Building Regulations

All building regs follow much the same pattern, Often copying one or more of the dominant issues like the British, USA, German & French.

I have loaded up my slide set, A intro to the Building Regs, and will update with new slides and comments in the near future.

This chart looks at the global building regulation I have found, with links to the local sites for download

This is my lecture notes set on the way the Building Regulations works in the UK, Scotland Northern Ireland and Wales, have their own versions which usualy follow the English versions all be it with local modifications.

It is usefull to know why the regs came into being, this has now beed added

The Building regulations as they stand at present

Where that are made available for Download

Currently under Construction

The method of provig that your product is fit for purpose under the building regulations

The test methods devised by the British stadards to test a product showing that it can prove fitnes for puropose via Garement

Currently under construction

Basically an Insurance company that controls the materoals and application for very specific application, notabluy sound that is very hard to comply with and test. 

Currently under construction

A look at some of the principles used to specify products under the building Regulations

Currently under construction