
What we build must stay in place for as long as the building exists. It must be built in such a way as to resist all the weather can throw at it, the movement of the planet, and what ever loads we apply via people, equipment and operation. This series of lectures takes a look at structure and how we as technologists apply it to our designs and detailing.

Structures have to put up with a lot, this video shows just how good the suspension bridge is taking a large coach and distributing the load.

Without a grid a buildings structure is difficult to layout, design and understand load paths, this lecture sets out the different types of structural grid and their use.

What type of Grid to use is dependant on so many variables,

A powerpoint slide presentation on the different types of structure and their use

I refer to the weather in so many lectures but in structures it plays a major part, and this lectures sets out some of the design parameters on how wind effects a detail in reference to its effect on a structure

Piling in General

Pilling allows loads from a building to be safley transmitted to good ground bearing layers, this presentation sets out their design and use

Portal Frame Design

Portal frames are an important construction method for large span structures like warehouses and the like, notice how a lot of supermarkets use it to obtain the vast open plan they need. But structurally they work slightly different to the traditional vertical loading.

Tanking and DPM

So many buildings fail because the structure in the ground has largely ignored the water pressure from ground Water