Knowledge Base

In these days we generate a lot of information, we read and are exposed to so much news, data and general information. If we are to understand it all or at least be able to look up a note, we need to store it in a way thats easy and safe. My Own system has evolved from folders full of paper notes to Note Books, to online systems like Google Keep and Evernote, but now I use Obsidian, why, well its almost free, its safe, not held by anyone and above all, can be exported easily, unlike the others I have used. 

So in these slides I take a look at mt system, it works for me and other I have introduced it to, there is a lot of excellent help both from the Obsidian platform but also from the many users who leave great videos on youtube.

Adding my slides to your Knowledge base by using the simple link, or adding the link to< iframe> html code replacing the example link  in red with the new link:

<iframe width="660" height="515" src="" title="ScaysTech" frameborder="1" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Still under Development

So here is my first lecture slide set on the subject, its in development to you might need to come back to see updates and added information .

You will pick up Knowledge is the most unlikly places, all the time, Make a note and save it.

Never go into a lecture without some form of note taking, Pencil and paper is so often the best.

Still under development

Apple Notes is an App I can't get away from, its a program that just works, its a great note taing app, thats easy to use, and if your on the Mac eccosystem one thats always there. Its not my main Knowledge base, thats now Obsidian, But  Apple noes has some very usefull features I use constantly such as the scan feature, I use to collect news paper articles, book covers, and the like. plus simple notes. I use my Apple Phoone for most of this and its there on my Macbook Air ready to transfer to Obsidian.

Still under development

I need to store for easy retrival, and book in my now expanding library, and tech web site I have visited, and manufacturer. Zotero is probably the best Bibliography program I have ever seen, its Mac compatable, plus it works with Safari with a little app, that allows me to press a button to store all I need to create a citation.