Board Relations

The Law Center Board shall have the following four oversight roles (or “Owls”). The intention here is to provide an extra set of eyes to catch problems and to ensure the Board fills fiduciary duties while maximizing staff agency and power:

1. Financial Owl (Treasurer) 

2. Worker Governance Owl 

3. Mission Owl (Activities and Programs) 

4. Legal Compliance Owl (Secretary) 

Law Center staff shall use the following processes to keep the Board informed of our work:

1. Verbally report to the Board about our activities at quarterly Board meetings.

2. Give all Board members access to the Google Doc where we list accomplishments on a monthly basis.

3. Give most or all Board members access to Asana so that they have a full window into our activities and proposals. Provide monthly updates on Programs and Operations-related items in Asana so that the Board may read updates on major projects.

4. Ensure that Board members are tagged for all programs in NationBuilder so that they receive all email newsletters.

5. Give the Board access to our Budget Doc, where they can write comments and questions. Staff will update the Board on the budget on a quarterly basis and notify the Board of updates.

See the Board Notice and Approval Matrix (below) for guidance on when staff decisions require board notice, feedback, and/org approval.


Note from Simon: This could benefit from an intro "why" paragraph. Maybe link our board training manual.

[Resource] Board Notice and Decision-making Matrix