Foundations of Art

I have always loved painting and crafting in elementary and middle school. For these reasons I joined Foundations of Art. I joined the class thinking it would be supper fun and entertaining and that is exactly what it was. I started the class terrible at drawing and not knowing much about art but leaving the class I know so many new things like scratchboard and gelli prints.

Out of all the artwork I made this year My favorite was the color design piece of art. I liked the final piece of art as well as making it. I loved mixing all of the paints together to make new paints. it was fun to learn how to make new colors and as well as mixing them. I also like how it turned out. I loved how I outlined the colors with silver and I just loved how the colors turned out. When I had done other pieces of artwork using acrylic paint I didn't like how it turned out because I didn't really know how to use the paint. After the color design project I felt like I really knew how to use and mix the paint. I now feel like if I had to do another project with Acrylic paint that it would turn out great.

Out of all the quarters the first one was my least favorite. The reason I didn't like it as much is because of the art work we had to do. Drawing is not one of my best techniques. In the first quarter we did a lot of drawing with the self portrait and the time capsule assignment. I don't like drawing because I feel like it takes a lot of patience and time and I don't have a lot of either. Other than the drawing portion of quarter one I think it was a good quarter

From the beginning of the year to now I have definitely grew as an Artist. At the beginning of the year I was terrible at drawing and painting. Over the course of the year I have learned many new skills that I didn't know before coming into the class. Everything that I have learned in this class has helped me become a better artist. Overall I like all of my pieces of art. I can definitely tell the difference between my artwork at the beginning of the year and now.