Lavery (John)

Sir John Lavery, né le 20 mars 1856 à Belfast (Irlande) et mort le 10 janvier 1941, est un peintre irlandais, connu notamment pour ses portraits.

Nous connaissons :

  • Représenté à Paris chez Blanchet 20 rue Saint-Benoit :
    • 1889[8]
      • Marie Stuart, reine d’Ecosse ; point du jour, 14 mai 1568
      • La Convalescente.
  • Lettre depuis le 248 West George Street à Glasgow, le 26 juin 1898[1], « Dear sir, at the close of the salon kindly give fallowing pictures to the Paris agent of la société des artistes de Munich who will appel to you for them. 2 E. Christie 535 & 536, James Guthrie 1157, S. Henry 1195, W. Kennedy 1305 – 3024 – 3025, J. Lavery 3071, J. Paterson 1850, also kindly return to Glasgow Gut hrie 2968, Lavery 1405, monsieur René Bashet 12 rue de l’abbaye will give you an order from Mr Guthrie for 2969 which you will kindly deliver to him. This makes up the 12 pictures that were sent to the salon from Glasgow through you. Kindly let me know when you have made these arrangements. And dhye yours sincerely. ». Signé John Lavery.
  • Sur papier à entête du Grand Hôtel des Voyageurs de Concarneau, le 26 août 1903[2], « Dear monsieur Blanchet, I am sorry to say that the canvas and care you have sent me are not the right size. I understand that. I had ardered a canvas size 76*52inches insteall 5 which has come runch smaller one. Perhaps the mestake has been mine you will are from any letter I have telegraphed askied you to send one a piece. Canvas the think strong king and I will have a chene and case made here. Yourfull. ». Signé John Lavery.
  • Lettre depuis le Conrad Uhl’s hotel Bristol à Berlin, adressée à monsieur E. Blanchet 20 rue Saint-Benoît Paris, le 19 mars 1904[4], « Dear monsieur Blanchet, Will you be as kind as i have any two pictures sent me an the 1st or 2nd april « Le Printemps » comes from Berlin and « Dame en Rose » from London a Curved from is them sent by an address from Hainitere which you might take charge of the 2 arrive in Paris about 3th o 4th mai. Please let me know of the picture arrive all safe. I believe me yours very kind ». Signé John Lavery.

  • Depuis Eden Grand Hôtel au cap d’Ail, adressée à monsieur Emile Blanchet palette d’argent rue Bonaparte, le 13 mars 1921[5], « Dear monsieur Blanchet, will you please make for me 12 streteckers size 30 by 25 inches or 76-3 by 63-5 centimeters. Before putting canvas ai thin will you kindly send me one or too samples of tacles fines and sahall reluie the one I want. When you post me the samples very small pieces will do please say how soon after the sample in relesind. I may expare I delivery here. With kind regard, Yours sincerly ». Signé John Lavery.
  • Lettre de Londres 5 Cromwell Place S.W.7. adressée à monsieur Blanchet Palette d’Or rue Bonaparte Paris, le 20 juin 1923[6], « Dear monsieur Blanchet, The canvas has arrived in good condition will you please … me the well so that i may know much I are you for it. Behin me will kind regards, Yours sincerely ». Signé John Lavery.
  • Lettre de Londres 5 Cromwell Place S.W.7. adressée à monsieur Blanchet fils 38 rue Bonaparte Paris, le 31 décembre 1923[7], « With apologies for delay and good wishes for the new year. From yours sincerely ». Signé John Lavery.

Références :

Maison Blanchet - © Frédéric Blanchet 2017-2019