Sabbath Afternoon - June 1, 2024

Scripture Reading for the Week:
Matthew 10:28; Ecclesiastes 9:5; Isaiah 8:19-20; John 11:11-14; John 11:21-25; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 16:13-14; Matthew 24:23-27; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. 

Thought for Meditation:
  Through spiritualism many of the sick, the bereaved, the curious, are communicating with evil spirits. All who venture to do this are on dangerous ground. The word of truth declares how God regards them. In ancient times He pronounced a stern judgment on a king who had sent for counsel to a heathen oracle: "Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron? Now therefore thus saith the Lord, Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die." 2 Kings 1:3, 4.  {AA 290.1}  The Acts of the Apostles. 1911

Memory Text:

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). 

This week's SS Lesson will trace the origin of deceptive strategies that have been used by Satan to drag humanity to eternal damnation and death. This will also point out a warning for the last generation, that we should be aware of this end-time delusion.

Study Outline:

Spiritualism and Death
Sunday - June 2, 2024

The Deadly Consequences of Spiritualism - An Immortal Soul

Matthew 10:28; Deuteronomy 18:11; Leviticus 20:27Ecclesiastes 9:5; Job 7:7-9; Isaiah 8:19-20.   

Monday - June 3, 2024

Death in the Old Testament - Death in the Old Testament

Psalms 6:5; 115:17; 13:3; 90:5;  17:15 1 Kings 2:10; 1 Kings 11:43; 1 Kings 14:20; Job 14:12;  Daniel 12:2; Job 19:25-26.  

Tuesday - Jaune 4, 2024

Death in the New Testament - Death in the New Testament

John 11:11-14; John 11:21-25; 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 15:16-18, 51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17;  1 Peter 1:4. 

Spiritualism in the Last Days

Wednesday - June 5, 2024

Spiritualism in the Last Days Part 1 - Signs and Wonders

Matthew 24:5; Matthew 24:11; Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9; Revelation 13:13-14; Revelation 16:13-14.  

Thursday - June 6, 2024

Spiritualism in the Last Days Part 2 - The Ogjective of Spiritualism

 Titus 2:13;  Revelation 14:12; Matthew 24:23-27; 2 Corinthians 11:13-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12;  Revelation 1:13-15. 

Friday - June 7, 2024

Insights and Further Study

From the Pen of Inspiration


Spiritualism and Death
Sunday - June 2, 2024

The Deadly Consequences of Spiritualism - An Immortal Soul

Matthew 10:28; Deuteronomy 18:11; Leviticus 20:27Ecclesiastes 9:5; Job 7:7-9; Isaiah 8:19-20.   

As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away: so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more. (Job 7:9)

The Origin of Spiritualism

Then I was pointed to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They partook of the forbidden tree, and then the flaming swords were placed around the tree of life, and they were driven out of the garden of Eden lest they should partake of the tree of life and be immortal sinners. I saw that the tree of life was to perpetuate immortality. I heard the angel say, "Who of the family of Adam have passed those flaming swords and partaken of that tree?" I heard another angel answer, "Not one of the family of Adam has passed those flaming swords and partaken of the tree of life; therefore there is not an immortal sinner. The soul that sinneth it shall die an everlasting death, a death that lasts forever, where there is no hope of a resurrection, and then the wrath of God will be appeased."  {16MR 35.1} Manuscript Releases Volume 16 (1990)

Laid your Treasure in Heaven not on Earth

He died, that their souls might be redeemed, elevated, ennobled, cleansed by his blood, and fitted for an immortal life. But all was lost because they persisted in laying up for themselves treasures upon earth. Everything that is laid up upon earth may be swept away in a moment; but nothing can disturb the treasure that is laid up in heaven.  {RH, September 18, 1888 par. 18} The Review and Herald

An Immortal Inheritance in His Kingdom was Offered

Through faith in my name he will impart to you the sanctification and holiness which will fit you for his work in a world of sin, and qualify you for an immortal inheritance in his kingdom. The Father has thrown open, not only all heaven, but all his heart, to those who manifest faith in the sacrifice of Christ, and who through faith in the love of God, return unto their loyalty. Those who believe in Christ as the sin-bearer, the propitiation for their sins, the intercessor in their behalf, may through the riches of the grace of God, lay claim to the treasures of heaven. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Jesus says, "Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."  {ST, June 18, 1896 par. 7}  The Signs of the Times

Continual Preparation for the Future Immortal Life

He hath purchased you with His own blood and, when you need His help, call upon Him and you will have it. It is then Jesus will stand up for you. Let your short, uncertain life be a continual preparation for the future immortal life. Temptation is allowed to come upon us to discover the character we possess and to improve our defects. There are continual solicitations to sin, which are disguised to deceive and allure the soul to ruin. Satan will transform himself into an angel of light and he is constantly plotting to rob God of His glory in the destruction of souls. . . . Hang your helpless soul on God. Follow the light given you of heaven.--Letter 42, Nov. 21, 1879, to Edson White.  {TDG 334.5}  This Day With God (1979)

Consider the Following

The Bible teaches that we are made up of three “parts”: “spirit, soul, and body” (1Thes. 5:23). It also teaches that these parts are interdependent. Genesis 2:7 teaches us that God creates a body, infuses it with life (spirit), and becomes a living being (“being,” in Hebrew, is nefesh = “soul”). 

When the breath of life leaves us, we cease to exist. No part of our being has conscious existence after death. The body dies, the spirit (the life force) returns to its Giver, and the soul, the product of the union of body and spirit, ceases to exist (Eccl. 12:1-7; Ezek. 18:20; Job 7 :7-9). 

Since sin entered our world, Satan has used people who have sought to communicate with the dead and gain from them special knowledge of the present or the future. 

The Bible teaches that “anyone who practices these customs will become abominable to the LORD” (Deut. 18:10-12). The penalty for this crime was death (Lev. 20:27) 

Monday - June 3, 2024

Death in the Old Testament 

Psalms 6:5; 115:17; 13:3; 90:5;  17:15 1 Kings 2:10; 1 Kings 11:43; 1 Kings 14:20; Job 14:12;  Daniel 12:2; Job 19:25-26.  

“It is not the dead who praise the Lord, those who go down to the place of silence” (Psalm 115:17)

Christ's Death was Revealed in the Old Testament

The history of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, as that of the Son of God, can not be fully demonstrated without the evidence contained in the Old Testament. Christ is revealed in the Old Testament as clearly as in the New. The one testifies of a Saviour to come, while the other testifies of a Savior that has come in the manner predicted by the prophets. In order to appreciate the plan of redemption, the Scriptures of the Old Testament must be thoroughly understood. It is the glorified light from the prophetic past that brings out the life of Christ and the teachings of the New Testament with clearness and beauty. The miracles of Jesus are a proof of His divinity; but the strongest proofs that He is the world's Redeemer are found in the prophecies of the Old Testament compared with the history of the New. Jesus said to the Jews, "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me." At that time there was no other Scripture in existence save that of the Old Testament; so the injunction of the Saviour is plain.  {ST, October 6, 1909 par. 1} The Signs of the Times

The Dead Cannot do Anything Under Heaven

When, in answer to his prayer, Hezekiah's life was prolonged fifteen years, the grateful king rendered to God a tribute of praise for his great mercy. In this song he tells the reason why he thus rejoices: “The grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee; they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day.” [Isaiah 38:18, 19.] Popular theology represents the righteous dead as in Heaven, entered into bliss, and praising God with an immortal tongue; but Hezekiah could see no such glorious prospect in death. With his words agrees the testimony of the psalmist: “In death there is no remembrance of thee; in the grave who shall give thee thanks?” “The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence.” [Psalm 6:5; 115:17.]  {GC88 546.2} The Great Controversy (1888)

Satan Works with All Deceivableness of Unrighteousness

The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence." Satan, transformed into an angel of light, works with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. He who could take up the Son of God, who was made a little lower than the angels, and place Him upon a pinnacle of the temple, and take Him up into an exceeding high mountain to present before Him the kingdoms of the world, can exercise his power upon the human family, who are far inferior in strength and wisdom to the Son of God, even after He had taken upon Himself man's nature.  {1T 298.2} Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 (1855-1868)

Consider the Following

Although no one says at a funeral “our relative is traveling directly to hell,” many confessions teach that, upon death, the “good” ascend directly to Heaven to be with Jesus, and the “bad” are punished or simply wander. But what does the Bible teach about this? 

(1) Can we praise God after dying? Psalm 115:17 

(2) Do those who die know what happens to their family or friends? Job 14:21 

(3) Can the dead interact with the living? Ecclesiastes 9:6 

(4) Can we continue thinking after dying? Ecclesiastes 9:5 

(5) Will we be able to carry out any type of activity after death? Ecclesiastes 9:10 — The Old Testament teaches that death is a dream. Sleep to wake up only when God calls us back to life (1 Kings 2:10; 14:20; Dan. 12:13). 

Tuesday - June 4, 2024

Death in the New Testament - Death in the New Testament

John 11:11-14; John 11:21-25; 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 15:16-18, 51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17;  1 Peter 1:4. 

“Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up” (John 11:11)

Jesus Wept at the Grave of Lazarus

Christ was strong to save the whole world. He wept at the grave of Lazarus at the thought that He could not save everyone whom Satan’s power had laid low in death. . . . From the light of His exalted purity, the world’s Redeemer could see that the maladies from which the human family were suffering were brought upon them by transgression of the law of God. Every case of suffering He could trace back to its cause. . . . He knew that He alone could rescue them from the pit into which they had fallen. He alone could place their feet in the right path. His perfection alone could avail for their imperfection. He alone could cover their nakedness with His own spotless robe of righteousness. . . . {CTr 251.5} Christ Triumphant (1999)

The Voice that Awakens them to Immortal Life

And they will recognize the voice that awakens them to immortal life as that of Him who said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It is the voice of Him who stood with tear-dimmed eyes at the grave of Lazarus, and who wept over Jerusalem, saying, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not." The last thing that the dying saint recognized as he fell under the power of the destroyer was the pangs of death; but as he springs from his dusty bed he exclaims, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" It is then that Christ is admired of all them that believe.  {BEcho, January 15, 1889 par. 10}  Bible Echo and Signs of the Times

Consider the Following

The New Testament teaches, like the Old, that death is a dream from which only Jesus can awaken us (John 11:11-14; John 5:28-29). 

When writing to the Thessalonians, Paul spoke to them about “those who sleep,” that is, those who had already died, and told them that they would be resurrected to go with Jesus at his Second Coming (1Thes. 4:13-18). If Paul had believed that believers go directly to Jesus when they die, he would have told them that instead of what he told them. 

When speaking of the dead, Paul says that they will be made alive “at his coming,” and not before (1Cor. 15:22-24). He also tells us that “not all of us will sleep.” The living will be transformed in a moment, but the dead will rise already transformed (1Cor. 15:51-52). 

The resurrection is key to being with Jesus. Without resurrection, there is no salvation (1Cor. 15:13-18). It will be in the resurrection when we will receive our inheritance, and we must therefore wait for that moment (1Pet. 1:3-5). 

Spiritualism in the Last Days
Wednesday - June 5, 2024

Spiritualism in the Last Days Part 1 - Signs and Wonders

Matthew 24:5; Matthew 24:11; Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9; Revelation 13:13-14; Revelation 16:13-14.  

"or false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Mark 13:22)

The Deception Before will Take Place Again

Turning to His disciples, Christ said, “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Many false messiahs will appear, claiming to work miracles, and declaring that the time of the deliverance of the Jewish nation has come. These will mislead many. These words were fulfilled. Between the death of Christ and the siege of Jerusalem, many false messiahs appeared. But this warning is given also to those who live in this age of the world. The same deceptions practiced prior to the destruction of Jerusalem will be practiced again. The same events that took place at the overthrow of Jerusalem will take place again. . . . {CTr 353.4} Christ Triumphant (1999)

In the Latter Days False Prophets would Appear

The Saviour foretold that in the latter days false prophets would appear, and draw away disciples after them; and also that those who in this time of peril should stand faithful to the truth that is specified in the book of Revelation, would have to meet doctrinal errors so specious that, if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived.  {2SAT 276.1}  Sermons and Talks Volume 2 (1994)

Danger of Independent Work

It is necessary that something should be done to guard the interests of those who believe the truth for this time. Christ has given many warnings to the effect that false doctrines, false prophets, and false christs would arise and deceive many. From the light that God has been pleased to give me, His humble servant, I know that these prophecies have been fulfilling, and testimonies have not been few that have been given to meet these things as they have come up all along through our religious experience. Great delusions will arise, and even "of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." Even Satan will disguise himself, and appear as Christ.  {CW 152.1}  Counsels to Writers and Editors (1946)

Consider the Following

Spiritualism is a movement led directly by Satan, and its foundation is the immortality of the soul. Its followers believe they can communicate with the dead, and claim to receive supernatural powers from them. 

The time will come when God will allow them to perform irrefutable miracles that will amaze those who behold them (Mk. 13:22; 2Thes. 2:9; Rev. 7:1; 13:13-14). 

Only security in what we know of God's Word, and complete trust in Jesus, will allow us to resist the last temptations of the enemy (Isa. 8:20; Eph. 6:13). 

Thursday - June 6, 2024

Spiritualism in the Last Days Part 2 - The Objective of Spiritualism

 Titus 2:13;  Revelation 14:12; Matthew 24:23-27; 2 Corinthians 11:13-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12;  Revelation 1:13-15. 

“They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:14)

Modern Spiritualism in the Last Days

Modern spiritualism, resting upon the same foundation, is but a revival in a new form of the witchcraft and demon worship that God condemned and prohibited of old. It is foretold in the Scriptures, which declare that "in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Timothy 4:1. Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, points to the special working of Satan in spiritualism as an event to take place immediately before the second advent of Christ. Speaking of Christ's second coming, he declares that it is "after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." 2 Thessalonians 2:9. And Peter, describing the dangers to which the church was to be exposed in the last days, says that as there were false prophets who led Israel into sin, so there will be false teachers, "who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them. . . . And many shall follow their pernicious ways." 2 Peter 2:1, 2. Here the apostle has pointed out one of the marked characteristics of spiritualist teachers. They refuse to acknowledge Christ as the Son of God. Concerning such teachers the beloved John declares: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father." 1 John 2:22, 23. Spiritualism, by denying Christ, denies both the Father and the Son, and the Bible pronounces it the manifestation of antichrist.  {PP 686.1} Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)


The Tradition and Philosophy Destroys Faith in the Holy Scriptures

As in the days of the apostles men tried by tradition and philosophy to destroy faith in the Scriptures, so today, by the pleasing sentiments of higher criticism, evolution, spiritualism, theosophy, and pantheism, the enemy of righteousness is seeking to lead souls into forbidden paths. . . . By spiritualism, multitudes are taught to believe that desire is the highest law, that license is liberty, and that man is accountable only to himself. [THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, P. 474.] {NL 54.4} A New Life (Revival and Beyond) 1972)


Consider the Following

Satan's intention is to win the war against God, overthrow His government, and occupy His throne (Isa. 14:13-14). To do this, he will use any strategy to win over everyone, starting with the political powers that govern us (Rev. 16:12-14). 

“The act that will crown the great drama of deception will be that Satan himself will pretend to be Christ” (EGW “The Great Controversy”, p. 681). 

But it will be at that moment when Jesus will put an end to the story (Rev. 16:15). Satan is a defeated enemy. Defeated by Christ, and defeated by those who cling to His blood (1Jn. 2:14; 4:3-4; Rev. 3:21; 5:5; 12:11). 

Friday - June 7, 2024

Insights and Further Study

Furthermore, God has expressly forbidden all pretended communication with departed spirits. In the days of the Hebrews there was a class of people who claimed, as do the spiritualists of today, to hold communication with the dead. But the "familiar spirits," as these visitants from other worlds were called, are declared by the Bible to be "the spirits of devils." (Compare Numbers 25:1-3; Psalm 106:28; 1 Corinthians 10:20; Revelation 16:14.) The work of dealing with familiar spirits was pronounced an abomination to the Lord, and was solemnly forbidden under penalty of death. Leviticus 19:31;  20:27. The very name of witchcraft is now held in contempt. The claim that men can hold intercourse with evil spirits is regarded as a fable of the Dark Ages. But spiritualism, which numbers its converts by hundreds of thousands, yea, by millions, which has made its way into scientific circles, which has invaded churches, and has found favor in legislative bodies, and even in the courts of kings—this mammoth deception is but a revival, in a new disguise, of the witchcraft condemned and prohibited of old. {DD 20.3} Darkness Before Dawn (1997)

Questions to Ponder

From the Pen of Inspiration

“I saw that the saints must have a thorough understanding of present truth, which they will be obliged to maintain from the Scriptures. They must understand the state of the dead; for the spirits of devils will yet appear to them, professing to be beloved relatives or friends, who will declare to them unscriptural doctrines. They will do all in their power to excite sympathy and will work miracles before them to confirm what they declare. The people of God must be prepared to withstand these spirits with the Bible truth that the dead know not anything, and that they who thus appear are the spirits of devils." EGW (Early writings, p. 262)