Collograph prints

I used black acrylic paint and sharpies

I used tin foil and a black sharpie

I used paper and a black crayon

This is my print with cardboard and leaves

For this project I made a collagraph plate. Using that Plate I made three prints, one with crayons, one with paint, and one with tin foil. For materials I used cardboard, leaves, paint, brushes, tin foil, paper, crayons, and sharpies. I was able to use the materials I had at my house to make the prints.

To make the plate I took a cardboard box and cut it into squares. I used the big square as like a base and laid more cardboard on top to make a hill type thing. I then added leaves I found in my yard to represent trees. I glued it down with elmers glue and then added a layer of glue on top to make sure everything was secure. I then let that dry for a day. The next day I made the prints. I started by laying a piece of white paper on top of the plate. I then took a black crayon and colored on top of the plate to get the design on the paper. That is my first print. For my next print I took a piece of tin foil and wrapped it around the plate. I then used a spoon and my finger to smooth out the tin foil and get the design down. I then took a sharpie and colored in the background. I then took the tin foil off and that was my second plate. For my last plate I cover the plate in black acrylic paint. I then made my paper wet and made a print. There was too much paint and you couldn't really see the design. So I made another one that looked better. I then let that dry and drew different colored flowers on it.

Next time I would put less paint on the template the first time because it came out all smudgy and it didn't look good. I would also have done a different design next time because you couldn't really see any of the leaves detail in the prints so It didn't look that good. Besides the three prints I made I made one with the crayon one. I tried to add on to the crayon one with watercolor but the crayon ended up just smudging so it didn't work.