Art history inspired

For my project I chose the Artist Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh. To incorporate Leonardo Da Vinci I took his study of animas and drew a bunny. He also did a lot on sketches so I sit a sketch in my painting. To incorporate Vincent Van Gogh I took his starry night and used slightly different colors and some more bright colors. He also did a lot of painting so I did half of my painting with acrylic paint.

To make the photo I first made a border. I then used a photo of a bunny to draw a bunny on a hill. Then I drew the rest of the hills and where I wanted things in the starry night. I then marked which half of the paper I wanted to be a sketch and which I wanted to be painted. I then colored the hills light green and outlined them in dark green. I then made a grass look with dark green my tapping the side of my brush onto the hills, I then started on the starry night by making the swirls in light blues and everything else was dark blue. I then let that dry and with a smaller paint brush I took a white and a light blue and made lines in the swirl to make it look like the starry night. I then took darker blues and made likes in the sky. I then took a teal color and made the circles to represent stars. I then made yellow and pink lines in them.

Next time I would spend more time on the grad to make it flow and look more like grass. I would also spend more time on the starry night and try to make more layers of likes in different colors. I would also like to have used more than 2 colors for the lines in the stars. I would also like to have done a better job in the sketch portion of the starry night just because it looks out of place and not like the starry night at all.