
This is the latest QRP transceiver from ICOM. It is 10W and covers all bands (not 4m) from 160m to 70cm with all modes. It has GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi. Up to 25MHz it is a direct sampling SDR. It can have a battery on the back in which case it is a 5W radio. A microSD card can record QSOs and be used to store other things and do firmware updates.

It has been on sale since late summer 2020 and is proving very popular. In the UK it is expensive.

When using the USB cable for FT8 with WSJT-X, I experienced a lot of noise from the PC. Replacing it with a good, screened and choked cable seems to have fixed it.

For a time, I had the excellent Yaesu FT-710, but decided to revert to the IC-705.

See https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ic-705 .