
House For Rainbows And Unicorns

SIZE: 5 ½” ,8”

In my whatchamadrawit drawing I had to draw a House for Rainbows and unicorns. It was easy to draw the house for unicorns. The part I had trouble drawing was house for rainbows since rainbows don't live in houses. In the end I just covered the house in rainbows and the unicorn was rainbow colored. When I was younger I would always draw rainbow houses because I wanted one when I was older. So drawing a rainbow house was not hard because I remember how I drew them when I was younger.

On the piece of paper I was given I used a pencil to draw my design. I then used felt pens to color the rainbows and unicorns. I then used colored pencils to color the background of the house. For the roof I used a blcak pen to draw the design. I also used the black pen to outline the house.

I started with the outline of the house so that I could have something to start with. Then i knew i needed some rainbows so I used it as the outline of the door. Then I made a window so that I could show a unicorn. Then I thought the house needed more rainbows so I made it the background. At first I had no idea how to draw the house but then I just thought to make it a house with unicorns in it and then decorate it with rainbows.