Formatting Formal Papers

MLA Formatting

The Modern Language Association (MLA) is the "referee" for all papers in the humanities. It establishes a set of rules and guidelines for formatting, citations and more.

Click here to access the The MLA Style Center. 

Click here to find the MLA's formatting guidelines.

MLA Heading (placed in top left corner of the paper, double-spaced)

Student Name 

Teacher Name 

Course Name 


The MLA does not have standards for the electronic submission of papers. Since we will use several different digital platforms as we work with our papers and all will be submitted digitally, use these modifications to the MLA’s guidelines for formatting:

Font & Size: Callibri Light,  size 11

Page Numbers:   none

Placement of Works Cited section in a paper:  six lines below the concluding paragraph

Note: Whole paper should be double-spaced, following MLA.