Assemblage Sculpture

Idea Sketches


Newsprint & Tape

Final Sculpture

What guided my artwork was the task to build a sculpture about the size of your head. We had to create something based on a real object or living thing. I wanted to do a lobster buoy because I have been seeing them a lot all over my house, as my brother's lobsters for a job. This is also how I chose was pattern and colors I wanted to use for the buoy.

In the beginning, I crumpled up a bunch of paper in order to form the body of the lobster buoy.  After, I added the top of the buoy by rolling the paper together. I then cut out pieces of paper of a specific color (orange/red and black) and began gluing them onto the armature of my sculpture.

What changed from the beginning of my project compared to the end was that I was going to do the armature or sculpture of a butterfly. However, I decided that I think doing a lobster buoy would be more successful and it would relate more to me as a person.