How to Create a Semester Portfolio
Semester-End Assessment: Semester Portfolio & Symposium- A Capstone Experience
What's the Semester Portfolio?
Your semester portfolio is a site you create to offer evidence of competency as a self-directed learner, critical thinker, creative thinker, communicator, collaborator, problem solver, and engaged citizen. (This represents competencies 1 - 4.)
At the start of the semester...
create your semester portfolio inside your course folder.
follow the directions posted in this Google Slides file.
Click here to discover what a performance reflection is.
At the end of the semester...
add evidence of your summative work
add evidence of your formative work
complete performance reflections
select a theme for the site
select a unique header image for each page themed to the focus of the page.
add an explanation of how and why the image you selected for the header connects to the work included on the page
add appropriate MLA citations for every image.
You will have no greater than 75 minutes during the SEA block to:
finish semester portfolio.
finish "personal best" infographic (fall semester)
finish preparation for publication of "personal best" summative (spring semester)
publish and formally submit completed semester portfolio.
publish and formally submit "personal best" to the classroom gallery