
We moved to this QTH in summer 2013. 

Unlike the previous QTH, I have a dedicated room for building and operating. Sadly, my poor health has made building far more difficult, so I tend to concentrate most of my activity these days on digital modes like FT8  and WSPR. I still use voice modes sometimes.

Building and modifications are done on the left whilst operating is on the right, overlooking the garden.

With WSPR and FT8 I can monitor activity on a different PC in the lounge if I want.

The photo makes the room look far bigger than it is!

Current gear is as follows:


FT817  (TX faulty and not working)


Yaesu  VX1 and 2

Mizuho MX2 QRP SSB (rarely used)

23cm 2W transverter by SG Labs

Various homemade gear such a 630m transverter, 40m Pixie, 10FT8R 10m FT8 RX, 136kHz and VLF beacons

Lincoln President Mk 2 10m multimode (rarely used)

MFJ  Cub 15m QRP CW rig (rarely used)

Network radio for Echolink.