Time Capsules

Still Life

9" by 12"

Graphite pencils on drawing paper


9" by 12"

Graphite pencils on drawing paper

Self Portrait

9" by 12"

Graphite pencils on drawing paper

The main idea that guided my choice of drawing a computer for my Still Life prompt was that when I was staring at my page and didn't know what to draw I saw my computer and started to draw it. For my Room drawing, I was gonna pick a room in a class but I chose my living room because I know what it looks like and doesn't need to be looking at it to know what to draw. 

What I used to draw my drawings are graphite pencils and drawing paper. I also used pencils at one point because my graphite pencils were not with me. When drawing my self-portrait I used a mirror to try to draw myself more accurately.

The process I went through with my drawings is that for the still life and room drawings I started with the overall shape of the room then I started shading where shadows might/were appearing.