Assessing Summative Work

Understanding Grading

Summative Work (80% of Semester Grade)

2023-2024 Infographic_Summative_Revision_V2.pdf

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Summative DUE Dates

The beginning/end dates for each summative corresponds with the beginning/end dates for the creation and subsequent submission of the summative. 

Revision/remediation dates for each summative will be posted in the weekly workflow for the associated course. 

Late Submission of Summative

Late work results in a reduction of the time needed to complete any necessary revision/remediation work (including related formative work) since this must be completed before the end of the posted revision/remediation period.

Submitting a Summative

To ensure that you have the opportunity to take full advantage of the remediation/revision process for a summative, you must: 

Improving a Summative Grade

To improve a summative score through the remediation/revision process, you must:

Grading Scale 


Summative Work

Rubrics for Summative Assessments

Posted along with detailed directions for each unique summative, rubrics offer learners specific performance goals. Click here to see all summative assessments. 

Special Codes in Aspen/X2

IP*      IN PROGRESS- Indicates that work on this assessment is currently in-progress. 

BG*     BEING GRADED-  Indicates work has successfully been turned in and is being graded.    


MI       MISSING - Indicates that work is missing. This calculates as zero until the work has been submitted. 

*Aspen/X2 will flag each of these "special codes" as EXEMPT which means that the code is "exempt" from calculations.  This does not mean the learner is EXEMPT from the assignment.