Beautiful oops


SIZE: Width: 7”,10”

In this piece of artwork I drew a snail eating a leaf. In my backyard we have bushes with a ton of snails on them so that is what gave me the idea to draw the snail. I love the color of some of the snails shells, I can sometimes find them on the ground and I like to collect them.

I started this painting with ink spots on the page. Then I drew the leafs and the snail. Then I outlined the snail and the leafs. I then used watercolor paints to paint the leafs, snail, and the tree. Then I did one last outline of the project.

I started with the snail on the leaf and then realized that there was a bunch of more white space so I had to make two more leafs and the tree in the background. Next time I would like to put more design into the tree and the snail