Duality Project

For this project, I made something hot and cold. I decided to go with a cactus and a snowman because they were opposites and they were aesthetic.

TO create this project I started off with the base. I did this by making a slab for the bottom and rolling a coil and flattening it out for the rim. Then I moved on to the cactus. I started off with the center by making a large coil and cutting one end off. I then shaped it so it would look more like a cactus. Then while it dried I made the "arms" using thin coils and shaped them. Then once the middle was dry enough I cut it into halves and hollowed out each side. I then slipped and scored them back together and added the arms and spikey texture. I then made the snowman. I started with three balls roughly the shape I wanted them to be. I then let them dry and cut them in half and hollowed them out. I then slipped and scored them back together and put one on top of another. I then made the hat with a slap for the bottom and a solid cylinder for the top part. I then slipped and scored it onto the head. I then made the flower with a slab and slipped and scored it onto the hat. I then carved out the buttons, nose, mouth, and eyes out with a carving tool. I then slipped and scored both the cactus and the snowman onto the base. Once it was fired I glazed them. I used Jade for the cactus. For the snowman's body, I used white. I used black for all the buttons and the hat. I used orange for the nose. And I used pink for the base and the flower.

If I would do one thing different it would be how I made the snowman's body. Taking time to cut Nd hollow out every circle was time-consuming and didn't work that well. I should have done pinch pots because that would have been a lot easier.