

秋元実治. 『イギリス哲学者の英語 ー通時的研究ー』(開拓社言語・文化選書99) 開拓社. [詳しくはこちら]

秋元実治編. 『近代英語における文法的・構文的変化』 開拓社. [詳しくはこちら

家入葉子・堀田隆一. 『文献学と英語史研究』(最新英語学・言語学シリーズ21) 開拓社. [詳しくはこちら

永尾智. 『英語の歴史 外面史 近代英語まで』 美巧社. [詳しくはこちら

米倉綽. 『シェイクスピアはどのような方法でことばをふやしたのか—初期近代英語における語彙の意味と構造—』開拓社. [詳しくはこちら]


Ahlers, Wiebke H. Consonantal Sound Change in American English: An Analysis of Clustered Sibilants. (Studies in English Language). Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら]

Amador Moreno, Carolina, Dagmar Haumann and Arne Peters, eds. Digitally-Assisted Historical English Linguistics. Routledge. [詳しくはこちら

Brackmann, Rebecca. Old English Scholarship in the Seventeenth Century: Medievalism and National Crisis. Brill. [詳しくはこちら]

Brinton, Laurel J. Pragmatics in the History of English. Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら]

Condorelli, Marco and Hanna Rutkowska, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Orthography. Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら]

Culpeper, Jonathan, Andrew Hardie and Jane Demmen. The Arden Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's Language. 2 vols. Bloomsbury. [詳しくはこちら]

Evans, Jonathan. An Introduction to Old English. Revised edition. MLA. [詳しくはこちら]

Goering, Nelson. Prosody in Medieval English and Norse. British Academy Monographs. Oxford University Press. [詳しくはこちら

Johnson, David. Language Connections with the Past: A History of the English Language. University System of Georgia. [詳しくはこちら

Kowalczyk, Malgorzata. Borrowings in Informal American English. (Studies in English Language). Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら

Mazzon, Gabriella, ed. Language Contact and the History of English: Processes and Effects on Specific Text-Types. Peter Lang. [詳しくはこちら

Millar, Robert McColl. A History of the Scots Language. Oxford University Press. [詳しくはこちら]

Millar, Robert McColl, ed. Trask's Historical Linguistics. 4th ed. Routledge. [詳しくはこちら]

Ogilvie, Sarah. The Dictionary People: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English Dictionary. Penguin Random House. [詳しくはこちら

Ostler, Rosemarie. The United States of English: The American Language from Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century. Oxford University Press. [詳しくはこちら]

Pons-Sanz, Sara M. and Louise Sylvester, eds. Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches. (New Approaches to English Historical Linguistics). Palgrave Macmillan. [詳しくはこちら

Suzuki, Seiichi. The Miniatures and Meters of the Old English Genesis, MS Junius 11. Volume 1: The Pictorial Organization of the Old English Genesis: The Touronian Foundations and Anglo-Saxon Adaptation. Volume 2: The Metrical Organization of the Old English Genesis: The Anglo-Saxon Foundations and Old Saxon Adaptation. De Gruyter. [詳しくはこちら]

Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt and Jason Grafmiller. Comparative Variation Analysis: Grammatical Alternations in World Englishes. Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら

Taavitsainen, Irma, Turo Hiltunen, Jeremy J. Smith and Carla Suhr, eds. Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500-1820. Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら

Trudgill, Peter. The Long Journey of English: A Geographical History of the Language. Cambridge University Press. [詳しくはこちら

van Rooy, Bertus. World Englishes: The Local Lives of a Global Language. (Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language - Advanced). Edinburgh University Press. [詳しくはこちら]

Visser, F. Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. 4 vols. Reprint. Brill. [詳しくはこちら]

Watts, Catherine. Language Change and Nineteenth-Century Science: New Words, New Worlds. Routledge. [詳しくはこちら]

Waxenberger, Gaby, Kerstin Kazzazi and John Hines, eds. Old English Runes: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Approaches and Methodologies with a Concise and Selected Guide to Terminologies. (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 134). De Gruyter. [詳しくはこちら]