Writing and Storytelling


There are many emotions you can feel when you get on a sailing boat and some you can't control. Especially if it's your first time, you may experience both positive and negative emotions. The freedom of sailing in the middle of the sea, the pleasure of feeling the wind on your face... Or maybe the fear of falling, of not being up to par.

The emotions you feel while sailing are fantastic, especially if it is your first time experiencing them.

The first time I found myself in the middle of the lake I felt tiny compared to the vastness of the water.

The moment we started sailing I felt a sense of freedom experiencing an indescribable sensation of carefreeness.

There are a lot of types of boat, there is a boat for the army and another for the people. But there is a father of all boats and this is a sailing boat. When you go on this boat you feel free and you listen to the wind touching on your skin . This boat is difficult to use, but it is also beautiful. It's very important not to think about anything, because the boat will guide you whereever you want to go, because if you think about the risk and about other dangers, you will never appreciate to the fullest the experience of this sailing boat.

In a sailing boat you can feel the sound of the ocean, wind in your hair, and finally the peaceful atmosphere. However, fear is one of the main emotions that you can experience in this scenario. With this said, panicking, the defensive mechanism of our neuroconnections, can be solved in many ways such as: the help of your crew, self regulation and, above all, teamwork.

In addition, sailing presents a lot of opportunities for you to connect with nature and mainly maybe for you to start participating in competitions, developing more agility, endurance and fine motor skills.


On a sailing boat there are several dangers that can occur during the period of sailing.

One of these is the breakage of some parts of the boat which can be caused when the boat capsizes, in fact the mast or sails can be damaged, preventing navigation.

At the moment of overturning you could risk getting hurt by hitting something.

Another danger is that of clothing, in fact if you don't wear a life jacket correctly you can even risk drowning, also for the strong currents in the lake.

Sailing is a beautiful yet dangerous sport. In fact if you are not restrained you risk getting hurt. Before going sailing, you need to take safety courses to prevent any damage. You also need to be well equipped when it comes to clothing. You need to wear suitable shoes otherwise you risk slipping, gloves, a hat to protect yourself from the sun and obviously always keep your life jacket on. In the winter months always wear a wetsuit to protect yourself from the cold and heavier accessories.

When you are on a sailing boat it is very difficult to steer the boat and keep it stable, in fact sometimes you end up in the sea causing the boat to capsize, but when you manage to avoid capsizing you feel very relieved and even more, when you get to shore, with the boat that has resisted the wind and waves.

A bit like in the text of Oh captain! my captain! written by Whitman, because in this poem Whitman says that the crew was happy to be back  to shore after  thousands misadventures at sea, with the people cheering them.

I was able to experience everything I gave just described, even  if in a small way, thanks to the sailing trip.

In addition, weather conditions on a sailing trip can change drastically and pose many challenges such as: fog, storms, wind shifts, lightning and many others,  especially if you are navigating at sea. 

In that way, it is possible to give a literary example of a dreadful tempest that happened in the "Sailor's song" by Robert Stevenson.

In this book, the character describes the fact with intensity and mystery. After that, in the development of the story, the whole crew sailed away, making use of their high knowledge and sense of perspective.

To conclude, sailing enthusiasts must be aware about the equipment used, the weather conditions and the point of balance of the boat, in order to keep security and to enjoy the harmonic art that is sailing.