8. Ministering Like Jesus - August 15-21, 2020

Our Saviour took up the true relationship of a human being as the Son of God. We are sons and daughters of God. . . . We must follow where Christ leads the way. For 30 years He lived the life of a perfect man, meeting the highest standard of perfection (The SDA Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments, vol. 5, pp. 1085,1086). {LHU 96.7} With the above thought, we shall dig deeper into the mine of truth that scriptures that might not be understand. Our SSLesson this week encourages us to be like Jesus in His ministry. The points that will be discussed are the following: A. The Light of the World, B. A Kind Treatment, C. Supplying their Needs, D. The Most Important Thing, E. What Matters to Jesus.

Memory Verse:

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. {Matthew 9:36}

Prayer Thought:

The members of the human family are entitled to the name of men and women only when they employ their talents, in every possible way, for the good of others. The life of Christ is before us as a pattern, and it is when ministering, like angels of mercy, to the wants of others that man is closely allied to God. It is the nature of Christianity to make happy families and happy society. Discord, selfishness, and strife will be put away from every man and woman who possesses the true spirit of Christ. {LHU 96.5}

A. The Light of the World

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’” (John 8:12)

  1. We are the Light of the World

When Christ ascended on high, the church was to be the agent, or medium, through which light was to be communicated to the world. "Ye are the light of the world." Every individual Christian is required of God to be a living, shining light in the world. He must wrestle with God in secret prayer; then he will go forth in the spirit of Christ to hold converse with men. Anointed for the mission, he bears with him the atmosphere of paradise. His words will be well-chosen, and his face will reflect the image of his Master. He will be the light of the world, a living epistle known and read by all men. Basel, Switzerland. {RH, March 8, 1887 par. 5}

  1. Little Jets of Light Growing Brighter

Would that every one of you could have a view that was presented to me years ago. In my very girlhood the Lord saw fit to open before me the glories of heaven. I was in vision taken to heaven, and the angel said to me, “Look!” I looked to the world as it was in dense darkness. The agony that came over me was indescribable as I saw this darkness. Again the word came, “Look ye.” And again I looked intensely over the world, and I began to see jets of light like stars dotted all through this darkness; and then I saw another and another added light, and so all through this moral darkness the star-like lights were increasing. And the angel said, “These are they that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and are obeying the words of Christ. These are the light of the world; and if it were not for these lights, the judgments of God would immediately fall upon the transgressors of God's law.” I saw then these little jets of light growing brighter, shining forth from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and lighting the whole world. Occasionally one of these lights would begin to grow dim, and others would go out, and every time this occurred there was sadness and weeping in heaven. And some of the lights would grow brighter and brighter, and their brightness was far-reaching, and many more lights were added to it. Then there was rejoicing in heaven. I saw that the rays of light came directly from Jesus, to form these precious jets of light in the world. {GW92 378.2}

  1. Power to Restore in Man the Divine Likeness

“It is not God’s will that we should seclude ourselves from the world. But while in the world we should sanctify ourselves to God. We should not pattern after the world. We are to be in the world as a corrective influence, as salt that retains its savor. Among an unholy, impure, idolatrous generation, we are to be pure and holy, showing that the grace of Christ has power to restore in man the divine likeness. We are to exert a saving influence upon the world.” {CH 592}

Jesus came to this world to remove the darkness of sin with the light of salvation (John 1:4-5; 3:19-21).

He encouraged us to follow His example with two examples (Matthew 5:13-14):

Be salt. Salt must be mixed with food to be effective and boost its flavor. We must be in the world to impregnate it with the Gospel (John 17:15-18).

Be light. Light must shine in the darkness of neighborhoods, villages, towns, and cities, lighting them up with the glory of God (Philippians 2:15

B. A Kind Treatment

“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” (Colossians 4:6)

  1. Everyone is Valuable in the sight of God

The souls of men are valued by the Son of God, and if we do not value eternal life sufficiently to make a sacrifice for it, then we shall lose eternal life. What is it to lose life? It is when the truth is clearly set before us and we refuse to accept it because a cross is involved. The Creator of heaven has a right to the faculties He has given us and it is for our own good and advantage that we give these powers to God and to His service. {3MR 95.1}

  1. The Extent of God's Kindness

He does not say that they could not, but would not. How can we explain the treatment of Him who loved us to that extent that He laid down His life for us? This treatment was a marvel to the angels of heaven--to see the Creator of this world, the Majesty of heaven, treated with such contempt. His condescension is without parallel. {3MR 94.2}

Jesus found the good attributes of others and pointed them out (Matthew 8:10; Mark 12:34).

Jesus was so compassionate that He was careful not to bruise unnecessarily someone who was just coming to faith or to quench the slightest embers of faith in their hearts (Isaiah 42:3).

We must find the good things in those around us and let them know we appreciate them. This way we will be a positive influence in their lives.

C. Supplying their Needs

“Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, ‘Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.’” (Matthew 9:2)

  1. Source of all Strength

The disciples were the channel of communication between Christ and the people. This should be a great encouragement to His disciples today. Christ is the great Center, the Source of all strength. His disciples are to receive their supplies from Him. The most intelligent, the most spiritually minded, can bestow only as they receive. Of themselves they can supply nothing for the needs of the soul. We can impart only as we receive, and we can receive only as we impart. As we continue to impart, we shall continue to receive; and the more we impart, the more we shall receive. {ST, January 22, 1902 par. 6}

  1. Advancement Calls for Sacrifices

The workers are to move steadily, cautiously, promptly. When advancement calls for sacrifices, they are to make sacrifices, and make them gladly and willingly. This the cause of God demands of every one. Let all move forward courageously, trusting in God to supply their needs according to the riches of his goodness. He has at his disposal all the resources of heaven. Before those who trust and obey him, he will open ways of advance. In emergencies, he will give them special help. {SW, May 29, 1902 par. 1}

  1. Leaving the Future With God

Though their present needs are supplied, many are unwilling to trust God for the future, and they are in constant anxiety lest poverty shall come upon them, and their children shall be left to suffer. Some are always anticipating evil, or magnifying the difficulties that really exist, so that their eyes are blinded to the many blessings which demand their gratitude. The obstacles they encounter--instead of leading them to seek help from God, the only source of strength-separate them from him because they awaken unrest and repining. . . . {2MCP 469.2}

Jesus identified the needs of others and restored them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

He solved their issues and invited them to seek eternal life: “your sins are forgiven”; “your faith has made you well”; “go and sin no more.” (Matthew 9:2; Luke 8:48; John 8:11)

We must care for the needs of others and try to fulfill them if we’re able to do so.

When we fulfill their needs, we’re also opening a door to show them how to fulfill the greatest need everyone has (even if they don’t know it): freedom from sin, and eternal life; that is, Jesus.

D. The Most Important Thing

“Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, ‘Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.’” (Matthew 9:2)

  1. Do Not Cross Bridges Before Time

Now we want to act like individuals who are redeemed by the blood of Christ; we are to rejoice in the blood of Christ and in the forgiveness of sins. That is what we are to do, and may God help us to get our minds off the dark pictures and think on those things that will give us light. Now I want to read another scripture, "Be careful for nothing" (Philippians 4:6). What does that mean?--Why, don't cross a bridge before you get to it. Don't make a time of trouble before it comes. You will get to it soon enough, brethren. We are to think of today, and if we do well the duties of today, we will be ready for the duties of tomorrow.--MS 7, 1888. {2MCP 470.2}

  1. Continuous and Constant Work

Those who are partakers of Christ's love have no right to think that there is a limit to their influence and work in trying to benefit humanity. Did Christ become weary in His efforts to save fallen man? Our work is to be continuous and persevering. We shall find work to do until the Master shall bid us lay our armor at His feet. God is a moral governor, and we must wait, submissive to His will, ready and willing to spring to our duty whenever work needs to be done (Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 519, 520). {LHU 96.6}

The ministry of Jesus was based in three pillars:

Teaching. Teaching the truths of the Kingdom to small groups.

Preaching. Tell crowds about the love of god and His plan of redemption.

Healing. Free people from their temporary health issues.

Which one of these pillars was more important to Jesus? (Mark 1:38)

He came to this world “to seek and to save which was lost.” (Luke 19:10). Therefore, preaching about salvation and teaching others to do so was the most important.

Besides, each healing act was a chance to reveal God’s character and to offer eternal life.

E. What Matters to Jesus

“‘For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 30:17)

  1. The Power of truth Attending the Word

It is a fearful thing to minister in sacred things when the heart and hands are not holy. To be a co-worker with Jesus Christ, involves fearful responsibilities. To stand as a representative of Christ is no small matter. The fearful realities of the Judgment will test every man's work. The apostles said, "We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;" "for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." The sufficiency of the apostle was not in himself, but in the gracious influence of the Spirit of Christ which filled his soul, and brought every thought into subjection to the obedience of Christ. The power of truth attending the word preached, will be a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death. Ministers are required to be living examples of the mind and Spirit of Christ, living epistles, known and read of all men. I tremble when I consider that there are some ministers, even among Seventh-day Adventists, who are not sanctified by the truths which they preach. Nothing less than the quick and powerful Spirit of God working in the hearts of his messengers to give the knowledge of the glory of God, can gain for them the victory. {PH159 39.1}

2. The Lord Jesus Our Only Dependence.

We feel that a very solemn stage is now reached in the work in this country. We dare not touch the ark, we now want the Lord to lead and guide in the matter before us. He will do the work. It is His, and we do not desire to run ahead of Christ. We want the leading of our Captain. Oh, how weak we feel as we cast a glance at ourselves! I am like a broken reed. The Lord Jesus is our only dependence. . . . {10MR 66.1}

God used the prophets to talk about the incurable disease of humanity: sin (Isaiah 1:5; Jeremiah 30:12).

Jesus is eager to see everyone healed from that sickness, and to see those who are already healed bringing healing to others too.

In the last parable in Matthew 25, He explained the character of true Christians. Those who live to server others instead of living a selfish life will be received by Him.

From the Pen of Inspiration:

“The grace of Christ revealed to us must be tenderly revealed to others. A great tenderness and compassion will fill the soul for human beings who are still under the control of Satan. Christ is to be multiplied in every man and woman who believes in Him, for they are to live over the life of Christ in blessing and enlightening and bringing hope and peace and joy to other hearts.” {OFC, May 20}