Sabbath Afternoon - May 6, 2023

Reading for the Week

 Rev. 1:9, Isa. 40:26, 2 Cor. 5:17, Col. 1:17, Rev. 4:11, John 19:16-30. 

Prayer Thought

Jesus has not taught them this philosophy. Nothing of the kind can be found in His teachings. He did not direct the minds of poor mortals to themselves, to a power which they possessed. He was ever directing their minds to God, the Creator of the universe, as the source of their strength and wisdom. Special warning is given in verse 18: "Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind." {CCh 329.2}

Memory Text

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. {Rev. 4:11}

This week's SS Lesson will describe our spiritual journey in worshiping the Creator who created everything in response to His compassionate care and bountiful mercy. This includes the basis of His redemptive act on the cross and His justice for every human creature who submits to His guidance and dealings.

Study Outline

Sunday - May 7, 2023

God, Our Companion in Tribulation

Acts 1:9; Rev. 1:9; 14:7; Mat. 13:21; Acts 14:22; John 16:33; 1Pet. 4:12-15

Monday - May 8, 2023

God, the Creator whom we Worship

Rev. 14:7; Isa. 40:26; John 1:1-3; Rom 1:20; Gen. 1:1

Tuesday - May 9, 2023

God, the One who Cares

2Cor. 5:17; Ps. 139:15-18; Acts 17:27; Col. 1:17; Isa. 57:15; John 17:23

Which? Creation or Evolution - By Faith or By Chance?

Wednesday - May 10, 2023

Gospel, Judgment, Creation 

Rom. 5:17-19; 8:1; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:13-17; Rev. 4:11

Thursday - May 11, 2023

The Creator on the Cross

Gen. 1:26; Mat. 27:45; Rev. 14:7; John 19:16-30 ; Col. 1:16; Phil. 2:7, 8

Friday - May 12, 2023

Further Study and Meditation


Sunday - May 7, 2023

God, Our Companion in Tribulation

Acts 1:9; Rev. 1:9; 14:7; Mat. 13:21; Acts 14:22; John 16:33; 1Pet. 4:12-15

“I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 1:9)

In Our Warfare, He is there 

In our warfare we have Christ's promise, "He that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him" He manifested Himself to John, who had been banished by his persecutors to the lonely isle of Patmos. But there He who rules the earth and keeps the waters in their appointed channel, manifested Himself to John. "I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last" [Revelation 1:9-11]: "the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty" [verse 8].  {2SAT 113.3} 

We're Able to Stand in the Day of the Lord

The great, grand work of bringing out a people who will have Christlike characters, and who will be able to stand in the day of the Lord, is to be accomplished. As long as we sail with the current of the world we need neither canvas nor oar. It is when we turn squarely about to stem the current that our labors begin. Satan will bring in every kind of theory to pervert the truth. The work will go hard, for since the fall of Adam it has been the fashion of the world to sin. But Christ is on the field of action. The Holy Spirit is at work. Divine agencies are combining with the human in reshaping the character according to the perfect pattern, and man is to work out that which God works in. Will we as a people do this God-given work? Will we carefully heed all the light that has been given, keeping constantly before us the one object of fitting students for the kingdom of God? If by faith we advance step by step in the right way, following the Great Leader, light will shine along our pathway; and circumstances will occur to remove the difficulties. The approval of God will give hope, and ministering angels will co-operate with us, bringing light and grace, and courage and gladness.  {6T 129.2}  

Why God Gave Us Eyes, Ears, and Speech

God gave men eyes, that they might behold wondrous things out of His law. He gave them the hearing ear, that they might listen to His message, spoken by the living preacher. He gave men the talent of speech, that they might present Christ as the sin-pardoning Saviour. With the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  {AH 401.1}  

You will have to become a faithful sentinel over your eyes, ears, and all your senses if you would control your mind and prevent vain and corrupt thoughts from staining your soul. The power of grace alone can accomplish this most desirable work.

My brethren, God calls upon you as His followers to walk in the light. You need to be alarmed. Sin is among us, and it is not seen to be exceedingly sinful. The senses of many are benumbed by the indulgence of appetite and by familiarity with sin. We need to advance nearer heaven.  {AH 401.5}  

Consider the Following

John refused to worship Domitian, the Roman emperor. Therefore, he was exiled to Patmos, a small Greek island. John was treated as any other criminal there, but he was visited by the only One worthy of his worship, Jesus (Revelation 1:17-18).

He received visions of hope, warning, and encouragement. These visions explain how the hour of trial to come will take place (Revelation 3:10).

Worshipping our Creator is the true worship that will give us strength through the time of trouble.

Monday - May 8, 2023

God, the Creator whom we Worship

Rev. 14:7; Isa. 40:26; John 1:1-3; Rom 1:20; Gen. 1:1

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these [things], that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that [he is] strong in power; not one faileth.   (Isaiah 40:26)

The Place of Worship be Built with Simplicity

We have no command from God to erect a building that will compare for richness and splendor with the temple. But we are to build a humble house of worship, plain and simple, neat and perfect in its design. Then let those who have means look to it that they are as liberal and tasteful in erecting a temple wherein we may worship God as they have been in locating and building and furnishing their own houses. Let them manifest a willingness and a desire to show greater honor to God than themselves. Let them build with nicety, but not with extravagance. Let the house be built conveniently and thoroughly so that when it is presented to God He can accept it and let His Spirit rest upon the worshipers who have an eye single to His glory. . . . Let everyone, old and young, bring gifts and donations to help in building a house for God.—Manuscript 23, 1886. {CTr 154.6} 

Boundless Beauty of Holiness

Let all things be done unto edifying." [1 Corinthians 14:26.] In our devotional social meetings, our voices should express by prayer and praise our adoration of our heavenly Father, that all may know that we worship God in simplicity and truth, and in the beauty of holiness. Precious indeed in this world of sin and ignorance is the gift of speech, is the melody of the human voice, when devoted to the praises of Him who hath loved us, and hath given himself for us. The gift of speech has been greatly abused, and widely perverted from its intended purpose; but let those who claim to be children of the heavenly King awaken to their responsibility, and make more of this precious talent than ever they have done before. Let no one say, "There is no use for me to try to pray, for others do not hear me." Rather say, "I will make earnest efforts to overcome this God-dishonoring habit of speaking in a low, indistinct tone, and I will put myself under discipline until my voice shall be audible, even to those who are hard of hearing." Will it not be worth disciplining yourself to be able to add interest to the service of God, and to edify the children of God? Let the voices of the followers of Christ be trained so that instead of crowding words together in a thick, indistinct way, their words will be clear, forcible, and edifying. Do not let the voice fall after each word, but keep it up so that every sentence will be full and complete. The voice of thanksgiving, praise, and rejoicing is heard in heaven. The voices of the children of God unite with the voices of the angels of heaven, as they ascribe honor and glory and praise unto God and to the Lamb for the great salvation he has provided.  {CE 131.1} 

Consider the Following

Our sun could have more than a million planets like ours. But it’s only one of the one hundred billion suns (stars) in our galaxy. And this is one of the two trillion galaxies we can see from Earth. All of them are a creation of God!

Revelation encourages us to worship the Creator, to worship an amazing and limitless Being. We can see His mastery, His wisdom, and His originality even in the smallest things.

God is presented as the only Creator since the first verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 44:24)

Tuesday - May 9, 2023

God, the One who Cares

2Cor. 5:17; Ps. 139:15-18; Acts 17:27; Col. 1:17; Isa. 57:15; John 17:23

“But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.’” (Isaiah 43:1)

We are Precious in God's Hand

The sincere, earnest, contrite soul, however ignorant, is precious in the sight of the Lord. He places His own signet upon men, judging, not by their rank, not by their wealth, not by their intellectual greatness, but by their oneness with Christ. The unlearned, the outcast, the slave, if he has made the most of his opportunities and privileges, if he has cherished the light given him of God, has done all that is required. The world may call him ignorant, but God calls him wise and good, and thus his name stands registered in the books of heaven. God will fit him up to do Him honor, not only in heaven, but on the earth.-- Gospel Workers, p. 332. (1915)  {Ev 566.1}  

The indolent, the tobacco devotees, and liquor drinkers are many. But the truth must go to them. It has worked wonders in this very place [Australia], and will still do great things. Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in present truth must not abide alone with those who receive Christ. Christ died to save the world, and we are to work more zealously in acting our part. We are to look upon fallen humanity as our field. God cares for them. . . . Not one soul is to be left in darkness. --Letter 76, 1899. 

A True Shepherd - Cares for the Sheep

Brethren, treat men as men, not as servants to be ordered about at your pleasure. He who indulges a harsh, overbearing spirit might better become a tender of sheep as did Moses, and thus learn what it means to be a true shepherd. Moses gained in Egypt an experience as a mighty statesman and as a leader of the armies, but he did not there learn the lessons essential for true greatness. He needed an experience in more humble duties, that he might become a caretaker, tender toward every living thing. In keeping the flocks of Jethro his sympathies were called out to the sheep and lambs, and he learned to guard these creatures of God with the gentlest care. Although their voice could never complain of mistreatment, yet their attitude might show much. God cares for all the creatures He has made. In working for God in this lowly station, Moses learned to be a tender shepherd for Israel.--TM 262, 263. {PaM 53.1} 

Consider the Following

Our Creator is not a distant God. He is near each one of us (Acts 17:27). He takes care of us (Psalm 3:5; Colossians 1:17) and cares for everyone (1 Peter 5:7).

God, “the High and Lofty One” who lives “in the high and holy place,” is also by the side of those “who have a contrite and humble spirit” (Isaiah 57:15).

Besides creating and sustaining us, He also makes us “new creatures” (2 Corinthians 5:17). He wants to transform us and to mold us into His image. He longs to see us opening our hearts to Him so He can live there (Revelation 3:20).

Which? Creation or Evolution - By Faith or By Chance?

Wednesday - May 10, 2023

Gospel, Judgment, Creation 

Rom. 5:17-19; 8:1; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:13-17; Rev. 4:11

“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)

The Gospel Message Gathers the Believers and Judgment be Given

The casting of the net is the preaching of the gospel. This gathers both good and evil into the church. When the mission of the gospel is completed, the judgment will accomplish the work of separation. Christ saw how the existence of false brethren in the church would cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of. The world would revile the gospel because of the inconsistent lives of false professors. Even Christians would be caused to stumble as they saw that many who bore Christ's name were not controlled by His Spirit. Because these sinners were in the church, men would be in danger of thinking that God excused their sins. Therefore Christ lifts the veil from the future and bids all to behold that it is character, not position, which decides man's destiny.  {COL 122.2}  

Warning has been Given, then Judgment Comes - A New Creation

John in the Revelation foretells the proclamation of the gospel message just before Christ's second coming. He beholds an angel flying "in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come." Revelation 14:6, 7.  {COL 227.1} 

In the prophecy this warning of the judgment, with its connected messages, is followed by the coming of the Son of man in the clouds of heaven. The proclamation of the judgment is an announcement of Christ's second coming as at hand. And this proclamation is called the everlasting gospel. Thus the preaching of Christ's second coming, the announcement of its nearness, is shown to be an essential part of the gospel message.  {COL 227.2}  

Consider the Following

If death is necessary to bring new life (according to the theory of evolution), it should’ve been present long before Adam and Eve’s sin (Romans 5:12).

In that case, why did Jesus have to die if God was the one who created death to create the universe through evolution?

Evolution as God’s creative process is a denial of the Bible teachings. It makes Jesus’ sacrifice useless and removes all hope.

Therefore, this message is important today: Worship the Creator.

Thursday - May 11, 2023

The Creator on the Cross

Gen. 1:26; Mat. 27:45; Rev. 14:7; John 19:16-30 ; Col. 1:16; Phil. 2:7, 8

“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb: ‘I am the Lord, who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself;’” (Isaiah 44:24)

The Cross of Christ Offers Glorious Reward

The light of the gospel shining from the cross of Christ rebukes selfishness. . . . Many of God's people are in danger of being ensnared by worldliness and covetousness. They should understand that it is His mercy that multiplies the demands for their means. . . . He thus makes man the medium through which to distribute His blessings on earth. God planned the system of beneficence in order that man might become like his Creator, benevolent and unselfish in character, and finally be a partaker with Christ of the eternal, glorious reward.  {Mar 124.7}  

Our Creator Desires Us to be Faithful Stewards 

The light God has given on health reform is for our salvation and the salvation of the world. Men and women should be informed in regard to the human habitation, fitted up by our Creator as His dwelling place, and over which He desires us to be faithful stewards. . . . Our bodies are wonderfully made, and the Lord requires us to keep them in order. All are under obligation to Him to keep the human structure in a healthful, wholesome condition, that every muscle, every organ, may be used in the service of God. . . . God, who formed the wonderful structure of the body, will take special care to keep it in order, if men cooperate, instead of working at cross-purposes, with Him.  {OHC 267.2}  

Consider the Following

God didn’t abandon His creatures after they rebelled against Him. On the contrary, He descended to our little planet and became a person like us. He took our sin on Him and died on the cross to redeem our sins (Isaiah 53:6; Titus 2:13-14).

We’ve been called to worship the One who “made heaven and earth” and who “humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:8).

For further studies, please visit the following links:

1. Meat In Due Season - History of the Sabbath True Observance ( 

2. Meat In Due Season - God's Honor and Glory ( 

3. PDF: God Restores His Children into the Kingdom | 3 ANGELS' CRY ( 

4. PDF: God Restores His Children Into His Everlasting Kingdom | 3 ANGELS' CRY ( 

Friday - May 12, 2023

Further Study and Meditation

Conversion Removes Darkness of Ignorance From the Mind.--In the Bible the will of God is revealed. The truths of the Word of God are the utterances of the Most High. He who makes these truths a part of his life becomes in every sense a new creature. He is not given new mental powers, but the darkness that through ignorance and sin has clouded the understanding is removed. The words, "A new heart also will I give you," mean, "A new mind will I give you." A change of heart is always attended by a clear conviction of Christian duty, an understanding of truth. He who gives the Scriptures close, prayerful attention will gain clear comprehension and sound judgment, as if in turning to God he had reached a higher plane of intelligence.--RH, Dec 18, 1913. (ML 24.)  {2MCP 447.2}  

Questions to Ponder

From the Pen of Inspiration

“Nature testifies that One infinite in power, great in goodness, mercy, and love, created the earth, and filled it with life and gladness. Even in their blighted state, all things reveal the handiwork of the great Master Artist. Wherever we turn, we may hear the voice of God, and see evidences of His goodness […]

All things tell of His tender, fatherly care and of His desire to make His children happy.” E. G. W. (The Ministry of Healing, cp. 35, p. 411-412)
