6. Finding Rest in Family Ties - July 31-August 6

Sabbath afternoon:


The God-given sunlight and air had free ingress, with the fragrance of the flowers in the garden. The family were, of course, in keeping with the home; they were cheerful and entertaining, doing everything needful for our comfort, without oppressing us with so much attention as to make us fear that we were causing extra trouble. We felt that here was a place of rest. This was a home in the fullest sense of the word. {AH 153.2}

But the world was marred by the darkness of sin. Conflicts, diseases and even death has cause people sadness, sufferings and hopelessness.

In this life, there’s a lot of choices but we cannot choose to where we belong as a family. Our family home is a place where we’re growing and developing characters fitted for the challenges in our Christian journey.

This week’s SSLesson discusses how our choices ruin lives or built our strong identity amidst the trials, troubles and conflicts in the human relationship at home, at church or/and in the community.

Outline of the Study

Dysfunction at Home (When your Family is not Perfect)

Choosing a New Direction (When you Begin from Scratch)

Finding True Self-Worth (When you are a nobody)

Doing Relationships God’s Way

(When your Relationship is Troublesome)

The Great Controversy, Up Close and Personal

(When you are Facing New Challenges)

Prayer Thought

God Is Honored by a Christian Home

“Fathers and mothers who make God first in their households, who teach their children that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, glorify God before angels and before men by presenting to the world a well-ordered, well-disciplined family--a family that love and obey God instead of rebelling against Him. Christ is not a stranger in their homes; His name is a household name, revered and glorified. Angels delight in a home where God reigns supreme and the children are taught to reverence religion, the Bible, and their Creator. Such families can claim the promise, "Them that honour Me I will honour." As from such a home the father goes forth to his daily duties, it is with a spirit softened and subdued by converse with God.” {AH 27.3}

Memory Verse

“You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen” (2 Peter 3:17, 18, NKJV).

Sunday: When your Family is not Perfect

“This is the history of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brothers. And the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives; and Joseph brought a bad report of them to his father.” (Genesis 37:2)

Conflict in Heaven and in the First Family

God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16. God is love.” His nature, His law, is love. It ever has been; it ever will be. “The high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity,” whose “ways are everlasting,” changeth not. With Him “is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” Isaiah 57:15; Habakkuk 3:6; James 1:17. {CTr 7.2}

Unlawful Relationships in Families

What family is safe if others pursue the heaven-daring course you have? They might just as properly enter into my family, insinuate themselves into my husband's affections, and then tear him from me to satisfy their guilty love. Again I ask you, Are you so hardened that you have no fear of God, of His fierce anger, which will soon come upon the sinner, unmixed with mercy? You are willing to sell your soul cheap, disgrace your brother, disgrace your children, to satisfy your lustful heart. {TSB 131.5}

True Love Is Not Indulgent

Love is the key to a child's heart, but the love that leads parents to indulge their children in unlawful desires is not a love that will work for their good. The earnest affection which springs from love to Jesus will enable parents to exercise judicious authority and to require prompt obedience. The hearts of parents and children need to be welded together, so that as a family they may be a channel through which wisdom, virtue, forbearance, kindness, and love may flow. {CG 271.1}

Communion with Christ through Prayers

Make every effort to keep open the communion between Jesus and your own soul. . . . We should pray in the family circle, and above all we must not neglect secret prayer; for this is the life of the soul. It is impossible for the soul to flourish while prayer is neglected. Family or public prayer alone is not sufficient. In solitude let the soul be laid open to the inspecting eye of God. Secret prayer is to be heard only by the prayer-hearing God. No curious ear is to receive the burden of such petitions. In secret prayer the soul is free from surrounding influences, free from excitement. . . . By calm, simple faith, the soul holds communion with God, and gathers to itself rays of divine light to strengthen and sustain it in the conflict with Satan. . . . {OFC 215.2}

Consider the following:

Conflicts had been common at Joseph’s family for generations. In his grand-father’s time (Abraham), there was conflict between Sarah and Hagar. Isaac favored Esau but Rebecca favored Jacob. Jacob married two women who were rivals for the rest of his life.

About Joseph’s brothers... Ruben slept with his stepmother, Judah with his daughter-in-law, and Simeon and Levi killed everyone at a village.

However, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were heroes of faith (Hebrews 11:8, 20, 21). They struggled with their family issues, but they learned about faith, love, and trust in God.

Monday: When you Begin from Scratch

“But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29)

An Individual Choice for the Right Direction

A well-disposed, religiously inclined youth, and even a professor of religion, may lose his religious impressions by association with one who speaks lightly of sacred and religious things, and perhaps ridicules them, and who lacks reverence and conscientiousness. A little leaven may leaven the lump. Some are weak in faith; but if placed with proper roommates, whose influence is strong for the right, they may be balanced in the right direction, obtain a valuable religious experience, and be successful in the formation of Christian character. {FE 55.1}

Giving Ourselves Fully to the Lord

Then his thoughts turned to his father's God. In his childhood he had been taught to love and fear Him. Often in his father's tent he had listened to the story of the vision that Jacob saw as he fled from his home an exile and a fugitive. He had been told of the Lord's promises to Jacob, and how they had been fulfilled--how, in the hour of need, the angels of God had come to instruct, comfort, and protect him. And he had learned of the love of God in providing for men a Redeemer. Now all these precious lessons came vividly before him. Joseph believed that the God of his fathers would be his God. He then and there gave himself fully to the Lord, and he prayed that the Keeper of Israel would be with him in the land of his exile. {PP 213.3}

Dedication and Willing Obedience to God

Dedicate yourself to God in your youth. Love him and serve him. This is our earnest prayer. Render to God a life of cheerful, willing obedience. Tell the Lord your desires, and heartily repent of your sins. Seek his forgiveness with all your heart. Be in earnest and he will be found of you. He will bless you, and give you the sweet evidence that he accepts you. He will love you with more than a father or mother's love. We want you to be happy, and saved with the redeemed. {AY 47.4}

Deep Moving of the Spirit for a Thorough Reformation

God forbid that I should cease to warn you. Young friends, seek the Lord with all your heart. Come with zeal, and when you sincerely feel that without the help of God you perish, when you pant after Him as the hart panteth after the water brooks, then will the Lord strengthen you speedily. Then will your peace pass all understanding. If you expect salvation, you must pray. . . . Beg of God to work in you a thorough reformation, that the fruits of His Spirit may dwell in you. . . . It is the privilege of every Christian to enjoy the deep moving’s of the Spirit of God. A sweet heavenly peace will pervade the mind, and you will love to meditate upon God and heaven. You will feast upon the glorious promises of His Word. But know first that you have begun the Christian course. Know that the first steps are taken in the road to everlasting life. {AG 318.4}

Consider the following:

Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob (Genesis 37:3). After some time, his brothers hated him so much that they wanted him dead (Genesis 37:4-5, 19-20).

When he was 17 years old, his brothers sold him as a slave. He could only watch the tents of his family growing smaller as he was beginning his travel to Egypt.

However, he recalled the lessons he had learned from his family about trusting God. He did not lose heart. He decided to fully trust God and to do His will.

Since that moment, that decision led every subsequent decision in his life. We might have learned about God at home, but trusting Him and remaining faithful is a personal decision.

Tuesday: When you are Nobody

“Now the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and captain of the guard.” (Genesis 37:36)

Human Commodity – the Young Man, Joseph

Joseph was greatly afflicted to be separated from his father, and his bitterest sorrow was in reflecting upon his father's grief. But God did not leave Joseph to go into Egypt alone. Angels prepared the way for his reception. Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, bought him of the Ishmaelites. And the Lord was with Joseph, and he prospered him, and gave him favor with his master, so that all he possessed he entrusted to Joseph's care. "And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat." It was considered an abomination for a Hebrew to prepare food for an Egyptian. {1SP 131.1}

Worth of Self-Sacrifice

The duty and delight of all service is to uplift Christ before the people. This is the end of all true labor. Let Christ appear; let self be hidden behind Him. This is self-sacrifice that is of worth. --Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 147. {CME 27.1}

All around us are doors open for service. We should become acquainted with our neighbors, and seek to draw them to Christ. As we do this, He will approve and co-operate with us.--Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 171.

The True Measure of a Man

Christian worth does not depend on brilliant talents, lofty birth, wonderful powers, but on a clean heart--a heart purified and refined, that does not exalt self, but, by beholding Christ, reflects the long lost image of divinity.--Letter 16, 1902. {Ev 135.3}

Resolutely refusing to display human wisdom or to exalt self, they [God's ministers] will accomplish a work that will withstand the assaults of Satan. Many souls will be turned from darkness to light, and many churches will be established. Men will be converted, not to the human instrumentality, but to Christ. Self will be kept in the background; Jesus only, the Man of Calvary, will appear.--Acts of the Apostles, p. 278. (1911)

True Moral Worth

Self, self, self, is the theme of all such. They become envious and jealous, and Satan helps them, putting his magnifying-glass before their eyes until a mote looks to them like a mountain. With a beam in their own eye, they are very anxious to pull the mote out of their brother's eye. But the word of God exhorts, "Love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous." True moral worth does not seek to make a place for itself by thinking and speaking evil, by depreciating others. All envy, all jealousy, all evil-speaking, with all unbelief, must be put away from God's children. {RH, September 14, 1897 par. 8}

The Fisherman of Galilee

He who called the fisherman of Galilee is still calling men to His service. And He is just as willing to manifest His power through us as through the first disciples. However imperfect and sinful we may be, the Lord holds out to us the offer of partnership with Himself, of apprenticeship to Christ. He invites us to come under the divine instruction, that, uniting with Christ, we may work the works of God. {DA 297.1}

Consider the following:

Joseph was not the favorite one anymore. He was a nobody, an invisible slave. His self-esteem could have plummeted easily.

Joseph’s self-esteem was not based on what others thought about him, but on his worth to God. How does God look at us?

God looks at each of us with glasses tinted with grace. He sees us now like we will be when live forever with Him. (Isaiah 43:1; 1 John 3:1).

Wednesday: When your Relationship is Troublesome

“There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9)

Faithfulness to God is Tested

When Joseph was tempted to deviate from the path of right, to transgress the law of God and prove untrue to his master, he firmly resisted and gave evidence of the elevating power of the fear of God in his answer to his master's wife. After speaking of the great confidence of his master in him, by entrusting all that he had with him, he exclaimed, "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" He would not be persuaded to deviate from the path of righteousness and trample upon God's law by any inducements or threats. {SR 101.4}

A Partnership Blessed by the Lord

And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man. . . . And his master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand. Genesis 39:2, 3. {CC 74.1}

The marked prosperity which attended everything placed under Joseph's care was not the result of a direct miracle; but his industry, care, and energy were crowned with the divine blessing. Joseph attributed his success to the favor of God and even his idolatrous master accepted this as the secret of his unparalleled prosperity. Without steadfast, well-directed effort, however, success could never have been attained. God was glorified by the faithfulness of His servant. It was His purpose that in purity and uprightness the believer in God should appear in marked contrast to the worshipers of idols--that thus the light of heavenly grace might shine forth amid the darkness of heathenism. {CC 74.3}

Work in Partnership with the Divine

Mothers, let your hearts be open to receive the instruction of God, ever bearing in mind the fact that you must act your part in conforming to the will of God. You must place yourself in the light and seek from God wisdom, that you may know how to act, that you may acknowledge God as the chief worker, and realize that you are a laborer together with Him. Let your heart be drawn out in contemplation of heavenly things. Exercise your God-given talents in doing the duties which God has enjoined upon you as a mother, and work in partnership with divine agencies. Labor intelligently, and, "whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." {CG 68.2}

Great Work of Redemption and Uplifting

The religious work which the Lord gives to young men, and to men of all ages, shows His respect for them as His children. He gives them the work of self-government. He calls them to be sharers with Him in the great work of redemption and uplifting. As a father takes his son into partnership in his business, so the Lord takes His children into partnership with Himself. We are made laborers together with God. Jesus says, "As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world." Would you not rather choose to be a child of God than a servant of Satan and sin, having your name registered as an enemy of Christ? {MYP 47.2}

Submit the Will to God

To the man who is a husband and a father, I would say, Be sure that a pure, holy atmosphere surrounds your soul. . . . You are to learn daily of Christ. Never, never are you to show a tyrannical spirit in the home. The man who does this is working in partnership with satanic agencies. Bring your will into submission to the will of God. Do all in your power to make the life of your wife pleasant and happy. Take the word of God as the man of your counsel. In the home live out the teachings of the word. Then you will live them out in the church and will take them with you to your place of business. The principles of heaven will ennoble all your transactions. Angels of God will cooperate with you, helping you to reveal Christ to the world. {AH 213.3}

Human Family into Suffering and Misery

Others are too active in body and mind. The mind of such must rest as well as the body, and without it, will be overworked, and the constitution must break down. Satan exults to see the human family plunging themselves deeper, and deeper, into suffering and misery. He knows that persons who have wrong habits, and unsound bodies, cannot serve God so earnestly, perseveringly and purely as though sound. A diseased body affects the brain. With the mind we serve the Lord. The head is the capitol of the body. If the finger is pricked, the nerves, like the telegraphic wires, bear the intelligence immediately to the brain. Satan triumphs in the ruinous work he causes by leading the human family to indulge in habits which destroy themselves, and one another; for by this means he is robbing God of the service due him. {4aSG 146.1}

Consider the following:

God blessed Joseph so he could find favor in Potiphar’s sight. After some time, he was overseeing all the properties of his master. Everything went smoothly, but a conflict between Joseph and the wife of his master arose.

Potiphar’s wife used to get everything she wanted, and she wanted Joseph. If Joseph did not satisfy her craving, he could be in big trouble.

He always applied the biblical principles he had learned (Genesis 39:9). He treated everyone with love and kindness, but God was always first. We must never please someone if that involves transgressing one of God’s commandments.

Thursday: When you are Facing New Challenges

“And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand all the prisoners who were in the prison; whatever they did there, it was his doing.” (Genesis 39:22)

Joseph Demonstrated the Real Secret of Success

Even while in grief, Joseph must have demonstrated his ability to serve, and must have shown great respect to his slave masters while on the way to Egypt, because then it was that the peddlers found out the worth of their captive, and then realized that they could sell him to someone who wanted something good and that could pay the price. Potiphar, too, soon found out that Joseph was in all respects trustworthy.

Thus, it was that he became Potiphar's number 1 man. Even Mrs. Potiphar fell for him. It was at this juncture, you recall, that he came to the climax of his graduation test. Passing the greatest test of his life, he graduated from the house of Potiphar, then from the prison house, whereupon he was promoted to Egypt's throne, the world's greatest. In promotion or in demotion Joseph gave God the glory and did his honest best. At everything he was put to, he was second to none, and thus he became the greatest among all earthly living. {1TG2: 26.1}

A Miniature of the Great Controversy between God and Satan

Our relationships are miniature reflections of the great controversy between God and Satan that is raging through the ages. This means, then, that there are no perfect relationships. Every relationship must have growth dynamics, and Satan has a vested interest in using all our relationships—especially those closest to us—to his advantage in order to hurt and frustrate God’s will for our lives.

In his day, Joseph became the world's saviour, and second only to Pharaoh, because for chastity's sake he sacrificed his masterly position for a prison cell (Gen. 39:7-20). {2TG45: 14.4}

Trying Moments

A refining, purifying process is going on among the people of God, and the Lord of hosts has set His hand to this work. This process is most trying to the soul, but it is necessary in order that defilement may be removed. Trials are essential in order that we may be brought close to our heavenly Father, in submission to His will, that we may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. . . . The Lord brings His children over the same ground again and again, increasing the pressure until perfect humility fills the mind, and the character is transformed; then they are victorious over self, and in harmony with Christ and the Spirit of heaven. The purification of God's people cannot be accomplished without suffering. . . . He passes us from one fire to another, testing our true worth. True grace is willing to be tried. If we are loath to be searched by the Lord, our condition is one of peril. . . . {ML 92.2}

Consider the following:

Joseph still trusted God at prison. He applied God’s principles to his relationships. Soon, all the prisoners were under his care.

Relationships at prison were not easy, but Joseph took care of everyone. He immediately noticed two prisoners were quite uneasy: the butler and the baker (Genesis 40:6-7). He also took advantage of the opportunity and asked the butler for help.

We live in a cosmic conflict. Satan is trying to break our relationship with God and our neighbors. We must cling to God even more when our relationships with others become complicated.

Friday: Meditation

It was God who gave to them the name of Christian. This is a royal name, given to all who join themselves to Christ. It was of this name that James wrote later, "Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?" James 2:6, 7. And Peter declared, "If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf." "If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you." 1 Peter 4:16, 14. {AA 157.2}

Questions to Ponder!

1. Based on James 2:6, 7 – we knew that many Christian SDAs are called by the name, but are they not blaspheming God by their influences to the neighborhood, church, community and the world in general?

2. In the church, community and the world are many dysfunctional families because of unbelief, and disregarding the counsel of God through the inspired testimonies. What should you do as a member of the church to revive, restore and recover those who had lost their first love in the truth? Are we following the footsteps of the ancient Israel?

3. As we approach the end time, how do we apply the biblical principles of relationship, (which involves love, patience, forgiveness, burden bearing and companionship, etc.) to bring about restoration of true Godly relationship?

4. Have you experience unexpected changes which seems brought you down to depression and hopelessness? How do you overcome it? Are you prepared to face any good or bad times in your journey, spiritually?

From the Pen of Inspiration

Well-Guarded Home

“The home that is beautified by love, sympathy, and tenderness is a place that angels love to visit, and where God is glorified. The influence of a carefully guarded Christian home in the years of childhood and youth is the surest safeguard against the corruptions of the world. In the atmosphere of such a home the children will learn to love both their earthly parents and their heavenly Father.” E. G. W. (The Adventist Home, cp. 1, p. 19)

Whole Family of the Redeemed Finally Find Rest

There certainly is and ever will be employment in heaven. The whole family of the redeemed will not live in a state of dreamy idleness. There remaineth a rest to the people of God. In heaven activity will not be wearing and burdensome; it will be rest. The whole family of the redeemed will find their delight in serving Him whose they are by creation and by redemption. {ML 358.6}

To the weary and heavy laden, to those who have fought the good fight of faith, it will be a glorious rest; for the youth and vigor of immortality will be theirs, and against sin and Satan they will no longer have to contend. {ML 358.7}

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