul in the image of God. {ST, April 11, 1906 par. 7}

The life thus imparted is in like manner sustained. "By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," shall man live. {ST, April 11, 1906 par. 8}

The same power of God’s creating Word is found in His written Word, the Bible. The same Spirit that worked in Creation inspired the Scriptures.

The Holy Spirit can make a new creation from us. We just need to let Him work in our lives as we read the Bible.

The Holy Spirit will also change other people’s lives when we help them to understand the Scriptures.

B. What can we do with it?

Christ is the Author of all truth. Every brilliant conception, every thought of wisdom, every capacity and talent of men, is the gift of Christ. He borrowed no new ideas from humanity; for he originated all. But when he came to earth, he found the bright gems of truth which he had intrusted to man, all buried up in superstition and tradition. Truths of most vital importance were placed in the frame-work of error, to serve the purpose of the arch-deceiver. The opinions of men, the most popular sentiments of the people, were glossed over with the appearance of truth, and were presented as the genuine gems of heaven, worthy of attention and reverence. But Christ swept away erroneous theories of every grade. No one save the world's Redeemer had power to present the truth in its primitive purity, divested of the error that Satan had accumulated to hide its heavenly beauty. {RH, January 7, 1890 par. 9}

  1. Making the most of its benefits.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

Many religious teachers say that Christ, by His death, freed us from the law; but not all take this view.... The law of God, from its very nature, is unchangeable. It is a revelation of the will and character of its Author. God is love, and His law is love. Its two great principles are love to God and man. "Love is the fulfilling of the law." The character of God is righteousness and truth, and such is the nature of His law. The psalmist says, "Thy law is the truth"; "all thy commandments are righteousness." And the apostle Paul declares, "The law is holy, and the commandments holy, and just, and good." Such a law, an expression of the mind and will of God, must be as enduring as its Author. {RC 62.3}

The Bible Brings Companionship

With the Word of God in his hands, every human being, wherever his lot in life may be cast, may have such companionship as he shall choose. In its pages he may hold converse with the noblest and best of the human race, and may listen to the voice of the Eternal as He talks with men. As he studies and meditates upon the themes into which "the angels desire to look," he may have their companionship. {ST, April 11, 1906 par. 10}

The central theme of the Bible, the theme about which every other in the whole book clusters, is the redemption plan, the restoration in the human soul of the image of God. From the first intimation of hope in the sentence pronounced in Eden, to that last glorious promise of the Revelation, "They shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads," the burden of every book and every passage of the Bible is the unfolding of this wondrous theme,--man's uplifting, the power of God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Here we behold the Majesty of heaven, as He humbled Himself to become our Substitute and Surety, to cope single-handed with the powers of darkness, and to gain the victory in our behalf. A reverent contemplation of such themes as these can not fail to soften, purify, and ennoble the heart, and, at the same time, to inspire the mind with new strength and vigor. {ST, April 18, 1906 par. 1}

The Bible is full of benefits for our lives. Let’s check some of them.

(1) 2 Peter 1:4. It makes us partakers of the divine nature.

(2) James 1:21. It saves our souls.

(3) Acts 20:32. It gives us an inheritance among the sanctified.

(4) 2 Timothy 3:15, 17. It makes us wise, perfect, and ready for every good work.

(5) 2 Timothy 3:16. Profitable for:

(a) Doctrine. It reveals the truth and points falsehood out.

(b) Reproof. It exposes our sins.

(c) Correction. It changes our mistakes.

(d) Instruction. It reveals Christ’s righteousness.

2. Believing in its promises.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

  • Every Essential Truth

In giving us His Word, God has put us in possession of every truth essential for our salvation. Thousands have drawn water from these wells of life, yet there is no diminishing of the supply. Thousands have set the Lord before them, and by beholding have been changed into the same image. Their spirit burns within them as they speak of His character, telling what Christ is to them, and what they are to Christ. But these searchers have not exhausted these grand and holy themes. Thousands more may engage in the work of searching out the mysteries of salvation. As the life of Christ and the character of His mission are dwelt upon, rays of light will shine forth more distinctly at every attempt to discover truth. {ST, April 18, 1906 par. 6}

  • “The Scriptures are to be received as God’s word to us, not written merely, but spoken […]

  • So with all the promises of God’s word. In them He is speaking to us individually, speaking as directly as if we could listen to His voice. It is in these promises that Christ communicates to us His grace and power. They are leaves from that tree which is ‘for the healing of the nations.’ Revelation 22:2. Received, assimilated, they are to be the strength of the character, the inspiration and sustenance of the life.” {MH p. 122}

God’s promises in the Bible confirm that God cares for our physical and spiritual needs.

However, His promises are not unconditional. The lack of faith may annul them (Hebrews 4:2).

The blessings of God’s promises become ours when we proclaim them by faith and believe they’re true because Christ is always faithful.

3. Sharing it.

“The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned.” (Isaiah 50:4)

Accustom Ourselves to Speak a word in season

The right culture and use of the power of speech has to do with every line of Christian work; it enters into the home life, and into all our intercourse with one another. We should accustom ourselves to speak in pleasant tones, to use pure and correct language, and words that are kind and courteous. Sweet, kind words are as dew and gentle showers to the soul. The Scripture says of Christ that grace was poured into His lips that He might "know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary." Psalm 45:2; Isaiah 50:4. And the Lord bids us, "Let your speech be alway with grace" (Colossians 4:6) "that it may minister grace unto the hearers" (Ephesians 4:29). {COL 336.4}

Lips are Sanctified by a touch of the the Living Coal

With an earnestness and faith that will not be denied, they will plead with God that they may be strengthened and fortified for duty and for trial, and that their lips may be sanctified by a touch of the living coal from off the altar, to speak the words of God to the people. "The Lord hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned" (Isaiah 50:4). {LHU 175.4}

All Circumstances Reproof should be Spoken in Love

In seeking to correct or reform others we should be careful of our words. They will be a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. . . . All who would advocate the principles of truth need to receive the heavenly oil of love. Under all circumstances reproof should be spoken in love. Then our words will reform but not exasperate. Christ by His Holy Spirit will supply the force and the power. This is His work. {AG 301.5}

Isaiah 50:4. God “awakens” our ears and gives us wisdom when we study the Bible in a daily basis. He also gives us “tongue of the learned” so we can share the good news with others.

The Word of God cannot be locked up in our hearts. The joy of salvation moves us to make the most of every chance to share its message with those that don’t know about it.

From the Pen of Inspiration:

“The education to be secured by searching the Scriptures is an experimental knowledge of the plan of salvation. Such an education will restore the image of God in the soul. It will strengthen and fortify the mind against temptation, and fit the learner to become a co-worker with Christ in His mission of mercy to the world. It will make him a member of the heavenly family; and prepare him to share the inheritance of the saints in light.” {COL 42}