3. The Law as Teacher


This week's lesson will direct us to the transcript of God's character - the LAW OF GOD. Inspirations says, "The men who have the oracles of God not only break the law themselves but teach those who would investigate and obey the light to do the same. The men who claim to be teachers deceive the people, as did the leaders in Israel in Christ's day. He, the great Teacher, was in the world; He was the light of the world; but Satan interposed his hellish shadow between Him and the souls whom Christ came to save. When accused by the Pharisees, He said, "Ye make void the law of God by your tradition." "Ye teach for doctrines the commandments of men." Again He said to those so-called teachers, "Ye are both ignorant of the Scriptures and the power of God." {ST, March 20, 1901 par. 4}

Memory Verse:

"And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." {Deut. 6:5}

Prayer Thought:

But turning from all lesser representations, we behold God in Jesus. Looking unto Jesus we see that it is the glory of our God to give. "I do nothing of myself," said Christ; "the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father." "I seek not mine own glory," but the glory of Him that sent Me. In these words is set forth the great principle which is the law of life for the universe. All things Christ received from God, but He took to give. So in the heavenly courts, in His ministry for all created beings: through the beloved Son, the Father's life flows out to all; through the Son it returns, in praise and joyous service, a tide of love, to the great Source of all. And thus through Christ the circuit of beneficence is complete, representing the character of the great Giver, the law of life (The Desire of Ages, pp. 20, 21). {LHU 46.5}

I. The Purpose of the Law

How wonderful in its simplicity, its comprehensiveness and perfection, is the law of Jehovah! In the purposes and dealings of God there are mysteries which the finite mind is unable to comprehend. And it is because we cannot fathom the secrets of infinite wisdom and power that we are filled with reverence for the Most High. {RH, September 14, 1886 par. 1}

There are men who proudly boast that they believe only what they can understand. But the folly of their vaunted wisdom is apparent to every thoughtful mind. There are mysteries in human life, and in the manifestations of God's power in the works of nature,--mysteries which the deepest philosophy, the most extensive research, is powerless to explain. {RH, September 14, 1886 par. 2}

But there is no mystery in the law of God. The feeblest intellect can grasp these rules to regulate the life and form the character after the divine Model. If the children of men would, to the best of their ability, obey this law, they would gain strength of intellect and power of discernment to comprehend still more of God's purposes and plans. And this advancement may not only be continued during the present life, but it may go forward during the eternal ages. {RH, September 14, 1886 par. 3}

This is the will of God concerning you, even your sanctification." Great possibilities, high and holy attainments, are within our reach. Sanctification means perfect love, perfect obedience, entire conformity to God's will. It means an unreserved surrender to Him. It means to be pure and unselfish, without spot or blemish. {ST, May 28, 1902 par. 1}

From eternity God has chosen us to be His obedient children. He gave His Son to die for us, that we might be sanctified through His grace. Continual progress in knowledge and virtue is His purpose for us. His law is the echo of His own voice, giving to all the invitation, "Come up higher. Be holy, holier still." Every day we may advance in perfection of Christian character. For this Christ clothed His divinity with humanity. For this He came to the earth, and lived a life of suffering and privation. {ST, May 28, 1902 par. 2}

A. Teaching Us How to Fear God

“Gather the people together, men and women and little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the Lord your God and carefully observe all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 31:12)

A reverential spirit realizes that the heart must be kept by the power of God. Ministering angels open the eyes of the mind and heart to see wonderful things in the divine law, in the natural world, and in the eternal things revealed by the Holy Spirit.” {My Life Today, October 14}

  • God commanded the Israelites to read the Law before all the people during the Feast of Tabernacles. There was a process to follow: HEAR => LEARN => FEAR.

  • This was a simple learning system that let both children and adults learn about the beginning of wisdom: the fear of the Lord (Psalm 111:10).

  • We do not have a natural tendency towards fearing God, we must learn to do so. Of course this fear must come with love.

B. Testifying Against Us

“Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you.” (Deuteronomy 31:26)

“When the judgment shall sit, and everyone shall be judged by the things written in the books, the authority of God’s law will be looked upon in a light altogether different from that in which it is now regarded by the Christian world. Satan has blinded their eyes and confused their understanding, as he blinded and confused Adam and Eve, and led them into transgression. The law of Jehovah is great, even as its Author is great. In the judgment it will be recognized as holy, just, and good in all its requirements. Those who transgress this law will find that they have a serious account to settle with God; for His claims are decisive.” {7SDAC 986}

  • Witnesses tell what they have heard and seen. The Law "tells" what it sees in us: our sin.

  • The Law testifies AGAINST us (Romans 3:23). It reprimands our hearts, but it also leads us to the solution: Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26).

C. Making Us Prosperous

“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:7)

  • One of the most important functions of the Law is to make us prosperous. That is, that we may be successful in our enterprises.

  • The Law teaches us how to live according to God’s instructions. Therefore, God supports those who want to do His will in a special way (Deuteronomy 30:9-10; Psalm 1).

  • Keeping the Law of God is part of Christian education. It is an essential part of living by faith and trusting God’s grace (Revelation 14:12; James 2:10-12).

II. Those Who Keep the Law:

Upon those who keep the commandments of God the benediction is pronounced: "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." They are "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;" that they should show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. The obedient are called the just; they are drawn to the holy magnet, Jesus Christ; the holy attracts the holy. He that is unjust will be unjust still. Character cannot then be made or transformed. The oil of grace cannot be lent by one to another, neither have the foolish virgins time to buy oil for themselves. The righteous are those who keep the commandments of God, and they will be forever separated from the disobedient and unrighteous, who trampled under foot the law of God. The pure ore and the dross will no longer commingle. {SpTA04 7.1}

There are only two classes in the world today, and only two classes will be recognized in the Judgment,--those who violate God's law, and those who keep His law. Two great opposing powers are revealed in the last great battle. On one side stands the Creator of heaven and earth. All on His side bear His signet. They are obedient to His commands. On the other side stands the Prince of darkness, with those who have chosen apostasy and rebellion. {RH, May 7, 1901 par. 10}

When the judgment shall sit, and every one shall be judged by the things written in the books, the authority of God's law will be looked upon in a light altogether different from that in which it is now regarded by the Christian world. Satan has blinded their eyes and confused their understanding, as he blinded and confused Adam and Eve, and led them into transgression. The law of Jehovah is great, even as its Author is great. In the Judgment it will be recognized as holy, just, and good in all its requirements. Those who transgress this law will find that they have a serious account to settle with God; for His claims are decisive. {RH, May 7, 1901 par. 11}

A. Their Struggles

“And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered.” (2 Chronicles 31:21)

“Think you not that Christ values those who live wholly for Him? Think you not that He visits those who, like the beloved John in exile, are for His sake in hard and trying places? God will not suffer one of His truehearted workers to be left alone, to struggle against great odds and be overcome. He preserves as a precious jewel everyone whose life is hid with Christ in Him. Of every such one He says: ’I ... will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee.’ Haggai 2:23” {MH 488)

  • Joshua and Hezekiah prospered because they obeyed God’s Law. Nevertheless, other people who obeyed the Law did not share the same fate:

(1) John the Baptist. He was beheaded in prison

(2) Job. He lost everything he had

(3) Paul. He was flogged, incarcerated, shipwrecked…

(4) Others. They were stoned, sawn, killed by the sword…

  • Those who keep the Law do not always prosper. After all, we live in a sinful world. Besides, the prince of this world is constantly fighting to keep us from prospering (Revelation 12:17; John 16:33).

B. Their Ideal

“Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” (1 John 2:6)

The religion of Christ never degrades the receiver; it never makes him coarse or rough, discourteous or self-important, passionate or hardhearted. On the contrary, it refines the taste, sanctifies the judgment, and purifies and ennobles the thoughts, bringing them into captivity to Christ. God's ideal for His children is higher than the highest human thought can reach. He has given in His holy law a transcript of His character. {CCh 78.5}

The ideal of Christian character is Christlikeness. There is opened before us a path of constant advancement. We have an object to gain, a standard to reach, that includes everything good and pure and noble and elevated. There should be continual striving and constant progress onward and upward toward perfection of character. 85 {CCh 78.6}

  • How did Jesus relate to God’s Law while He was living on Earth?

(1) He was obedient in everything (Philippians 2:8).

(2) He kept the Law since He was a child (Luke 2:51-52).

(3) He learnt from the Law (Hebrews 5:8).

(4) He obeyed the Law to please God (John 8:29).

(5) He delighted in obeying the Law (Psalm 40:8).

(6) He kept the Law for love’s sake (John 15:10).

  • It is obvious that we cannot keep the Law as perfectly as Jesus did. But we are called to “walk as He walked.”

  • Obeying the Law is a sign of our faith (James 2:17) and our love for Jesus (John 14:15).

From the Pen of Inspiration:

In His life and lessons, Christ has given a perfect exemplification of the unselfish ministry which has its origin in God. God does not live for Himself. By creating the world, and by upholding all things, He is constantly ministering for others. "He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45. This ideal of ministry God has committed to His Son. Jesus was given to stand at the head of humanity, that by His example He might teach what it means to minister. His whole life was under a law of service. He served all, ministered to all. Thus He lived the law of God, and by His example showed how we are to obey it. {DA 649.4}

Again and again Jesus had tried to establish this principle among His disciples. When James and John made their request for pre-eminence, He had said, "Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister." Matthew 20:26. In My kingdom the principle of preference and supremacy has no place. The only greatness is the greatness of humility. The only distinction is found in devotion to the service of others. {DA 650.1}