Belcom Liner 2


This was the 1970s rig that brought VHF SSB to the masses.

When I first had one I was amazed how far I could work. It was a 10W pep rig that used crystal mixing. Many were over-driven and produced bad spurious emissions.

With just a dipole I found I could work unheard of VHF DX. Later that decade many moved to the ICOM IC-202 instead. Often people used a 30W linear and a Tonna 9 element antenna. Back in the 1970s and 1980s there was plenty of activity on 2m SSB and FM.

As I recall, it was based on a 10m SSB rig. Versions were also made for 70cm SSB.

Belcom Liner-2 SSB transceiver from the 1970s.