Most if not all professional Institutes, require there members to keep up their studies up to date, and research new ideas. 35 hours per year is almost universal. 

So what do you do, well for me its a roundabout trip  of lecture preparation keeping up with current regulations and continuing down my list of interesting subjects.

This is done partly via self learning, a small amount of lectures from Manufacturers, and a lot of research and academic paper writing, but mostly self learning. on my personal page scaysbrook.co.uk, with all of my CPD activity listed on the  AT-CPD.co.uk website along with a load of tips, and future cpd events where I also list my small spreadsheet of hours spent, my book collection, and  my academic papers.

By far my most useful method of achieving my hours are podcasts, those lectures recorded for private listening. I use two android players to collect and play these Google podcast player, and Stitcher, both available cross platform, although I use a Google Pixel so android is my choice, add to this Spotify, which is evolving into the best podcast / music player ever.

Below I intend to list some useful podcasts. Drop me a line on twitter @scays with any interesting podcast you find. You might want to log onto Stitcher and use the search bar, for whatever style, focus or subject takes your fancy.

This is the start of a lecture to my students. Looking at the subject of CPD, what it means, how to do it, what to read

This is my CPD list which I update as I can, bu being a Visiting Prof at Birmingham City University, I tend to exceed the min 35 hours per year by a country mile, I should be into at least 100 hours by December 2023 and by April 2024, I should be at at least 150 hours. I use Apple numbers to record my hours, its a little different to Google;s Spreadsheet, and has taken some learning, but I like it a lot.

Your Little Blue book or my use of Obsidian 

For so long I have used books, ring bindrs and a variety of digital programs to store my knowledge base. Now I have found the ultimate program that does not lock my information into their system. Obsidian uses txt files and markdown to link and add to my  knowledge base. Its incredably powerfull, and I can link to other programs like my CPD list. its avaiilable for free download and is cross platform.. www.obsidian.com

Trade Show

Attending Trade Shows

Attending a trade show is certainly a day long CPD event, planned right you learning will leap enormously with all the specific trade stands and lectures you might want to atten. I have made a short video to help you plan the day to get the most out of you time.


BBC Science Hour

BBC Earth Podcast

The BBC has a host of different podcasts, and as you might imagine, they are very well produces, but above all, they are very informative. There is a vast backlog of archived podcasts, usually produces on a weekly schedule. The link on the left takes you to a list of different podcasts, choose your poison and enjoy.

The BBC has a thing with Google at present so at the time of writing, the BBC podcasts don't load on Google products, however they work well on Stitcher my prefered podcast player on my Google Pixel 2.

For any teacher, you have to deal with what ever platform your college or University uses to talk to students. Mine Birmingham City University uses Moodle, its ok, it works but I have been watching the Google platform and used it privatly, its not bad,  This podast is just simply all about the Google Academic platform, including the Google Docs and other support services that can be used on this platform. 

I like this podcast, its diverse and interesting, some are way of beat, but some are very relevant to Architecture

An interesting podcast thats very much Architecture, focused,

A facinating series of interviews with Leo Laport talking to some of the founding people of the internet, and the new blood  shaping new products, services, and concepts

The TED lectures are famous, industry giants, inventors and authors  giving lectures that facinate, 

A selfbuild podcast that has very helpful content, put forward by Paul Forrester via a tweet

A podcast looking at CAD, 2D and 3D, construction and materials, very American oriented, but useful all the same

An unusual Podcast, but I will leave it in place until I have a chance to listern to a few podcasts.. Its about design, and I am hooked on the first listen. Again a podcast put forward by Paul Forrester via a tweet.

Stacy Higinbotham runs the best Podcast looking at sensors, products, manufactirers, linked to the Internet of things, 

If you use a Mac then this is a podcast you need to link into, I have been a fan of Ken for soooo long, Its not construction, but so many of us use Mac's for our day to day work its a must listen to event. Its daily so be warned. I tend to drop in as and when

Self Learning

Continuing your CPD by research is by enlarge my main route of serious CPD, it's where I explore ideas not covered by manufacturers, or mainstream text books, it's my futurism side. At this level I tend to think a lot, exploring ideas via exploring a concept, often in my mind, making notes and sketching, so often its done in my daybook, I tend to scan these notes and transfer them to my Google Drive, and group like minded thoughts into folders. Often I use Google keep to clip notes or web pages or even voice thoughts that I think appropriate.

Often Google Scholar is a main source of research, looking for papers that explore similar subjects, the beauty of this means is the citations that lead to other like minded papers. This is a dangerous area, I can so often wonder off subject, following interesting papers, which some times leads to new subject matter. 

Another site I use is Academia, its as the name implies, a site for academics to list areas of research and publish papers, its very well populated and makes it a place to search.

For those of you with dogs, walking is almost a way of life with daily if not more trips, I use it to listen to my podcasts,  making notes on my thoughts in Google Keep, its efficient and easy to do, I get some really good ideas this way.  But walking about allows me to see things you miss driving. Quite rightly your mind should be on the business of driving, but walking allows me to just look, and not just at the ground like so many, but at everything, trees, plants, but most of all, above. In big cities, the ground floor is taken over by shop windows, and signs, but just look up and you will see an untouched world of architecture. This simple method has allowed me to refine my detailing, and realise what works and so often what does not.

Recording Research

Most institutes require a record of CPD, that meets a core set of subjects, so a method is required to record your  CPD efforts. Mine is a simple spreadsheet, its populated with simple code to add up hours, and compare with previous years. It works, one day I will update, but at present, I use it to record my hours, but my research list is folders, littered with notes, skeching and links, I have tried, or I am trying mind maps, but with limited success.  My version is stored in Google Drive and obviously as a google Sheet, 

Academic Papers

Peer review is one of the ways you can check on research, getting a like minded academic to review your research, does it make sense. Academic papers is a great way to not only distribute the knowledge but get the work checked and published, mostly for free. Google Scholar list my papers and allows you to cite my research into your new work.

I tend to send most if not all my papers to  the Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation, not only do I get printed copies of the magazine, but I get a listing via google scholar who must monitor them.  CIAT are also keen on this route to publish.

But and I have to emphasise this, peer review is not for the faint hearted, some comments have been scary, and I wonder what planet they are on, but most have been very encouraging.

Interesting Reading

Mark is an Architect in Ireland who runs his own pracice.,  I have known Mark  for quite a while, mostly because we both use Vectorworks, but his daily electronic paper is so worth reading for updates, news and so much more on Architecture.


Youtube is one of those places when I can put on my headphones and watch excellent CPD, ok it uses up valuable monthly allowance, but so worth

I have a load of tutorial videos on my YouTube Channel, all worth watching, well I would say that, but most are short fix video for Vectorworks,


I collect photos, most I take with my own camera, and so many are construction or Architecture related, I store them in my google photo and methodically add to albums, and tag as many as I can for searching.

A lot I use as survey notes, some get used within my lectures, and some I print just for pleasure. Is it CPD well yes, I consider it as a learning curve on whats good or bad in construction.

Some I post onto Pinterest, a service thats free to upload photos to , its a service I use a lot to show particular details.