Coil pots

For this project I made a bowl using the coil and carve technique. It ended up being more of a pot but I still liked the final product.

To create this bowl I started with a chunk of clay. I then took a small piece and made it into a slab. I then cut a circle out of the slap about the size and shape I wanted the finished product to be. I then took the rest of the clay and started to roll it into coils about the thickness of my finger. I then started to wrap it around the edge of the base making sure to scratch and score it as I went around to make sure it stuck. Once I got about half way up I smoothed out the inside and the outside of the pot. To get the inside smooth I used a flat wooden tool. I then smoothed out the outside with a thin metal piece. I then added a few more layers of coil on top and used the same techniques to smooth it out. I then let it dry out a bit so that it wasn't too smooth. I then took a wooden tool with a metal ring on the end. I used that to sowly scratch out the design. It ended up taking me about two classes to do it. Once it was finished I glazed it.

I am very proud of the finished product for this project. The top isn't even and the marks are not exact but I still like it. I also like how I used a Celadon glaze so that it emphasized the design better.