Research for Summative Assessments
Formative Work
Develop your skills as a problem solver.
Develop your skills as a researcher, as you create the background knowledge needed for an in-depth summative assessment.
Create some of the evidence needed to demonstrate competency.
Step 1: Get Ready!
Create a sub-folder inside your course folder and name it: Research_(title of literary work).
Place all of your digital research work - articles, research notes, links to resources - inside the sub-folder you created.
Step 2: Research- Go with the Flow!
Review your reader's/viewer's response for the literary work that's the focus for the upcoming summative.
Explore any questions you identified in your response, the author/poet/playwright, genre, and context for the work of literature.
This process of exploration may lead you to something that intrigues or inspires you. That's important. It will help you become invested in your topic which will help you create a fabulous summative assessment.
Research Resources
You are looking for valid, reliable, and accurate sources that will help you support an argument, explore an connection, create a fictional world, and or communicate your findings with rich images and sounds. Your research resources include:
class website
Britannica ImageQuest (Click here to learn how to find images and citations.)
Soundzabound (Click here to learn how to find and download music.)
Once you find a great source...
Download the resources (articles, images, sound files) to your course folder.
Read and respond to articles - adding questions, comments, connections, and highlighting interesting passages directly on the article (or on a Google Doc with a link to the article.)
All done? Not yet.
Be prepared to engage in a 1:1 conference with Mrs. Juster to share your research process and demonstrate your preparation for the creation of a successful summative assessment.