7. Christ's Victory Over Death

(Mat. 27:62-28:10)

Sabbath afternoon

Prayer Thought

During His ministry, Jesus had raised the dead to life. He had raised the son of the widow of Nain, and the ruler's daughter and Lazarus. But these were not clothed with immortality. After they were raised, they were still subject to death. But those who came forth from the grave at Christ's resurrection were raised to everlasting life. They ascended with Him as trophies of His victory over death and the grave. These, said Christ, are no longer the captives of Satan; I have redeemed them. I have brought them from the grave as the first fruits of My power, to be with Me where I am, nevermore to see death or experience sorrow. {DA 786.2}

Memory Text

And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. {Rev. 1:17, 18}

This week's SS Lesson will inspire us with the fact that all our burdens and sins had been laid on the cross through our precious Redeemer the only begotten Son of the Father (through a decree - Ps. 2:7) and those who believe in Him will have eternal life (John 3:16; 1:3,4). This also includes the victorious manifestation of His great love for Humanity as He brought to the Father the trophies of His redemption - the wave-sheaf of the harvest - the first and second fruits respectively.

Outline of the Study

The Resurrection of Jesus

Sunday: A Sealed Tomb {The Hindrances}

Lk. 22:3, 4; John 13:26, 27; Mt. 12:39, 40; 26:56, 59, 69-75; 16:21; 17:22, 23; 27:20, 62-66

Monday: He is Risen! {The Victory}

Mt. 28:1-6, 11-15; John 10:17, 18; 11:25; Acts 2:24; Rom. 8:11; Gal. 1:1; Heb. 13:20

The Witnesses

Tuesday: Many Arose with Him {Those who were Resurrected with Him}

Mt. 27:51-53; 28:2; Acts 6:7; Dan. 4:32

Wednesday: Witnesses of the Risen Christ {Those who Saw Him}

John 20:11-29; 21:1-23; 1Cor. 15:5-8; Mt. 28:1, 9, 10; Lk 24:33-53; 1Cor. 15:5-8; Acts 1:1-11; 9:1-9

The Importance of the Resurrection

Thursday: The First Fruits of Those Who Have Died {If Christ is not Risen…}

1Cor. 15:20, 50-54; Deut 26:1-11; Exo. 23:19; 34:26; Lev. 2:11-16; John 20:20, 27; Gal. 6:17; 2Cor. 12:7; Acts 9:1-9

Friday: Further Study and Meditation

The Resurrection of Jesus

Sunday: A Sealed Tomb {The Hindrances}

Lk. 22:3, 4; John 13:26, 27; Mt. 12:39, 40; 26:56, 59, 69-75; 16:21; 17:22, 23; 27:20, 62-66

“So they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and setting the guard.” (Matthew 27:66)

Sealed with the Roman seal - the solid Rock

The priests gave directions for securing the sepulcher. A great stone had been placed before the opening. Across this stone they placed cords, securing the ends to the solid rock, and sealing them with the Roman seal. The stone could not be moved without breaking the seal. A guard of one hundred soldiers was then stationed around the sepulcher to prevent it from being tampered with. The priests did all they could to keep Christ's body where it had been laid. He was sealed as securely in His tomb as if He were to remain there through all time. {DA 778.1}

Sealing the Stone and Settling a Watch

They now remembered many things He had spoken which foretold His resurrection. They could not forget these things, however much they desired to do so. Like their father, the devil, they believed and trembled. Everything declared to them that Jesus was the Son of God. They could not sleep, for they were more troubled about Him in death than they had been during His life. Bent on doing all they could to keep Him in the grave, they asked Pilate to have the tomb sealed and guarded until the third day. Pilate placed a band of soldiers at the command of the priests, and said: {SJ 151.7-9}

"Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch." Matthew 27:65, 66. {SJ 152.1}

Future Resurrection was Assured

To the believer, Christ is the resurrection and the life. In our Saviour the life that was lost through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. He is invested with the right to give immortality. The life that He laid down in humanity, He takes up again, and gives to humanity. "I am come," He said, "that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." "Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." John 10:10; 4:14; John 6:54. {DA 786.4}

Consider the following

A stone, a seal, and some roman soldiers were put in place to prevent Jesus’ disciples from stealing His body (Matthew 27:62-66).

However, Jesus’ disciples were just some coward Galileans. They ran away when Jesus was arrested, and they were hiding somewhere in Jerusalem (John 20:19).

The priests and the pharisees were not afraid of the disciples. They were afraid of Jesus. Satan encouraged them to prevent Jesus from getting out of the tomb Himself.

Monday: He is Risen! {The Victory}

Mt. 28:1-6, 11-15; John 10:17, 18; 11:25; Acts 2:24; Rom. 8:11; Gal. 1:1; Heb. 13:20

“And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.” (Matthew 28:2)

O Death, Where is Thy Sting?

Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of lightning, and the roar of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the sleeping saints. He looks upon the graves of the righteous, then, raising His hands to heaven, He cries: "Awake, awake, awake, ye that sleep in the dust, and arise!" Throughout the length and breadth of the earth the dead shall hear that voice, and they that hear shall live. And the whole earth shall ring with the tread of the exceeding great army of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. From the prison house of death they come, clothed with immortal glory, crying: "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" 1 Corinthians 15:55. And the living righteous and the risen saints unite their voices in a long, glad shout of victory. {DD 50.1}

From Caves and Dens and Dungeons

In the fastnesses of the mountains, in the caves and dens of the earth, the Saviour reveals His presence and His glory. Yet a little while, and He that is to come will come and will not tarry. His eyes as a flame of fire penetrate into the fast-closed dungeons and hunt out the hidden ones, for their names are written in the Lamb's book of life. The eyes of the Saviour are above us, around us, noting every difficulty, discerning every danger; and there is no place where His eyes cannot penetrate, no sorrows and sufferings of His people where the sympathy of Christ does not reach. . . The child of God will be terror-stricken at the first sight of the majesty of Jesus Christ. He feels that he cannot live in His holy presence. But the word comes to him as to John, "Fear not." Jesus laid His right hand upon John; He raised him up from his prostrate position. So will He do unto His loyal, trusting ones.--TMK 360, 361 (1886). The heirs of God have come from garrets, from hovels, from dungeons, from scaffolds, from mountains, from deserts, from the caves of the earth, from the caverns of the sea.--GC 650 (1911). {LDE 277.1-4}

Consider the following

The stone, the seal, and the guards trembled before the presence of one angel of God. When the Father called Him, the Son took the life He had surrendered back (Acts 2:24; John 10:17-18).

The elders bribed the guards to make the people believe the impossible (Matthew 28:11-15).

The failed attempts to prevent Jesus’ victory only managed to make some scared soldiers proclaim that Jesus had been resurrected.

The Witnesses

Tuesday: Many Arose with Him {Those who were Resurrected with Him}

Mt. 27:51-53; 28:2; Acts 6:7; Dan. 4:32

“and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.” (Matthew 27:52-53)

Firstfruits Of Victory Over Death

During His ministry Jesus raised the dead to life. He raised the son of the widow of Nain and Jairus’ daughter and Lazarus. But these were not clothed with immortality. After they were raised they continued to be subject to death and decay. But those who came forth from the grave at Christ’s resurrection were raised to everlasting life. They were the multitude of captives who ascended with Him as trophies of His victory over death and the grave. . . . {CTr 286.2}

A Company from their Grave Had Risen

When Jesus, as He hung upon the cross, cried out, "It is finished," the rocks rent, the earth shook, and some of the graves were opened. When He arose a victor over death and the grave, while the earth was reeling and the glory of heaven shone around the sacred spot, many of the righteous dead, obedient to His call, came forth as witnesses that He had risen. Those favored, risen saints came forth glorified. They were chosen and holy ones of every age, from creation down even to the days of Christ. Thus while the Jewish leaders were seeking to conceal the fact of Christ's resurrection, God chose to bring up a company from their graves to testify that Jesus had risen, and to declare His glory. {EW 184.1}

Come Forth again from the Grave to a Glorious Immortality

And after Christ came up from the Resurrection, what did He do? He grasped His power and held His scepter. He opened the graves and brought up the multitude of captives, testifying to everyone in our world and in creation that He had the power over death and that He rescued the captives of death. {FW 74.1}

Not all that believed in Jesus were brought to life at that time. It was only a specimen of what would be, that we may know that death and the grave are not to hold the captives, because Christ took them to heaven. And when He comes again with power and great glory, He will open the graves. The prison house will be opened, and the dead will come forth again to a glorious immortality. Here are the trophies which Christ took up with Him and presented to the universe of heaven and the worlds that God has created. Any affection that ever they had for Lucifer, who was the covering cherub, is now destroyed. God gave him a chance to work out his character. If He had not done this, there might have been those who felt the accusation he brought against God that He didn't give him a fair chance was justified. The Prince of Life and the prince of darkness were in conflict. The Prince of Life prevailed, but at an infinite cost. His triumph is our salvation. He is our Substitute and Surety, and what He says to him that overcometh tells whether man has anything to do or not. How? "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne" (Revelation 3:21). {FW 74.2-4}

Consider the following

The stones that covered the tombs of some saints were removed by an earthquake. They remained in their tombs until a second earthquake marked the resurrection of Jesus and theirs (Matthew 27:52-53).

These people were resurrected incorruptible and ascended to Heaven with Jesus (Ephesians 4:8)

Before ascending, they appeared to many in Jerusalem and testified of the resurrection of Jesus.

A few graves were opened at the resurrection of Christ; but at His second coming all the precious dead, from righteous Abel to the last saint that dies, shall awake to glorious, immortal life. {5BC 1110.3}

Please click the link below for a deeper understanding of the wave sheaf ceremony done in ancient times.


Wednesday: Witnesses of the Risen Christ {Those who Saw Him}

John 20:11-29; 21:1-23; 1Cor. 15:5-8; Mt. 28:1, 9, 10; Lk 24:33-53; 1Cor. 15:5-8; Acts 1:1-11; 9:1-9

“The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” (Luke 24:34)

Remarkable Evidence to Share

While the women were making known their message as witnesses of the risen Saviour, and while Jesus was preparing to reveal Himself to a large number of His followers, another scene was taking place. The Roman guard had been enabled to view the mighty angel who sang the song of triumph at the birth of Christ, and hear the angels who now sang the song of redeeming love. At the wonderful scene which they were permitted to behold, they had fainted and become as dead men. When the heavenly train was hidden from their sight, they arose to their feet, and made their way to the gate of the garden as quickly as their tottering limbs would carry them. Staggering like blind or drunken men, their faces pale as the dead, they told those they met of the wonderful scenes they had witnessed. Messengers preceded them quickly to the chief priests and rulers, declaring, as best they could, the remarkable incidents that had taken place. {1SM 303.1}

Two Reports, Negative and Positive

Those who came forth after the resurrection of Jesus appeared to many, telling them that the sacrifice for man was completed, that Jesus, whom the Jews crucified, had risen from the dead; and in proof of their words they declared, "We have risen with Him." They bore testimony that it was by His mighty power that they had been called forth from their graves. Notwithstanding the lying reports circulated, the resurrection of Christ could not be concealed by Satan, his angels, or the chief priests; for this holy company, brought forth from their graves, spread the wonderful, joyful news; also Jesus showed Himself to His sorrowing, heartbroken disciples, dispelling their fears and causing them joy and gladness. {SR 233.3}

Consider the following

As written in the New Testament, many people saw Jesus resurrected and became witnesses of His resurrection (Acts 2:32).

(1) A group of women (Matthew 28:8-10)

(2) The roman guards (Matthew 28:11)

(3) Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9; John 20:16-18)

(4) The Emmaus disciples (Luke 24:13-15; Mark 16:12)

(5) Peter (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5)

(6) Those gathered in the upper room (Mark 16:14; John 20:19)

(7) Thomas (John 20:24-26)

(8) More than 500 people (1 Corinthians 15:6; Matthew 28:16-17)

(9) James, the brother of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:7)

(10) Paul (1 Corinthians 15:8)

We’re also witnesses of His resurrection by faith (John 20:29).

For further study, please click the link below:


Thursday: The First Fruits of Those Who Have Died {If Christ is not Risen…}

1Cor. 15:20, 50-54; Deut 26:1-11; Exo. 23:19; 34:26; Lev. 2:11-16; John 20:20, 27; Gal. 6:17; 2Cor. 12:7; Acts 9:1-9

“But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Corinthians 15:20)

Typical Fulfillment Portrayed

The 40 days (Acts 1:3, 9) from the resurrection to the ascension are consequently typical of the period from 1844 to the fulfillment of the marking and slaying as recorded in Ezekiel 9 and Revelation 7:3-8; 14:1-5 respectively, and in Testimonies to Ministers, p. 445, Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 266, also Early Writings, pp. 270-273. After the first fruits are sealed and the tares are removed from among them, they then being separate from the influence of the world,, as were the 120 on the day of Pentecost, will receive the outpouring of "the Holy Spirit in as much greater measure, as the increase of wickedness demands a more decided call to repentance." -- Testimonies, Vol. 7, p. 33. {TN3: 86.2}

The first fruits of the dead (120) being a numbered company, and the second fruits of the dead (the multitudes gathered after Pentecost) being a unnumbered company, so correspondingly must it be with the first and second fruits of the living. Hence the sealing of the 144,000 first fruits; and hence "after this," says John, "I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands...and all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts." Rev. 7:9, 11. {TN3: 86.3}

Wave Sheaf is a Type of the First fruits of the dead and the living

Now mark, the seventh-day Sabbath is controlled by the weekly cycle, and the passover by the monthly calendar. Therefore, in each passover week there is a seventh-day Sabbath and it may fall on any one of the seven paschal days. Again, mark that the fourteenth day is called the "Passover" day, but the fifteenth is the Passover "Feast." (See Num. 28:17; Joshua 5:11.) The seventh-day Sabbath is called, "The Sabbath." The sheaf offering was the first fruits of the harvest and it was to be offered before the Lord on the morrow after the Sabbath, that is, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday. (See Lev. 23:11.) The sheaf offering was a type of the resurrection -- the first fruits. Said the apostle: "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept" -- those whom He raised. (1 Cor. 15:20; also Matt. 27:52, 53.) {SR2: 20.1}

Type and Antitype: First Fruits of the Dead and First Fruit of the Living

In that night wherever the blood appeared on the door-post, the first born whether male or female, perished not, just so now, those who receive the seal, have applied the blood on the door-post (forehead), and as the first born of both classes, those who died and those who did not, were a type of the present priesthood (ministry), evidently, the type points forward to a ministry in the anti-type made up of both sexes -- the first born who died represent the class that shall fall under the slaughter weapons of the five men, and the first born who escaped from death, represent the class that shall receive the mark of the man with the writer's inkhorn and pass from death to life. Thus the first born who lived and passed through the red sea, are a type of the 144,000. The first fruits of the harvest, are the servants of God in the time of the "loud cry" of the Third Angel's Message. {SR2: 169.2}

Consider the following

— The firstfruits were an offering to God. The first and best fruit from a field was offered (Deuteronomy 26:1-11). It represented the whole harvest.

— According to 1 Corinthians 15, if Jesus is not risen, our faith is futile. Since Jesus is risen: Our preaching makes sense (v. 14); We testify that God is truthful (v. 15); We believe that we will also be resurrected (v. 16); We have faith that our sins are forgiven (v. 17); We’ll see those who have died again (v. 18); We have hope in a better life (v. 19).

— Finally, the resurrection of Jesus guarantees that the last enemy (death) will be defeated (1 Corinthians 15:26, 54-55)

For further investigation on the subject of the wave-sheaf ceremony please click the link below:


Friday: Further Study and Meditation

The fact that the author says, "On the day the Passover was eaten He was to be sacrificed," proves that she does not mean the second day from the feast which Jesus celebrated, but rather from the paschal feast on Friday night, which actually falls on the Sabbath, for the Passover on Friday, before He was crucified "the second day of the feast," would not fall on Sunday but rather on the Sabbath, and as her position is that Christ arose on Sunday, on the day the sheaf was offered (D.A. 785), it is evident that the statement in "Patriarchs and Prophets" must be understood to refer to another than the second day from the first feast -- the real Passover. In other words if she means that which seems to appear on the face of it, the second day of the feasts, according to what she has written elsewhere, would fall on the seventh day Sabbath instead of on the day the resurrection took place. {1SC6: 7.8}

One may here suppose that the risen and the living make the number, but we do not believe the Spirit of Prophecy would call both companies (the living and the resurrected) living saints. The 144,000 are living saints; the others, resurrected Sabbath keepers. To make it positive, another reference is given, found in Great Controversy, page 637: "Great hailstones, every one 'about the weight of a talent,' are doing their work of destruction. The proudest cities of the earth are laid low....Graves are opened, and "many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth...awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." All who have died in the faith of the third angel's message come forth from the tomb glorified, to hear God's covenant of peace with those who have kept His law." This makes it positive that the resurrected Sabbath keepers come forth in the special resurrection of Daniel 12. This is the time when the great hailstones are doing their destructive work (7th plague). "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air;...And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: And men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." Rev. 16:17, 21. The resurrected Sabbath keepers did not live during the time of the plagues, for they were resurrected at the time of the seventh plague, so that they hear the announcement of the day and the hour of Jesus' coming. {SR1: 23.1}

Questions to Ponder

  1. What's the central point of our faith? {Note: 1Cor. 15:16-18} How important is it then, that we believe His sacrificial offering for all humanity? 1Cor. 2:2

  2. What is the evidence given in the scriptures that Christ's resurrection wasn't a myth or a fake report of those witnesses of the risen Saviour of the world?

  3. For whom did Christ's resurrection directly apply and why? How have those taken from the graves been a wave sheaf and a type of those who will be resurrected?

  4. How can we build a firm foundation of faith in Christ's resurrection as a victory when in reality we seem to be overtaken by the enemy through our struggles and sufferings?

  5. How do we relate to the statement, "Blessed are those who have not seen but yet they believe"?, and what will be our reaction when we die in the faith, our works will follow us {Rev. 14:13}?

  6. Based on the first statement above, (D.A. 785, 1SC6: 7.8), does the ceremonial harvest depict what Christ has offered on the cross? on what basis and how?

  7. Based on the second statement, {SR1: 23.1}, What hope could it be that after tasting difficulties in life, dying daily because of sin would seem viably reasonable? and what typological significance does the ceremonial harvest poses as hope for the living?

From the Pen of Inspiration

“Christ arose from the dead as the first fruits of those that slept. He was the antitype of the wave sheaf, and His resurrection took place on the very day when the wave sheaf was to be presented before the Lord. For more than a thousand years this symbolic ceremony had been performed […] The sheaf dedicated to God represented the harvest. So Christ the first fruits represented the great spiritual harvest to be gathered for the kingdom of God. His resurrection is the type and pledge of the resurrection of all the righteous dead. ‘For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.’ 1 Thessalonians 4:14” E. G. W. (The Desire of Ages, cp. 81, p. 785)

