2m Operation

When G8s (class B licences) were first allowed access to 2m in the UK, (at first they only had access to 70cm and microwave bands) it seemed everyone was using a 9el Tonna antenna and about 30W. Activity was quite good and plenty of SSB contacts could be had. These days, it is much quieter even on FM with repeaters very quiet.

I guess there are now more modes to explore, but it is definitely quieter than it once was. There are far fewer people just chatting. Sadly, people just appear when there is a lift. I guess years ago people came on to chat, whereas nowadays they can do this with video on the internet anywhere in the world for free, without a licence.

Many have gone on to FT8 where DX contacts are possible at any time with low power. Some of the contacts are tropo, some aircraft scatter and some troposcatter. FT8 seems to make this possible for very modest, low power stations. Even with 2.5W and a big-wheel I seem to reach EI and GI from East Anglia every day irrespective of conditions with FT8.

2m is good for QSOs up to a few hundred km on SSB. Better equipped stations with lots of power and big beams can work much further, often by troposcatter. Outside of contests, activity can be quite low, although specialists can work great distances by meteor scatter or moonbounce. Satellites were popular, but seem less so nowadays. There is limited AM operation mostly centred on 144.55MHz. Sporadic-E (Es) is rare on 2m. Best times are early summer, but openings can be fleeting. DX of about 1000km is possible even on FM with strong signals. Most DX is possible with tropo openings. During tropo lifts, it is possible to work stations at far greater distances than normal.

Overall, the impression is an underused band with great potential.