Student of the Week
Week 27

Faith O.

Downsview, for the week of April 24th, 2023, your Student of the Week is Oyindamola Faith O., known to us as Faith, of the twelfth grade. Faith will graduate and leave us in just a couple of months.

Let’s hear about Faith from a teacher who has known him for a while, Mr Hum: "I have known Faith for his entire high school career. He's been in my phys ed classes, science classes, and was my student manager for the last two seasons for the boys soccer program. Having spent all this time with Faith, I've seen him flourish as a young man with lots of potential. 

Faith is always willing to go above and beyond for his classmates, teammates, and his friends. If you ask any of his buddies what kind of guy he is, they will surely tell you that he is a super-friendly guy that will always look out for those around him. Faith is a loyal guy who will have your back no matter how sticky the situation gets. I've personally seen Faith be that rock in a group setting and keep a level head when times get tough. 

Faith is also a very responsible and reliable person. He never misses practices and is always on top of the task at hand. As Faith graduates this year, I will miss his sense of humour and all the fun times we shared with the classes and teams we were part of. Thank you for being so dependable, helpful, and caring towards those around you. Congratulations Faith! Keep up the great work!"

Hear this, from Ms Auld: “Faith is a leader not solely because of his skills, but because of his character.  Although Faith is a man of few words, he allows his life to do the talking by lifting up a standard and being a good example for his peers. He values integrity and respect, and has chosen to be the change he wants to see in this world. Faith is a force to be reckoned with as he has developed a growth mindset, always looking for ways to improve and meet his fullest potential. 

During my short but meaningful interactions with Faith, I discovered that Faith is career-minded and capitalizes on the opportunities around him to develop in various aspects of his life. Faith, the sky is the limit. Continue to walk by faith and not by sight. I strongly believe that power, wealth and abundance will meet you along life’s Journey. Congratulations on being Student of the Week, you deserve it!”

And finally, from Mr Lewin: “Congratulations Oyindamola (Faith) for winning the Student of the Week award. We are so proud of all that you have accomplished. 

Faith has made an invaluable contribution to the Downsview school community through his humble, reflective and compassionate nature. Oyindamola is a hard-working grade 12 student scholar who sets a positive example for his  peers. He is in his final year of high school. Oyindamola, we wish you nothing but success, joy,  and love as you prepare to start the next chapter of your educational and leadership journey.”

Faith, you’ve shaped for yourself a lower profile through your time at Downsview. In other words, you haven’t been in the spotlight. Your high school story is a valuable reminder that impact is created by students both in the spotlight and not. Subtly, through day-to-day action, you have been a leader here, and you will continue your leadership beyond our doors. Congratulations once again, Faith, on your win as Student of the Week.