US Senate

Candidate Biography:

David Perdue is the senior United States Senator from Georgia. David has over 40 years of business experience as the former CEO of Reebok athletic brand and Dollar General stores, where he created thousands of quality jobs and helped working families make it from payday to payday. At Georgia Tech, David earned a degree in industrial engineering and a master’s in operations research while working warehouse and construction jobs. He has been married for 46 years to a former 1st Grade classmate, Bonnie.

Sen. David Perdue

Main Policies:

  • Pro-life: "Human life begins at conception" (Sep 2014)

  • Tax reform: No tax increases, change income and estate taxes to a 23% Sales Tax (Jan 2017)

  • Anti-Immigration: Voted in favor of the wall

Other Policies:

  • States should decide on Marijuana

  • Repeal Obama Care

  • Pro 2nd-Amendment

  • Opposes increasing the minimum wage, subsidies on renewable energy, and outsourcing jobs