Get Ready for the SAT

As Londonderry High School juniors, you will take the PSAT in the fall and the SAT in the late winter/spring of your junior year. Both tests will occur during the regular school day.

Fall 2023 PSAT: Wednesday, October 11th

Spring 2024 SAT: March 27th


Stressful! Taking the PSAT and SAT can be very stressful. Remember that this is only one measure- one snapshot- of your academic skills. With the proper  MINDSET and some PREPARATION,  the whole experience of taking these standardized tests can be less stressful and more positive. 

For inspiration, check out the swagger in this video! 

How does Junior English prepare you for the SAT?

Our course curriculum prepares you for your future by strengthening and deepening your skills as a reader and writer. 

You continually develop and deepen your skills as a reader when you: 

• engage in a dialog with a text

• analyze your response to a text

• develop an argument and select passages from a text as support

• identify connections and reflect on their significance

• develop questions

• research to discover answers to questions and explore connections

• explore literary criticism (reviews, editorials, articles, documentaries etc. …)

• develop your vocabulary.

You continually develop and deepen your skills as a writer when you:

• engage in the writing process – brainstorming, drafting, editing and revising

• effectively use online resources to edit and refine your writing

• create a supported argument with strong voice, idea development, word choice     and organization

• develop your range through multiple genres – argument, reflection, prose and poetry

• develop your vocabulary. 

(Note: has word lists that will help you out on the SAT.) 

Great Resources from Khan Academy's  YouTube Channel

Maximize your score with free Official Digital SAT® Prep (Log-in with your GMail.)

Great Resources from the 

College Board's YouTube Channel

Helpful Articles from the College Board