
Weather, is a major factor in the design construction and running of any building structure, from the humble shed through to palaces and large multistory high rise sky scrapers. 

Weather can destroy a building in one simple moment of time, it can even wipe out an entire island.

So it comes as no surprise to any one connected with the construction industry when I say, learn about the weather if you wish to design, construct or maintain a building.

This lecture set is designed to introduce all the major players, starting with the sun and finishing with the sun, but in between looking at the wind, rain, and water.

This going to be the ultimate guide to whats now commonly called the Weather machine after the film 'Decoding the weather machine'. It's going to be a long haul to build this up so please be patient as I add data and links.

This is a presentation I gave to a Proctor Group Tech presentation, it has all of the above, but a little more on tyhe Solar system, the Tropic of Cansor and Tropic of Caprecorn, and a little more on the weather

The effect of the weather on a site can easily delay any construction for weeks, sometimes months, good planning, and detailing, can make all the difference. The impact on the construction industry is real, ignore it and your site will suffer at some point. This lecture looks at some of the problems ans some ways to monitor incoming weather and just a little on how to survive.

Lightening is a part of the weather, somewhere on the planet lightening is striking a building, , tree or just the bare earth. This lecture will take a look at the phenomina and show somw ways we can try and protect the most vunerable buildings.

For so long, Magnetic North stayed in much the same place, but within the last few years it is moving, and at pace east towards Russia, currently its almost due north . This short lecture will take a look at this and offer some insight as to why.

This lecture takes a look at wind, how its formed, the effects on buildings, and the consequences of ignoring its power

I have split out the Coriolis Effect from the main wind presentation and expanded it The effect of wind on the weather is a process called the Coriolis Effect, its complex but needs to be understood to see why certain things happen

If there is one object that has a such a massive effect on this planets weather then its the moon. In this slide set I'll look at this rock that orbits our planet and tell its story.

It covers so much of the Earth, it regulates so much of the Climate, and its so complicated, This lecture will try to explain its slow curcuit round the planet and some of the problems. Its a work in progress so hang in there Whilst I build it up.

To be added

For a long time, the weather has been recorded in minute detail, on recent years this have been done not on paper, but digitaly, pulling this information as a speciific resource for a particular site, again increases your understanding of the effects of weather,  not just as a forcast, but minute by minute as we tap into electronic weather data centers. The Met office in Exeter is at the forfront of Data and forcasting, its a work in progress so hang in there as I build it up.