Hashimoto Tsutomu


When I was a teenager, I dreamed of being a musician, playing guitar and composing a lot of music pieces. My friend, Mr. Motegi Kin-ichi, was my partner, and we spent a lot of time together playing our music. Most of our pieces were recorded on cassette tapes, and they can be listened to anytime if you like. For more than four years we enjoyed unforgettable times together.

Mr. Motegi finally became a real musician. He is a drummer, and he now belongs to the famous pop-band called "Tokyo Skapara Orchestra." On the other hand, I am now an associate professor on the Faculty of Economics at the Graduate School of Hokkaido University in Japan. Although I belong to the faculty of economics, my specialty is in the philosophy of social sciences, especially the relations in the 20th century between ideology and methodology in the social sciences, including economics, politics, sociology, law, and education.

My first academic concern was triggered by seeing the historical crash of the Russian and East European communist regimes in 1989, and by knowing the relevant philosophies of liberalism, especially the ideas of Popper, Mises and Hayek. At that time, I was only 22-years old. Since I had traveled abroad to more than 20 countries, I really felt that world history had begun to change drastically. I wanted to know the cause and nature of the contemporary processes that were changing the world.

After I finished my first work, I went on to investigate related issues under the theme of the relations between ideology and methodology in the 20th century. I investigated Max Weber's sociology and his ideology, Austrian Economics and its methodology, and various trends of Marxism. Along with examining sources of the philosophy of liberalism, my main research now is to construct an original theory of liberalism; on the one hand, I have been in New York for two years (2000.7.- 2002.6.), attending the Austrian Colloquium at New York University. During this period Professor Israel Kirzner and professor Mario Rizzo inspired me to study the market coordination problem in the context of Austrian Economics. On the other hand, I have a great concern with the history of world intellectuals regarding the problem of the influence of Marxism. It is interesting to see how the ghost of Marxist ideology still spurs on various anti-global activities. My original contribution would be the one that addresses these two theoretical issues.

If you are a college student, I would like to give you my mentor's advice. My mentor, Professor Onitsuka, who has already passed away, once gave me two interesting pieces of advice about how to spend college life. The first advice was to wake up early and to go to bed early, at least by midnight. The human body functions most effectively when we follow the rhythm of the moon. His second advice was to stay away from junk food such as McDonalds' hamburgers or Coke. You have to take care of your health; otherwise, you will shorten your life. This advice was rooted in his own experience. In fact, Professor Onitsuka died at the age of 59 because of his lack of moderation. He had been a graduate student at the University of Chicago for five years, and he lost his health.

Professor Onitsuka's advice not only helped me, but he inspired me to study ideological issues when I was an undergraduate. If I had not attended his seminar, I would not have dreamed of becoming a professor. Thus, my message for you would be that the most important thing is to meet a great teacher who will have a crucial impact on your life. You need to struggle to find that kind of person as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact me in English. Or, if you write in your own language, I have friends who may be able to translate your message. I thank you for visiting my home page. [2002.9.]

Hashimoto Tsutomu


My Student | Kesong Wang (a true Misesian)

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hokkaido University Graduate School

Visiting Scholar at New York University. (2000.7.-2002.6.)

■ Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

■ Major: Philosophy of Social Sciences, History of Economic Ideas

■ Papers and Interviews:

Interview with Tsutomu Hashimoto, for the review ≪ Arguments ≫

by Gregoire Canlorbe

October 19, 2017


A single-authored book: Tsutomu Hashimoto, Liberalism and the Philosophy of Economics, London: Routledge, 2021.9.15. Now published!

Introduction | Routledge | Amazon |

A Capability Approach to Justice of the Global Distribution: A Proposal for the International Tariff System

(Revised in September 2021. This was previously presented at Yeongnam University at Taegu, Korea, 13th September, 2007. Originally published as the chapter 10, section 3-2. Conditions of Empire, Tokyo: Koubundo, 2007, in Japanese.)

Contents: My Book in Japanese, titled: Principles of Freedom: Ideas on the Welfare State to come, Tokyo: Iwanami-Shoten, Feb. 2021.

Preface: My Book in Japanese, titled: Principles of Freedom: Ideas on the Welfare State to come, Tokyo: Iwanami-Shoten, Feb. 2021.

Tsutomu Hashimoto, Yusuke Kanazawa, Kyoko Tominaga, "A new liberal class in Japan: based on latent class analysis."

Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2019, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 192–210. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2019.5.65.13 | Journal Information |

Tsutomu Hashimoto, "A Theory of Real Freedom: Toward a Growth-oriented Liberalism," in Review of Economic Philosophy (Journal Revue de philosophie economique), 20(1) Juin 2019, pp.63-87. PDF | Journal Cover | Journal Information

A Fundamental Economic Thought Problem on Peace and War since the Cold War: A Critical Appraisal of E. Schumacher, J. Galbraith, and K. Boulding," in The History of Economic Thought, 59-2, Jan. 2018, pp.19-34. [PDF]

Hashimoto, Tsutomu; Oda, Kazumasa; Qi, Yuan, "On Well-being, Sustainability and Wealth Indices beyond GDP : A guide using cross-country comparisons of Japan, China, South Korea," The Economic Studies (Hokkaido University), 2018, 68(1), pp.35-88. HP-1 | HP-2 |

Hashimoto Tsutomu, "How a Fat Slave Can Make His Soul Noble: Takenori Inoki on Liberty," The History of Economic Thought, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp.164-170. [PDF]

Hashimoto Tsutomu, "A Theory of Spontaneous Well-being", at Special Workshop no.78: Collective Decision Making in a Theory of Justice

Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Lowengraben 202. Summary PDF

IVR 2019, 7-12 July, Lucerne, Switzland

Tsutomu Hashimoto and Yusuke Kanazawa, "A New Liberal Class in Japan: Based on Latent Class Analysis," [PDF] presented at East Asian Sociological Association (EASA), Inargual Conference at Chuo University, Tokyo, March 8-9, 2019.

"Takata Yasuma’s theory on power and his political stance on race," in Yukihiro Ikeda and Annalisa Rosselli eds., War in the History of Economic Thought: Economists and the Question of War, Routledge, July 2017.

Tsutomu Hashimoto, "Stockowner and Employee Partnership: Some Ideas on Institutional Assistance,"[PDF]

The Annuals of Center for Regional and Business Networks, vol. 6, March 2017, pp.63-71.

“Discourses on Neoliberalism in Japan,” in Eurasia Border Review, Vol.5, No.2, Fall 2014, pp.99-119.

Eurasia Border Review | Paper PDF |

Hashimoto Tsutomu, “A Theory of Methodology in Social Sciences: A Functional Analysis” (2014)


【Interview (in Spanish)】 "Debates liberales en el Norte de Japon: Entrevista a Hashimoto Tsutomu (1967-)," in Adrian O. Ravier ed., La Escuela Austriaca desde adentro, Histrorias e Ideas de sus Pensadores, Volumen III, Madrid: Union Editorial, 2013, pp.387-413.

Hashimoto Tsutomu, "On demarcation problem between libertarianism and neoliberalism" in XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 21st to 27th July 2013, Campus of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. on 23rd, session: Law and State, ID=302.

XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Hashimoto Tsutomu, "Carl Menger and the Later Austrian School of Economics: An Analysis of their Methodological Relationship," in Austrian Economics in Transition: From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek, eds. by Harald Hagemann, Tamotsu Nishizawa and Yukihiro Ikeda, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.310-328.

Hashimoto Tsutomu, "On the Concept of Positive and Negative Freedom in Jose Rubio Carrecedo ed. Political Philosophy: New Proposals for New Questions, Proseedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress Granada 2005, volume II, Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (ARSP) Beiheft Nr.107, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, pp.73-78.

Hashimoto Tsutomu, On Market Order: Four Tensions on Market Theories in Neo-Aistrian Economics (PDF)

2003/05/22draft paper presented at Japanese Assosiation of the History of Economic Ideas.

Hashimoto Tsutomu, The Purpose and Significance of the Methodology in the Age of Scientism,

Economic Journal of Hokkaido University, vol.29, 2000.7.

Hashimoto Tsutomu, On Demarcation problem between neoliberalism and libertarianism

draft 2009.9.

Hashimoto Tsutomu, "Carl Menger and the Later Austrian School of Economics: An Analysis of their Methodological Relationship," in Austrian Economics in Transition: From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek, eds. by Harald Hagemann, Tamotsu Nishizawa and Yukihiro Ikeda, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp.310-328.